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Acid Nomenclature. Polyatomic Ions (partial list from page 195 (193 2 nd edition)) Ammonium……………... Ammonium……………... Nitrate…………………… Nitrate…………………… Permanganate…………..

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Presentation on theme: "Acid Nomenclature. Polyatomic Ions (partial list from page 195 (193 2 nd edition)) Ammonium……………... Ammonium……………... Nitrate…………………… Nitrate…………………… Permanganate………….."— Presentation transcript:

1 Acid Nomenclature

2 Polyatomic Ions (partial list from page 195 (193 2 nd edition)) Ammonium……………... Ammonium……………... Nitrate…………………… Nitrate…………………… Permanganate………….. Permanganate………….. Chlorate………………… Chlorate………………… Hydroxide………………. Hydroxide………………. Cyanide…………………. Cyanide…………………. Sulfate…………………... Sulfate…………………... Carbonate………………. Carbonate………………. Chromate……………….. Chromate……………….. Acetate………………….. Acetate………………….. Phosphate………………. Phosphate………………. NH 4 + NH 4 + NO 3 - NO 3 - MnO 4 - MnO 4 - ClO 3 - ClO 3 - OH - OH - CN - CN - SO 4 2 - SO 4 2 - CO 3 2- CO 3 2- CrO 4 2- CrO 4 2- C 2 H 3 O 2 - C 2 H 3 O 2 - PO 4 3- PO 4 3-

3 Acids (with H in front) Binary acids (without oxygen in formula) Hydro _________ ic Acid HCl Hydrochloric acid HBr Hydrobromic acid Oxy acids (with oxygen in formula) -ate goes to –ic and –ite goes to -ous HNO 3 Nitric acid HNO 2 Nitrous acid H 2 SO 4 Sulfuric acid H 2 SO 3 Sulfurous acid H 3 PO 4 Phosphoric acid H 3 PO 3 Phosphorous acid

4 Lets Practice! HF Na 2 CO 3 H 2 CO 3 KMnO 4 HClO 4 H2SH2S NaOH CuSO 4 PbCrO 4 H2OH2O NH 3 Hydrooxic acid (no……just water) Nitrogen trihydride (no..just ammonia) Copper ( II ) sulfate or Cupric sulfate Lead ( II ) chromate or Plubous chromate Sodium hydroxide Hyrdogen sulfuric acid Perchloric acid Potassium permanganate Sodium carbonate Hydroflouric acid Carbonic acid

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