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The Five-Paragraph Essay Ms. Shaffer Literacy. The Five Paragraph Structure First: Thesis statement and introduction Second: First point to support thesis.

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Presentation on theme: "The Five-Paragraph Essay Ms. Shaffer Literacy. The Five Paragraph Structure First: Thesis statement and introduction Second: First point to support thesis."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Five-Paragraph Essay Ms. Shaffer Literacy

2 The Five Paragraph Structure First: Thesis statement and introduction Second: First point to support thesis and supporting information Third: Second point to support thesis and supporting information Fourth: Third point to support thesis and supporting information Fifth: Summary and concluding (WOW) statement

3 The Five-Paragraph Essay Subjective Focuses on a personal experience and offers support Is author-driven; author appears as “I” Must show personal voice

4 The Thesis Statement Every 5-paragraph essay has a thesis statement which is to be supported with vivid details The thesis statement is found in the first paragraph and restated in a new way in the concluding paragraph

5 Thesis Statement The thesis statement must be written clearly; do not make the reader guess about the point of the essay. The statement contains three pieces of support for your paper My family and I had a wonderful trip to Destin, Florida, which included deep sea fishing, exciting walks on the beach, and a trip to the famous Aquatic Museum.

6 Supporting Paragraphs The second, third and fourth paragraphs are usually arranged in order of ascending strength. (The strongest point comes near the end of the essay.) Each paragraph has a topic sentence and support information, plus transitions, and lead- in sentences Each paragraph is written in complete sentences and a variety of forms

7 Concluding a Five-Paragraph Essay The final paragraph may contain a brief summary of the supporting information. Be sure to restate the thesis in a new way and end with BANG that leaves the reader satisfied.

8 Presenting Your Essay Add a title page AFTER the essay is written (let the title emerge from the content, not the other way around) Type it in a word document and do spelling and grammar checks Double-check that every requirement has been met 12 font, double-spaced, Arial or Times New Roman Read it out loud to someone else and make sure the essay flows Make changes if needed Create a title page for the final draft that reflects the essay. Be creative!

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