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Published byCornelius Fields Modified over 9 years ago
Implementation of Best Management Practices can strongly reduce losses of Plant Protection Products to water. Manfred Roettele
Outline About TOPPS Legal frame Significance of entry routes Point sources Runoff / erosion Spray drift Outlook
TOPPS projects landscape TOPPS projects are running now for 9 years Mitigation of Point sources Mitigation Diffuse sources Bridge + EOS AIM PROWADIS Oct 2005 End 2014 Dec 2010 Jan 2014 Train Operators Promote best Practices & Sustainability 15 EU countries Nov 2005 Oct 2008 Dec 2010May 2011 Point sources
TOPPS – outreach - EU TOPPS – point sources BMPs / Materials developed europe wide (23 countries) TOPPS – EOS Environmantally optimized sprayers Expert information tool. TOPPS-prowadis 7 countries Common EU BMPs + materials developed TOPPS water protection (plans) Intensify dissemination and expand TOPPS prowadis to more countries
Water is a key resource to keep clean by reducing entry from contamination sources Fertilzers and pesticides Human and animal waste Plastics and heavy metals Other manmade and natural chemicals Most losses of PPPs to water can be prevented by using a framework of Best Management Practice (BMP)
Legal framework to protect water in EU Water is not a commercial product like any other but, rather, a heritage which must be protected, defended and treated as such … (Excerpt from the recitals to the European Water Framework Directive). Water Framework Directive Ground water Surface water Marine water Regulation of Plant Protection Products Access to Market Hazard reduction Risk assessment Directive on Sustainable Use of Pesticides Focus on use phase Education & training Risk reduction
Threshold values for PPPs in drinking water and the protection of aquatic organisms are extremly low For example, spilling just 1 g of active incredient into water exceeds the drinking water threshold of 0,1 µg/L, unless mixed in a ditch: 1 m wide 30 cm deep 33 km long
Which sources of pesticide get into surface water & by how much? > 50 % Point Sources 5 % Drift 30 % Run-off The transfer of diffuse sources (uses on crops) to water can be reduced Point source releases mostly occur around farmyards from poor handling Most point source releases of PPPs can be prevented!
How are point sources measured ? Waiste water of village farms in community sewage plant. Measurement point 1 measures PPP pollution from farmyards (point sources). Measurement point 2 measures PPP pollution from the field (diffuse sources). Village with farms Sewage plant Water catchment area Farming area Measurement 1 point sources Measurement 2 diffuse sources Frede et al. 2006, TOPPS-Forum; Univ Giessen Not many countries have generated results on point source significance
Avoid PPP losses from point sources Awareness of key risks helps focus on prevention Key Risks Sprayer cleaning Mixing and loading Remnant management Empty container disposal Transport to the field Farm pesticide storage Transport to the farm higher lower
BMPs Inside the spray equipment –Technically challenge to empty completely –Technical improvements: Reduce the residual volume Make cleaning more user friendly (Continuous cleaning) Outside the spray equipment –As much as possible in the field –On a biological active area BMPs for cleaning sprayers Clean sprayer in the field as much as possible If spills or diluted spray liquids occur on the farmyard contain them Pay attention that contaminated liquid cannot reach surface water 3 rinsing steps in the field
BMPs Use induction hoppers Avoid spills / contain them Improve water metering (Tank scales often not sufficiently precise or difficult to read) Calibrate sprayer for correct spray volume / ha BMPs for mixing & loading
BMPs for remnant management BMPs Collect remnants from –Cleaning of equipment –Maintenance of equipment –Other remnants Treatment of remnants –Apply as a dilute spray in the field OR –Treatment in a biofilter or other system
Key factors influencing runoff What we cannot directly influence Weather Soil characteristics Form of the landscape What we can influence Field sizes Crops grown Cultivation practices Land management PPP - application Reduce PPP losses from diffuse sources Runoff / Erosion
Diagnosis of runoff risk determins mitigation measures 3 Situations to be distinguished Runoff due to infiltration restriction (intensity: spring/summer) Runoff due to soil saturation (volume: winter) Concentrated Runoff / Erosion
Runoff risk and mitigation is field-specific Risk – diagnosis of fields in catchment necessary Generalization is difficult Diagnosis / mapping of risk areas in the field is basis for mitigation Toolbox of mitigation measures allows flexibel implementation Field data on efficacy of measures reflect variability of situations Synergistic effects from combining measures are known from field experience/observations
Example: Pilot catchment in BE Runoff risk due to infiltration restrictionRunoff risk due to saturation excess For each runoff type, different measures need to be implemented! TOPPS prowadis runoff Risk maps
1. Prevent runoff at source In the field mitigation measures Increase water infiltration reduce tillage break soil compaction more organic matter stabilize soil aggregates Slow down water flow rough seedbed / bunds cover soil with materials manage tramlines work across the slope use infield buffers Utilize the water grow intermediary crops
2. Prevent runoff reaching surface water Out of the field mitigation measures Increase water infiltration and capture soil particles implement vegetative buffers grass buffers grass + hedges optimize crop rotation and use variety of crops as buffer (row crops + broadcast crops) built fascines to disperse the water optimize field size organise crop rotation also in the landscape Build bunds build terraces
3. Keep runoff water in the catchment In catchment mitigation measures Build retention structures Develop natural wetlands (Water infiltration, water evaporation, PPP - degradation) Use vegetated ditch to collect runoff water (outlet control) Develop artificial wetlands
Best Management Practice reduce the risk of PPP transfer to water through runoff / erosion Step 1 Risk diagnosis TOPPS - dashboards Step 2 Select effective measures TOPPS Mitigation measures toolbox Mitigation Effect % Measures (I)(II)(III) Step 3 Implement BMPs Diagnosis + Measures fromto
Reduce PPP losses from diffuse sources Spray drift Key factors Wind speed Wind direction Temparature Air humidity Proximity to water Proximity sensitive area Crop treated Adjacent vegetation Droplet size Application technique Adjustment of sprayers indirect influence direct influence
Be aware of the external conditions when spraying close to sensitive areas Temperature Air humidity Proximity to sensitive areas Wind speed Wind direction If possible post pone spraying when wind blows towards sensitive area and wind speed is > 3 to 5 m/s Spray when temparature is 40 % Plan thoroughly your application if you need to spray in the zone of awareness Respect distance regulations Select optimal time of the day
Avoid droplets < 100 micron Nozzles are classified in some countries (in % drift reduction, up to 99%) Distance regulations are linked to the use of antidrift technologies according to local regulations Air induction nozzles allow to reduce the amount of fine droplets other dispersion techniques are less flexible Droplets below 100 micron cause the main drift risk Small droplets are lost by wind, thermic turbulence and may evaporate at low air humidity Coarse droplet spectra have shown comparable biological activity
Key recommendations to manage spray drift in field applications Droplet size reduce amount of fine droplets Boom height the lower the better < = 50cm Driving speed keep speed along sensitive areas < 8 km/h Sprayer with air support (bare soil !)
Direct measures Reduce fine droplets Optimize sprayer adjustment - air support - liquid volume Select best spray scenario Select drift reducing sprayer Key parameters to manage spray drift in orchard / vine applications Indirect measures Hedgerows catch spray drift Hailnets reduce spray drift by about 50% Consider buffer strips / untreated zones
Use nozzles with low amount of fine droplets Comparable efficacy for most PPP Air induction nozzles (hardly visible) Standard hollow cone nozzles Key recommendation to manage drift in orchard / vine USE COARSE DROPLETS Air injector nozzles
Orchard / vine sprayers transport the droplets into the canopy with the help of air. AIR direction / height need to be adjusted by windshields Windshields need to be adjusted according to unsymetric air volume and speed AIR volume can be adjusted by PTO speed at the tractor or gear box at the sprayer General observation: Often applications are done with to much air volume. More technical adjustment possibilities would be beneficial Key recommendations to manage drift in orchard / vine ADJUST AIR DIRECTION, AIR VOLUME AND AIR SPEED Axialfan sprayer – most common
Key recommendations to manage drift in orchard / vine ADJUST LIQUID OUTPUT TO CHANGING CANOPY Big challenge is the correct adjustment of the spray output to the crop canopy spray volume need to cover and penetrate the shape and structure of the canopy nozzles with different spray output need to be arranged to fit the canopy Several adjustments needed during the season as canopy develops The images shared by courtesy of Health and Safety Executive – UK. Walklate et al.2003.
Key recommendations to manage spray drift in orchard / vine SPRAY SCENARIO: spray border rows from outside in if wind blows towards a sensitive area, spray border rows from outside in modify airsupport to balance the drift risk Spray scenarios can be used if later spraying cannot be postponed or sudden change of wind direction occurs Border rows: one sided spray from outside in
Key recommendations to manage drift in orchard / vine VARIOUS SPRAYERS ARE ABLE TO REDUCE DRIFT Axialfan sprayer with installation distance to target more equal Air directed to canopy Tangential- fan sprayer distance to target more equal Air directed parallel to canopy Tunnel sprayer drift is collected by shields Special training of crop is necessary / cannot operate everywhere Pictures: Ipach DLZ-Rheinpfalz Measurement of drift reduction concentrates on complete sprayer and its configuration – a challenge
Understand more about drift risks and drift reduction Field crops / Orchards / Vine – 8 languages Education and awareness
... We have means for the cloud to disappear
TOPPS water protection extension to more countries including HUNGARY Review point source BMPs and intensify dissemination activities Develop BMPs to reduce diffuse sources (spray drift and runoff / erosion) Disseminate the BMPs to offer rather complete recommendation to protect water. Involve stakeholders to support dissemination and to help the BMPs implementation
TOPPS water protection includes14 countries and will involve about 20 local partners New partners will be trained on current tools and BMP measures Adapt BMPs to their local situation Disseminate BMPs to local advicers, farmers and stakeholders Proposed Country Scope Old Countries: BE, DE, (DK), ES, FR, IT, PL New (extension) Countries, GR, HU, NL, PT, RO, SK 35 TOPPS water protection extension to more countries including SLOVAKIA
Water protection starts in the minds of people Thanks for listening
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