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XML Profile of the FEA DRM Michael C. Daconta Metadata Program Manager November 4, 2004.

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Presentation on theme: "XML Profile of the FEA DRM Michael C. Daconta Metadata Program Manager November 4, 2004."— Presentation transcript:

1 XML Profile of the FEA DRM Michael C. Daconta Metadata Program Manager November 4, 2004

2 Michael C. Daconta November 4, 2004 2  FEA DRM Structure  Executive Order 13356  XML Description  XML Sharing  XML Context  XML Associations  Conclusion Agenda

3 Michael C. Daconta November 4, 2004 3 FEA DRM Structure

4 Michael C. Daconta November 4, 2004 4 EO 13356, 27 August 2004 Strengthening the Sharing of Terrorism Information to Protect Americans  Section 1. Policy: “Agencies shall … give the highest priority to … interchange of terrorism information among between agencies and appropriate authorities of States and local governments [while protecting] the freedom … of Americans….”  Section 3. Preparing Terrorism Information for Maximum Distribution within Intelligence Community. IC Agencies shall set forth “standards for sharing of terrorism information by agencies within the Intelligence Community with [through DHS] appropriate authorities of State and local governments.”  Section 4. Requirements for Collection of Terrorism Information Inside the United States. Attorney General, Secretary for Homeland Security, and the DCI shall jointly submit their “recommendation on the establishment of executive branch-wide collection and sharing requirements, procedures, and guidelines for terrorism information to be collected within the United States, including, but not limited to, from publicly available sources, including nongovernmental databases.  Section 5. Establishment of the Information Systems Council. “The mission of the Council is to plan for and oversee the establishment of an interoperable terrorism information sharing environment to facilitate automated sharing of terrorism information among appropriate agencies….”

5 Michael C. Daconta November 4, 2004 5 Revised DRM Structure Subject Context Security ContextService Context Information Access Data Element Description Resource Description Subject Area Association Query Class Association Resource Class Association Data Property Data Class Unique Identifiers Association Security Class Association Subject Class Association Input/Output Service Class Who What When Where Why Context Information Exchange Exchange Payload Association Exchange Class Sharing Description Structured Semi-Structured Unstructured

6 Michael C. Daconta November 4, 2004 6 XML Profile of the DRM Subject Context Security ContextService Context Information Access Data Element Description Resource Description Who What When Where Why Context Information Exchange Sharing Description Structured Semi-Structured Unstructured XML Topic Map & OWL Lite Web Service Entry (UDDI) IC Information Security Marking “Message” XML Schemas Federated Query & RSS DOD Discovery Medata Spec XML Schema Types XLINK

7 Michael C. Daconta November 4, 2004 7 XML Profile Best Practices  Taxonomies  Formal versus Informal Taxonomies (article forthcoming)  Schema Core Types  Naming  Namespace  Modularity  Extension  Web Services  Doc/Literal versus RPC

8 Michael C. Daconta November 4, 2004 8 Applying the DRM Description Sharing Context Org 1 Org 2 Data Elems Data Elems Exchange packages Registry COI Context Core Context

9 Michael C. Daconta November 4, 2004 9 Conclusion  An XML Profile of the FEA DRM will greatly enhance information sharing across the federal government.  Several Executive Orders and Homeland Security Presidential Directives require action in these areas.  Questions?


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