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Lecture 13: Field-theoretic formulation of Langevin models

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1 Lecture 13: Field-theoretic formulation of Langevin models
Outline: Functional (path) integral formulation Stratonovich and Ito, again the Martin-Siggia-Rose formalism free fields perturbation theory Stratonovich and supersymmetry

2 generating functionals
In the equilibrium case, the partition function

3 generating functionals
In the equilibrium case, the partition function

4 generating functionals
In the equilibrium case, the partition function

5 generating functionals
In the equilibrium case, the partition function is a generating functional:

6 generating functionals
In the equilibrium case, the partition function is a generating functional:

7 generating functionals
In the equilibrium case, the partition function is a generating functional:

8 generating functionals
In the equilibrium case, the partition function is a generating functional:

9 generating functionals
In the equilibrium case, the partition function is a generating functional:

10 generating functionals
In the equilibrium case, the partition function is a generating functional: Here we will construct a generating functional for time-dependent correlation functions in the Langevin-Landau-Ginzburg model

11 Dynamics (single variable)
Start from the equation of motion

12 Dynamics (single variable)
Start from the equation of motion or, more generally,

13 Dynamics (single variable)
Start from the equation of motion or, more generally, Discretize time:

14 Dynamics (single variable)
Start from the equation of motion or, more generally, Discretize time: Gaussian noise:

15 equations of motion Ito:

16 equations of motion Ito:

17 equations of motion Ito: Stratonovich:

18 equations of motion Ito: Stratonovich:

19 equations of motion Ito: Stratonovich:
Change variables from η (0 < n < M-1) to ϕ (1 < n < M):

20 equations of motion Ito: Stratonovich:
Change variables from η (0 < n < M-1) to ϕ (1 < n < M):

21 equations of motion Ito: Stratonovich:
Change variables from η (0 < n < M-1) to ϕ (1 < n < M): (Ito)

22 equations of motion Ito: Stratonovich:
Change variables from η (0 < n < M-1) to ϕ (1 < n < M): (Ito) Jacobian:

23 equations of motion Ito: Stratonovich:
Change variables from η (0 < n < M-1) to ϕ (1 < n < M): (Ito) Jacobian: ______ diagonal

24 equations of motion Ito: Stratonovich:
Change variables from η (0 < n < M-1) to ϕ (1 < n < M): (Ito) Jacobian: ______ diagonal ______________ 1 below diagonal

25 equations of motion Ito: Stratonovich:
Change variables from η (0 < n < M-1) to ϕ (1 < n < M): (Ito) Jacobian: (Ito) ______ diagonal ______________ 1 below diagonal

26 equations of motion Ito: Stratonovich:
Change variables from η (0 < n < M-1) to ϕ (1 < n < M): (Ito) Jacobian: (Ito) ______ diagonal ______________ 1 below diagonal (all elements above the diagonal vanish, so det = product of diagonal elements)

27 Stratonovich

28 Stratonovich

29 Stratonovich Jacobian:

30 Stratonovich Jacobian:

31 Stratonovich Jacobian:

32 Stratonovich Jacobian:

33 Stratonovich Jacobian:

34 Stratonovich Jacobian: (back to this later)

35 Martin-Siggia-Rose back to Ito:

36 Martin-Siggia-Rose back to Ito:

37 Martin-Siggia-Rose back to Ito: use

38 Martin-Siggia-Rose back to Ito: use

39 Martin-Siggia-Rose back to Ito: use
generating function (multivariate characteristic function)

40 Martin-Siggia-Rose back to Ito: use
generating function (multivariate characteristic function)

41 Martin-Siggia-Rose back to Ito: use
generating function (multivariate characteristic function)

42 a field theory: Δ -> 0: “action” putting space back in, using
______________________ quadratic: L0

43 a field theory: Δ -> 0: “action”

44 a field theory: Δ -> 0: “action” putting space back in, using

45 a field theory: Δ -> 0: “action” putting space back in, using

46 a field theory: Δ -> 0: “action” putting space back in, using
______________________ quadratic: L0

47 a field theory: Δ -> 0: “action” putting space back in, using
______________________ quadratic: L0 _____ inter- action term L1

48 a field theory: Δ -> 0: “action” putting space back in, using
______________________ quadratic: L0 _____ inter- action term L1 ________ “source” terms

49 a field theory: Δ -> 0: “action” putting space back in, using
______________________ quadratic: L0 _____ inter- action term L1 ________ “source” terms note:

50 a field theory: Δ -> 0: “action” putting space back in, using
______________________ quadratic: L0 _____ inter- action term L1 ________ “source” terms note: (normalization of P(ϕ|h))

51 correlation functions

52 correlation functions

53 correlation functions

54 correlation functions
magnetization correlation functions:

55 correlation functions
magnetization correlation functions:

56 correlation functions
magnetization correlation functions:

57 correlation functions
magnetization correlation functions:

58 correlation functions
magnetization correlation functions: = susceptibility / response function

59 correlation functions
magnetization correlation functions: = susceptibility / response function

60 correlation functions
magnetization correlation functions: = susceptibility / response function

61 free action

62 free action free action:

63 free action free action:

64 free action free action: generating functional:

65 free action free action: generating functional: in Fourier components:

66 free fields (invert the matrix in the exponent in S0)

67 free fields (invert the matrix in the exponent in S0)

68 free fields (invert the matrix in the exponent in S0)
back to time domain:

69 free fields (invert the matrix in the exponent in S0)
back to time domain:

70 free fields (invert the matrix in the exponent in S0)
back to time domain: in agreement with what we found using the direct approach in Lect. 11

71 perturbation theory

72 perturbation theory want to evaluate quantities like

73 perturbation theory want to evaluate quantities like expand

74 perturbation theory want to evaluate quantities like expand

75 1st order:

76 1st order:

77 1st order: average of product of 6 Gaussian variables: Use Wick’s theorem sum of products of all pairwise averages)

78 1st order: average of product of 6 Gaussian variables: Use Wick’s theorem sum of products of all pairwise averages) (graphs on blackboard)

79 1st order: average of product of 6 Gaussian variables: Use Wick’s theorem sum of products of all pairwise averages) (graphs on blackboard) but most of these vanish:

80 1st order: average of product of 6 Gaussian variables: Use Wick’s theorem sum of products of all pairwise averages) (graphs on blackboard) but most of these vanish:

81 1st order: average of product of 6 Gaussian variables: Use Wick’s theorem sum of products of all pairwise averages) (graphs on blackboard) but most of these vanish: (Ito)

82 Feynman graphs The surviving term:

83 Feynman graphs The surviving term: C(3,3) G(1,3) 1 3 G(3,2) 2

84 Feynman graphs The surviving term: C(3,3) G(1,3) 1 3 G(3,2) 2

85 Feynman graphs The surviving term: C(3,3) G(1,3) 1 3 G(3,2) … 2
Can generate a diagrammatic expansion like that in Lect 7

86 Feynman graphs The surviving term: C(3,3) G(1,3) 1 3 G(3,2) … 2
Can generate a diagrammatic expansion like that in Lect 7 In fact, it is exactly the same diagrammatic expansion

87 Feynman graphs The surviving term: C(3,3) G(1,3) 1 3 G(3,2) … 2
Can generate a diagrammatic expansion like that in Lect 7 In fact, it is exactly the same diagrammatic expansion (except that ϕ and the correlation and response functions now depend on space as well as time)

88 Feynman graphs The surviving term: C(3,3) G(1,3) 1 3 G(3,2) … 2
Can generate a diagrammatic expansion like that in Lect 7 In fact, it is exactly the same diagrammatic expansion (except that ϕ and the correlation and response functions now depend on space as well as time) all closed loops of response functions (including all disconnected diagrams) vanish because for Ito G(t=0) = 0.

89 Stratonovich, again

90 Stratonovich, again Can take the continuous-time limit of the exponent as in Ito, but now J ≠ 1.

91 Stratonovich, again Can take the continuous-time limit of the exponent as in Ito, but now J ≠ 1. Use Grassman variables

92 Stratonovich, again Can take the continuous-time limit of the exponent as in Ito, but now J ≠ 1. Use Grassman variables

93 Stratonovich, again Can take the continuous-time limit of the exponent as in Ito, but now J ≠ 1. Use Grassman variables Taylor series expansions terminate:

94 Stratonovich, again Can take the continuous-time limit of the exponent as in Ito, but now J ≠ 1. Use Grassman variables Taylor series expansions terminate:

95 Stratonovich, again Can take the continuous-time limit of the exponent as in Ito, but now J ≠ 1. Use Grassman variables Taylor series expansions terminate: “integrals”:

96 Stratonovich, again Can take the continuous-time limit of the exponent as in Ito, but now J ≠ 1. Use Grassman variables Taylor series expansions terminate: “integrals”:

97 determinants

98 determinants cf for real x

99 determinants cf for real x and for complex z

100 determinants cf for real x and for complex z so represent J as

101 determinants cf for real x and for complex z so represent J as
“ghost” variables

102 Stratonovich generating functional
(one variable)

103 Stratonovich generating functional
(one variable)

104 Stratonovich generating functional
(one variable) (field)

105 Stratonovich generating functional
(one variable) (field) free action:

106 Stratonovich generating functional
(one variable) (field) free action: interactions:

107 ghost correlations:

108 ghost correlations: Now when we expand

109 ghost correlations: Now when we expand we get

110 ghost correlations: Now when we expand we get new terms

111 cancellation of closed loops
Because of the -1 in the ghost correlation function, these just cancel the terms

112 cancellation of closed loops
Because of the -1 in the ghost correlation function, these just cancel the terms

113 cancellation of closed loops
Because of the -1 in the ghost correlation function, these just cancel the terms that were zero with Ito convention but not Stratonovich

114 cancellation of closed loops
Because of the -1 in the ghost correlation function, these just cancel the terms that were zero with Ito convention but not Stratonovich This theory has a supersymmetry

115 the superfield Define a combination of the real and Grassman fields

116 the superfield Define a combination of the real and Grassman fields
Grassman numbers

117 the superfield Define a combination of the real and Grassman fields
Grassman numbers Then if

118 the superfield Define a combination of the real and Grassman fields
Grassman numbers Then if the generating functional can be written

119 How does this happen? Expand the potential term:

120 How does this happen? Expand the potential term:

121 How does this happen? Expand the potential term:
Integrate over the “Grassman time”

122 How does this happen? Expand the potential term:
Integrate over the “Grassman time”

123 How does this happen? Expand the potential term:
Integrate over the “Grassman time” which are the terms in the action involving f.

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