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WELCOME to SMS And your first day of Sixth grade..

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Presentation on theme: "WELCOME to SMS And your first day of Sixth grade.."— Presentation transcript:

1 WELCOME to SMS And your first day of Sixth grade.

2 Meet Mrs. Bollegraf I’ve been teaching since 1996. I have a Bachelor’s Degree in Education from the University of Manitoba. This is my 16 th year of teaching. This is my 15th year of teaching 6 th Grade. 2

3 Meet Mrs. Bollegraf I love to read, swim, watch movies and play Wii with my family. I also love chocolate, Starbuck’s coffee and salty French Fries Some of my favourite book series are: Percy Jackson and the Olympians, The Mortal Instruments and Harry Potter. 3

4 My Summer... This summer my family went to Disney World and Universal Studios. I took a university course for two weeks in July. I also spent a lot of time reading (I bet I read more than 50 books this summer), biking and going to the beach. 4

5 Meet Mrs. Bollegraf’s family My husband, Steve, enjoys golfing, biking and movies. My son, Avery, is starting 5th grade. He plays baseball and swims and is involved in Cubs. My daughter, Lily, is starting 2nd grade. She plays soccer and swims and takes dance twice a week. 5

6 Meet Mrs.Bollegraf’s Family I have a younger brother and sister. My brother works for Customs Canada and my sister is also a teacher, at a high school in the city. I also have a dog, Trixie, who is a Miniature Pinscher. 6

7 Schedule I will be teaching you: English Language Arts Math French Social Studies 7

8 Teachers and Subjects Ms. Scaletta is your science teacher and Mrs. Rempel is your health teacher. Mrs. Skelly will teach you gym and Ms. Hirsch teaches band. 8

9 Teachers and Subjects Exposures is a class that happens every day 1 afternoon. You will rotate through 5 different classes over the year. The classes and teachers are: Electronics – Mr. Cordiero. Foods – Mrs. Radchuk Clothing – Mrs. Sellen Outdoor Education – Mrs. McColm Drama – Mrs. Pinkowski 9

10 Lunch Lunch is from 11:40-12:40. All grade sixes eat in their homerooms. You need to eat at your desk. All grade sixes must remain in their rooms until 11:55 AND the lunch supervisors dismiss the room. You may stay in the room to eat until 12:10; at that time you must move to a lunch time activity. 10

11 Lunch We have a microwave in the room; it is your (collective your) responsibility to use it appropriately and keep it clean. Before you leave you must put all your garbage / recycling away, make sure your desk is clean from food crumbs or spills and put your lunch kit away in your locker. Some lunch time activities are: going outside, to the MPR, to the library, computer lab or intramurals. 11

12 Breaks There are two 10 minute breaks; one in the morning and one in the afternoon, from 10:15-10:25 and 2:05-2:15. Breaks are the time for getting all your supplies for your next two classes, using the bathroom, having a quick snack, and yes, visiting with your friends. ( But before you start the visiting, make sure you have all the other things done ) There will be a warning bell two minutes before the end of break. The warning bell means time to get to your next class. You are not allowed to go outside during the breaks. 12

13 Lockers Everyone will have their own locker. Please keep your locker neat and organized. Respect your neighbours! You may hang pictures INSIDE, using magnets, but not on the outside. Please do not put stickers on the inside of your locker! You should put a copy of your timetable on the inside of your locker. 13

14 Lockers What to keep in your locker: backpack, outdoor clothes, lunch, gym bag, binders and text books. (basically everything not in your desk ) There is no “locker traffic” during classtime, so make sure you have everything you need during breaks and lunch. 14

15 Desks What to keep in desk: Things you need all the time… - agenda, novel, pencil case, ruler, glue stick, math review duo-tang, homework folder. Other people will be sitting at your desk. PLEASE KEEP YOUR DESK NEAT AND ORGANIZED. Don’t leave valuable items in your desk at all. 15

16 Agenda You need to have your agenda in school everyday and you must bring it with you to all your classes. You will have time throughout the day to write in your agenda, as well at time at the end of the day. You need to have your parents sign your agenda every Friday (I will be checking for signatures every Monday morning). Your parents will also have to sign your agendas for quiz and test outlines and scores, etc. 16

17 Starting the Day When you come inside in the morning, you can: go to the foyer go to the MPR go to the hallway in front of the office and the hallway in the grade six wing up until the silver bar in front of our room. 17

18 Starting the Day The bell rings at 8:45 and the classroom opens – You have 10 minutes to check your timetable and get all of your supplies for your first two classes and get to TAG by 8:55. 8:55 - 9:02 TAG – You will be counted late if you are not in your TAG room when that bell rings at 8:55. BE ON TIME and be prepared to have a GOOD day! You must bring all of your supplies for the first two periods with you to TAG. 18

19 End of the Day Chairs: Please stack your chair in stacks of 4 or 5 at the front of the room at the end of the day. If any of your seatmates are absent, please put their chairs away. It makes it difficult for Mrs. Miller, our cleaner, to clean the floors without all the chair put away. Desks: Please leave your desk clear at the end of the day. Mrs. Miller cleans them 2-3 times a week, and she can’t if you have stuff on your desk. Floors: Everything must be off the floor at night so Mrs. Miller can clean. If you leave belongings on the floor, they can disappear. Back Cubbies: Please do not use the back cubbies as a storage area. 19

20 Expectations for Students I expect you to be on time, prepared to learn everyday. I expect you to have all of your necessary supplies and homework completed everyday. I expect you to keep your work area neat and organized. I expect your to write in your agenda everyday. I expect you to ask questions when you don’t understand something. I expect you to ask for extra help if you need it. I expect you to behave in a way that allows your other classmates to learn in a safe, fun environment. I expect you to treat me as a person, and not just as a teacher. 20

21 Expectations for Me I will be on time and prepared to teach everyday. I will prepare fun, engaging learning experiences. I will correct and hand back work in a timely manner. I will behave in a way that will allow everyone to learn in a safe and fun environment. I will do my best to make sure that everyone else also behaves in a manner that will allow everyone to learn in a safe and fun environment. I will give you multiple opportunities to learn something. I will listen to and answer questions. I will encourage (which somedays may seem like pushing) for you to do your best. I will treat you like a person, not just a student. 21

22 What We’re Going to be Doing In math, divisibility rules, prime and composite numbers, factors and greatest common factors. In ELA, writer’s workshop, reader’s workshop, spelling and a unit on “Unsolved Mysteries”. Do you believe in Bigfoot? In French we are going to be doing a lot of speaking, some surveys and dialogues and learning how to ask and answer questions about ourselves. 22

23 Make a commitment to make this school year the best one yet! 23

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