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APA Style / Format: A Primer or Booster Psychology Dept. Occidental College.

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Presentation on theme: "APA Style / Format: A Primer or Booster Psychology Dept. Occidental College."— Presentation transcript:

1 APA Style / Format: A Primer or Booster Psychology Dept. Occidental College

2 I. What is it? A set of rules & guidelines for presenting information in academic and professional settings –Developed by the American Psychological Association (APA) “Publication Manual” includes a complete account –Continually revised: 6 th edition6 th edition

3 II. Purpose To make the presentation of information* complete, clear, & efficient –Components to be included –Organization of components –General writing style tips * Stricter rules for empirical (data-based) works

4 Guidelines for papers Student papers –Why learn an artificial format of no general importance? Formal manuscripts intended for publication / dissemination among professionals –Learn a subset of guidelines for this type of paper

5 III. Common Components General formatting –1-inch margins, all around –Double-spaced –12-pt. font (or equivalent) –“Times New Roman” (or equally clear font)

6 III. Common Components Writing style –Succinctness “in order to”  “to” “four different categories”  “four categories” –3 rd person –Active voice –Unbiased language –Quotations used sparingly No plagiarism

7 Plagiarism Paraphrase points from sources unless completely obvious and simple “2 nd citing” (of another source cited within a reference source you have on hand) is not ideal, but permissible –You should know exactly what the original source says regarding your specific point; look up the original source whenever possible!

8 III. Common Components: Title Page Running head Page numbers Title Author Affiliation Make it look like it should! –See sample paper (APA)sample paper –See sample paper (OWL)sample paper


10 III. Common Components: Body Format the title properly Use references properly: … within the text In a 4-year study, Vrij and Secundo (1971) discovered… … within parentheses –Order multiple references … demonstrated a statistically significant effect (Borth, 1992; Lee & Park, 2004; Miettinen et al., 1934).

11 III. Common Components: Body “et al.” for multiple authors –3-5 authors: use et al. when citing a source after the first mention –6 or more: use immediately Miettinen et al. (1934) OR (Miettinen et al., 1934)

12 III. Common Components: Body Quotations: use page #s 2 ways to do this… before the quote or after it Place the page number close to the quote –El-bahim (2007, p. 196) claimed “all three factors…” –El-bahim (2007) surveyed college students and concluded that the groups “must be equalized” (p. 41)

13 III. Common Components: “References” Page Order alphabetically Hanging indent For 8 or more authors, list the first 6, use an ellipsis (…) and include last author: –Castillo, A. R. N., Thompson, C., Engler-Smith, F., Ricci, Q. H., … Ward, A. (2001).

14 “References” Page (cont.) Each type of source requires a uniquely formatted reference –Refer to publication manual At Oxy, you are expected to know just a few common ones –(see following slides)

15 IV. Empirical Work Components Abstract Section Headings –(Introduction) –Methods –Results –Discussion Statistics (PSYC 201) Figures & Tables Appendices (if needed) –Ex) survey items; “extra” data

16 V. Expectations for Oxy Students Reference types – Journal article: Men, X. A. (1964). Reply to critics: Bayesian may be best. Social Psychological Bulletin, 36, 45-49. doi: 15.453/4813743.24.7 – Book: Patel, P. (1997). Cultural barriers. New York: Wiley.

17 V. Expectations for Oxy Students Reference Types – Book chapter (edited): Lightfoot, T. G., & Widmer, E. (1987). Tall tales. In G. Suri & L. O’Kachai (Eds.), Folklore in South America (pp. 31-65). Omaha, NB: University Press. – Internet Source: Nguyen, T. (2003, May 19). The p value. The New York Times. Retrieved from

18 V. Expectations for Oxy Students Note for journal articles: –Always include volume number –ONLY include issue number for journals that start page numbers from 1 for each issue of a volume Ex) …Journal of Personality Issues, 7(2), 14-29 [Here issues 1 and 2 both start at page 1; articles cannot be identified solely by volume & page numbers]

19 VI. Supplemental Resources Oxy Psychology Website APA’s website –Sample paper (APA)Sample paper –Sample paper (OWL)Sample paper Purdue’s “The OWL” Daryl Bem’s writing guidewriting guide

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