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RRT V S&T COMMITTEE NOTES  Conference call conducted on April 3, 2008. EPA/CG, Canada, 5 States, and industry reps participated. Primary goal was to review.

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Presentation on theme: "RRT V S&T COMMITTEE NOTES  Conference call conducted on April 3, 2008. EPA/CG, Canada, 5 States, and industry reps participated. Primary goal was to review."— Presentation transcript:

1 RRT V S&T COMMITTEE NOTES  Conference call conducted on April 3, 2008. EPA/CG, Canada, 5 States, and industry reps participated. Primary goal was to review existing technologies, what has worked or not worked in the past, and future direction. TOPICS OF DISCUSSION  EPA Region V RCP- grid containing products and countermeasures for different spill situations is old (from the 1990’s) and needs to be updated.

2 RRT V S&T COMMITTEE NOTES  Pre-Approved Solidifiers- NoChar approved for use within pillows and socks NoChar approved for use within pillows and socks Elastol- applicant has cancelled application for submission to the product schedule Elastol- applicant has cancelled application for submission to the product schedule Rubberizer used in Toledo (Sunoco) Rubberizer used in Toledo (Sunoco) Powerpoint presentation to RRT in the futurePowerpoint presentation to RRT in the future Disposal is a concern. Disposal is a concern.

3 RRT V S&T COMMITTEE NOTES  Shoreline Cleaners- Protocols are in place Protocols are in place Toledo Shoreline Cleaner Corexit 9580 Toledo Shoreline Cleaner Corexit 9580 Looking to publish paper and prepare presentation to RRTLooking to publish paper and prepare presentation to RRT Recommendation to get pre-approval of product, however, there is a concern product remains in water columnRecommendation to get pre-approval of product, however, there is a concern product remains in water column

4 RRT V S&T COMMITTEE NOTES  In-Situ Burn Policy- RRT concurrence is not necessary but state would need an emergency or expedited air permit, usually a verbal approval. All states with the exception of Michigan, have a system in place. RRT concurrence is not necessary but state would need an emergency or expedited air permit, usually a verbal approval. All states with the exception of Michigan, have a system in place. Utilize state expertise on controlled burns Utilize state expertise on controlled burns Use of U.S. Forest Service expertise; plume models & analysis; Burn Boss Use of U.S. Forest Service expertise; plume models & analysis; Burn Boss

5 RRT V S&T COMMITTEE NOTES  Dispersants- Suspend discussions on the use of dispersants in open freshwater environments Suspend discussions on the use of dispersants in open freshwater environments Potential use of BioSolve and like products in sewers on a case by case basis Potential use of BioSolve and like products in sewers on a case by case basis  EPA draft Bio-Diesel and Ethanol Spill Plan- Will be posted on EPA web site Will be posted on EPA web site

6 RRT V S&T COMMITTEE NOTES  Ideas for Next Conference Call- Oil and ice response issues Oil and ice response issues Herding agents used then burned (Alaska) Herding agents used then burned (Alaska) Gasoline response and booming Gasoline response and booming

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