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The Second World War The Build up 1919- 1939. Hitler’s Rise to Power World War One Vet. German Worker’s Party (Nazi party) 1923 – tries to take Munich.

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Presentation on theme: "The Second World War The Build up 1919- 1939. Hitler’s Rise to Power World War One Vet. German Worker’s Party (Nazi party) 1923 – tries to take Munich."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Second World War The Build up 1919- 1939

2 Hitler’s Rise to Power World War One Vet. German Worker’s Party (Nazi party) 1923 – tries to take Munich (Beer Hall Putsch) 1932 – Nazi’s hold the most seats in the Reichstag 1933 – Hitler is appointed Chancellor 1934 – Reichstag is burnt to the ground (Nazi’s blame the communist’s) Article 48 is passed 1935 Hitler replaces Hindenberg as president (Total control of the government

3 Fascism A movement emphasizing national and racial superiority and centralized, autocratic government headed by a dictator Total obedience to the state All opposition to the government is eliminated Scapegoats to blame the failings of the nation Return to the glory

4 Terms to know Reichstag – German Parliament Gestapo – German secret police (No restrictions) Final Solution – Hitler’s systematic plan for the extermination of the European Jew Mein Kampf – Hitler’s Biography Blitzkrieg – Lightning War SS – Hitler’s personal army (all swore an oath of Allegiance to Hitler Wehrmarcht – German Regular Army

5 More Terms Appeasement – satisfying reasonable demands of dissatisfied powers in order to maintain peace Genocide – a deliberate mass murder of a particular, racial, political, or cultural group. Pogrom – organized persecution or massacre of a minority group. Totalitarian state – a government that aims to control the political, economic, social, intellectual, and cultural lives of it’s citizens

6 Cause 1 – Treaty of Versailles Destroys German Economy Blames Germany for World War One Germany is angered about it’s treatment Loss of Territory that was traditional German territory Created The Weimar Republic (proportional representation) German government couldn’t address the countries needs

7 Cause 2 – The Depression Just when it looked like the Western allies were ready to work with Germany and help them rebuild Countries forced to focus on domestic issues Looking like Western democracies and capitalism was about to fail Allowed for Hitler, Stalin and Mussolini to go unchecked

8 Cause 3-Failure of the League of Nations U.S. doesn’t join France and England are too busy trying to pay off World War One so they can’t go it alone 1927 – Mussolini invades Fiume (Yugoslavia) 1933 – Japan invades Northern province of Manchuria 1935 – Italy invades Abyssinia (Ethiopia) 1935 – Hitler denounces the Treaty of Versailles 1936 – Germany reoccupies the Rhine Land 1938 – Germany takes the Sudetenland (Czechoslovakia) 1939 – Germany invades Poland

9 Cause 4 -Policy of Appeasement France and England wanted to avoid another war They were not preparing for war Neville Chamberlin goes to Munich to stop Germany from invading Czechoslovakia He gives Hitler the Sudetenland with the promise that Germany will make no more territorial demands “We must always demand so much that we can never be satisfied.” – Hitler “England has been offered a choice between war and shame. She has chosen shame and will get war.” – Churchill.

10 The New War Tanks, Airplanes, Aircraft Carriers, armored personal carriers War has become mobile once more Total War means everyone must do their part, but everyone is the enemy Total Lives lost in World War Two 77 million vs. 8.8 million in World War One. Majority of them non-combatants

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