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How to create a Mailmerge using the Programs word and access By Mrs Douglas 22 October 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "How to create a Mailmerge using the Programs word and access By Mrs Douglas 22 October 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 How to create a Mailmerge using the Programs word and access By Mrs Douglas 22 October 2010

2 Load Word Click on: Tools/Letters and Mailings/Mail Merge

3 Right click on the blue bar and then choose mailmerge

4 Step 1 Ensure Letters is selected Click Next: Starting Document

5 Step 2 Ensure Use the current document is selected Click Next: Select recipients

6 Step 3 Select Type a new list Click Create

7 Click Customise button Use these buttons to create these 7 fields Step 4

8 Type in the 5 company stockholders records – click New Entry in between Click Close after the 5th Save the list in your BTEC Unit 1 folder Call it Address List Step 5

9 Step 6 Click ok Click Next: Write your letter

10 Step 7 Insert the Toytastic logo and address as shown Type in the reference – insert your own initials Type in today’s date and press enter twice.

11 Click the INSERT MERGE FIELDS button. This dialogue box will appear. Choose a field name, click INSERT and then CLOSE. Insert spaces between the fields and press ENTER at the end of each line. Repeat this until your letter has all the fields needed – it should look like this example. Step 8

12 Step 9 Using your own words, complete the rest of the letter.

13 Step 10 Click the MERGE TO NEW DOCUMENT button. Click OK

14 The letter will have merged with the 5 names and addresses to produce 5 letters.





19 Go to the program access and open up the address list file and screen shot this into your btec unit1 portfolio

20 Screen shot all of the following and add to you unit 1 portfolio 1.A copy of the letter showing the merge fields 2.A copy of all five letters to the company shareholders 3.Company shareholders contact list (address list file in program access)

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