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A T Y Lui, D. G. Sibeck, T. Phan, V. Angelopoulos, K.-H. Glassmeier, J. McFadden, C. Carlson, D. Larson, J. Bonnell, + … Outline  Previous: Reconstruction.

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Presentation on theme: "A T Y Lui, D. G. Sibeck, T. Phan, V. Angelopoulos, K.-H. Glassmeier, J. McFadden, C. Carlson, D. Larson, J. Bonnell, + … Outline  Previous: Reconstruction."— Presentation transcript:

1 A T Y Lui, D. G. Sibeck, T. Phan, V. Angelopoulos, K.-H. Glassmeier, J. McFadden, C. Carlson, D. Larson, J. Bonnell, + … Outline  Previous: Reconstruction based on solving Grad-Shafranov equation Benchmarking of procedure Results of reconstruction for magnetic flux rope seen by Themis.  Present: Comparison between model and observed parameters Current density and structure from each Themis satellite. Reconstruction of plasma configuration from Themis observations Progress Report

2  Magnetic flux rope on 2007 May 20 found by David Sibeck  The plasma structures seen by Themis A and E are quite similar. Observed Structure from Themis S/C ABC DE

3 Magnetic Field Strength Contours From David Sibeck 10nT contours Red high, Blue low Bx, By

4 Vector Potential Themis B Themis C Themis D Themis E

5 Comparison of plasma parameters between the model and observed values along the satellite track - red lines denote model values and black lines denote observed values. Comparison of Plasma Parameters-1 Themis BThemis CThemis DThemis E

6 Quantitative comparison of magnetic field components between the model and observed values along the satellite track - black, red, and blue symbols denote x-, y-, and z-components, respectively. The extremely good agreement is reflected by the correlation coefficients between observed and model values ranging from 0.9978 to 0.9998. Comparison of Plasma Parameters-2 Themis BThemis CThemis DThemis E

7 Themis D Parameters From Reconstruction - 1 The current density is derived from curl B calculation using the 2D approximation: The normalized magnetic field vector along the satellite track on the XY-plane is shown by the arrow in the B z panel.

8 Themis C Parameters From Reconstruction - 2 A stronger B z region is located in the positive y-direction. Current density in the y-direction is quite strong, comparable to that along the z- direction.

9 Themis B Parameters From Reconstruction - 3 Strong and weak B z regions are present in the positive y- direction. Weak B z region is located in the negative y-direction. Current densities on the XY-plane are quite strong in comparison with that in the z- direction.

10 Themis E Parameters From Reconstruction - 4 Magnetic field and current density patterns are quite structured in general because Themis E was mainly in the magnetosheath region.

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