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RESILIENCY IN TIMES OF DISASTER William M. Lokey Program Director Witt Associates Strengthening Community Resilience.

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Presentation on theme: "RESILIENCY IN TIMES OF DISASTER William M. Lokey Program Director Witt Associates Strengthening Community Resilience."— Presentation transcript:

1 RESILIENCY IN TIMES OF DISASTER William M. Lokey Program Director Witt Associates Strengthening Community Resilience

2 Bad Stuff Happens!

3 Historical Perspective of Resiliency



6 Inherent strength

7 Sustainability

8 Assess and respond

9 Repair or restore in a timely manner

10 Infrastructure

11 Organizations and Institutions

12 People

13 Economy

14  Understand the risks  Understand the complexity  Understand the interdependencies  Look for mitigation opportunities  Engage in planning  Exercise and train  Create partnerships  Keep the public informed So………

15 Barriers to Progress It won’t happen here. If it happens here, it won’t affect me. If it does effect me, it won’t be that bad. If it is that bad, I can’t do anything about it anyway, so……

16 Posted by the Washington Sun-Sentinel on May 29, 2009 President Obama said today that ``a huge percentage of people’’ in hurricane- prone areas are unprepared for major storms. They don't have a plan…..” Obama was apparently referring to a Mason-Dixon poll of coastal residents released on Thursday, which found that 55 percent did not have a family disaster plan and 83 percent have not taken steps to protect their homes.

17 “History is always a race between education and catastrophe.” H.G. Wells or….

18 Some training for a lot of people is better than a lot of training for some people.

19 Disaster resiliency requires improvisational problem solving…..

20 Most disaster problems are management problems not skills problems; yet, most disaster training is skills training!

21 There are decisions that belong in the boardroom There are decisions that belong on the production floor

22 It is a journey, not a destination

23 Remember the glacier… Any force no matter how small, can move any object no matter how large, if it is applied consistently and for a long enough time

24 It takes a Community to be resilient

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