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1 Space Communications Cross Support Architecture WG: Charter and Work Plan October, 2009 ESTEC, The Netherlands Takahiro Yamada, JAXA/ISAS.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Space Communications Cross Support Architecture WG: Charter and Work Plan October, 2009 ESTEC, The Netherlands Takahiro Yamada, JAXA/ISAS."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Space Communications Cross Support Architecture WG: Charter and Work Plan October, 2009 ESTEC, The Netherlands Takahiro Yamada, JAXA/ISAS

2 2 Introduction  This presentation shows:  the charter of the Space Communications Cross Support Architecture WG,  the current status of each item defined in the charter, and  goals of this meeting.

3 3 Goals Defined in the Charter (1/2)  Development of a Space Communications Cross Support Architecture recommended practice that:  Identifies the cross support forward and return services,  Identifies the management functions, and  Offers various views to fully describe the architecture.  Development of a recommended standard for service catalogs that:  Defines template(s) of catalog contents, including a formal schema,  Offers two or more examples of an instantiated service catalog, and  Identifies mechanism(s) for catalog maintenance.

4 4 Goals Defined in the Charter (2/2)  Development of a recommended standard for service agreements that:  Defines template(s) of service agreement contents, including a formal schema,  Offers two or more examples of an instantiated service agreement, and  Identifies mechanism(s) for service agreement maintenance.

5 5 Deliverables Defined in the Charter NameCategorySchedule Space Communication Cross Support Architecture Recommended Best Practice (Magenta Book) R1 - October 2009 M1 - May 2010 Cross Support Service Catalog Recommended Standard (Blue Book) R1 - May 2010 B1 - October 2010 Cross Support Service Agreement Recommended Standard (Blue Book) R1 - May 2010 B1 - October 2010 Technical note identifying modifications needed for the Cross Support Reference Model? InformalOctober 2009

6 6 Status of Each Item Defined in the Charter  Development of a Space Communication Cross Support Architecture recommended practice  The second issue of White Book (issue 1.1) on Space Communication Cross Support Architecture (SCCSA) was distributed by Yamada in September 2009.  Development of a recommended standard for service catalogs  Not much progress since the last meeting.  Development of a recommended standard for service agreements  The draft document generate by Kelliher was reviewed. An example (BepiColombo) was generated.  The second draft was distributed by Kelliher in August 2009.

7 7 How to Develop the Space Communications Cross Support Architecture  The IOAG CSSA WB should be used as the baseline.  We should identify descriptions missing from the WB and descriptions unnecessary in the WB.  Descriptions we can borrow from NASA’s ADD  Descriptions we should move from Cross Support Reference Model  Goals of this meeting:  Review the results of the action items assigned at the previous meeting.  Review the second draft.  Generate a list of things to be added to the WB (if any).  Identify a contributor to generate text to be added to the WB.

8 Discussion Items on the Architecture Book  Relationship with the outcomes of SOA BOF  Can we replace CSRM with this book?  How to incorporate materials from NASA’s ADD.  Terms (Forward, Return, etc.) 8

9 9 How to Develop the Service Catalogs  The attributes defined in Space Communication Cross Support Service Management BB should be used as the baseline for the template of Service Catalogs.  We should develop a few sample catalogs using the agreed-to attributes.  Goals of this meeting:  Review any available inputs.

10 10 How to Develop the Service Agreements  The template for service agreements should be generated based on the Space Communication Cross Support Service Management BB.  The template should be compared with NASA’s DSN Service Agreement document, for example.  Then we should develop a few sample service agreements using the draft template.  Goals of this meeting:  Review the second draft.  Identify missing items in the draft.

11 Schedule for This Week  Tuesday afternoon (1400-1800) (for details, see next page)  Work Plan  Action Items  Service Architecture  Thursday morning (0900-1300)  Service catalog  Friday morning (0900-1300)  Service agreement  Wrap-up 11

12 Agenda for Tuesday Afternoon 12 WhenWhatWho 1400 - 1410IntroductionYamada 1410 - 1430Review Work PlanYamada 1430 - 1500Review Status of Action ItemsYamada 1500 - 1540Status of IOAG SISG documentsShames 1540 - 1550Status of NASA ADDShames 1550 - 1600BreakAll 1600 - 1615Status of Architecture BookYamada 1615 - 1640Addition to Architecture BookBrosi 1640 - 1700TerminologyBrosi 1700 - 1720SoaMLYamada 1720 - 1740DiscussionYamada 1740 - 1800Wrap-upYamada

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