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University of Aberdeen Student Activity and Lifestyle at Aberdeen Study SALSA is Europe's largest on-line study investigating activity, lifestyle and health.

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Presentation on theme: "University of Aberdeen Student Activity and Lifestyle at Aberdeen Study SALSA is Europe's largest on-line study investigating activity, lifestyle and health."— Presentation transcript:

1 University of Aberdeen Student Activity and Lifestyle at Aberdeen Study SALSA is Europe's largest on-line study investigating activity, lifestyle and health of all students of the University of Aberdeen. With SALSA we will learn more about student lifestyle and health. This will help the University to help students to manage their health and fitness better Please log on and participate at your earliest convenience: SALSA is run in conjunction with… SALSA is run with the co-operation of Sports and Recreation Services

2 Definition Health Psychology The study of psychological process in health, illness and health care


4 Alemeda Health Practices 7 or 8 hours sleep eating breakfast never smoker no snacking near correct weight moderate or no use of alcohol regular physical activity




8 Health Psychology Course Text Ogden J (2004) Health Psychology: a textbook. Open University Press.

9 Health Psychology Course Level 1 2005 Mondays DateLecturerTopic 03.10.2005Derek JohnstonIntroduction: Psychology and Health 10.10.2005Derek JohnstonStress: Definitions and Determinants 17.10.2005Falko SniehottaDie Hard: Why and how the majority of Britons will kill themselves 24.10.2005Falko SniehottaHow do people become and stay physical active? 31.10.2005Derek JohnstonStress and Heart Disease 07.11.2005Falko SniehottaWhen sex becomes a health risk: Sexual Risk behaviours 14.11.2005Sara JoiceLiving with chronic disease 21.11.2005Sara JoiceHow do patients understand their illness? Common Sense models of illness and their effects on Health 28.11.2005Gerry MolloySocial relationships are good for your health 05.12.2005Gerry MolloySocial relationships are bad for your health 12.12.2005Derek Johnston & Falko Sniehotta Adopting precautions measures in dental health Questions and revision [1][1] Supervised by Marie Johnst

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