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Chapter 14 Gasses & Plasmas 16-Oct-15 Physics 1 (Garcia) SJSU.

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1 Chapter 14 Gasses & Plasmas 16-Oct-15 Physics 1 (Garcia) SJSU

2 Weight of air is small but not negligible. For example, weight of air in this room is comparable to your weight (volume of room about 1000x your volume). A pressure of 1 atm =1.013 25 barbar = 101.325 kilopascal (kPa) = 1013.25 millibars (mbar)millibars = 760 torrtorr = 14.7 pounds/in 2 (psi)

3 Pressure is depth dependent, not volume dependent.

4 Gases as well as liquids flow; hence, both are called fluids. In a gas, the molecules are far apart and free from the cohesive forces that dominate their motions when in the liquid and solid phases. 16-Oct-15 Physics 1 (Garcia) SJSU

5 The force exerted by a fluid on a smooth surface is always at right angles to the surface Liquid pressure is exerted equally in all directions The pressure isn’t only downward When liquid presses against a surface, there is a net force that is perpendicular to the surface. While pressure does not have a specific direction, force does.

6 Buoyancy If the weight of the submerged object is greater than the buoyant force= sink If the weight is less than buoyant= float When the weight is = to buoyant force = remain at same level (won’t sink or rise)

7 16-Oct-15 Buoyancy Since pressure depends on depth, a submerged object has more force due to pressure below it than above it. Net effect is to have a net upward force, which we call buoyancy. Buoyancy Weight If weight exceeds buoyancy force then object sinks, otherwise it floats. Pressure

8 16-Oct-15 Physics 1 (Garcia) SJSU Buoyancy & Depth For a fully submerged object the buoyancy force does not depend on depth, even though pressure depends on depth. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Buoyancy

9 Only in the special case of floating does the buoyant force acting on an object equal the object’s weight. principle of flotation: A floating object displaces a weight of fluid equal to its own weight.

10 16-Oct-15 Check Yourself ? Place block of wood in the water. Scale reading goes up, down, or stays the same? 50 N 10 N Block 10 N Water 40 N Water A floating object displaces a weight of fluid equal to its own weight.

11 16-Oct-15 Archimedes’ Principle Weight of liquid displaced by floating or submerged object equals the buoyant force on the object.

12 Pascal’s Principle When force is applied to a confined fluid, an increase in pressure is transmitted equally to all parts of the fluid A liquid completely filling a bottle exerts pressure in all directions

13 Figure 13.22 The additional pressure is exerted against every square centimeter of the larger piston. Since there is 50 times the area, 50 times as much force is exerted on the larger piston. Thus, the larger piston will support a 500-kg load—fifty times the load on the smaller piston! the piston on the right has 50 times the area of the piston on the left (let’s say that the left piston has a cross- sectional area of 100 square centimeters and that the right piston has a cross- sectional area of 5000 square centimeters).

14 Hydraulic devise Multiplies a force by applying the force to a small surface area. The increase in pressure is then transmitted to another part of a confined fluid, which pushes on a larger surface area

15 Surface Tension When the bent wire is lowered into the water and then raised, the spring will stretch because of surface tension. adhesion- attracted to unlike Cohesion- attracted to like contractive tendency of the surface of liquids

16 These molecular attractions thus tend to pull the molecule from the surface into the liquid, and this tendency minimizes the surface area. Surface tension is caused by molecular attractions. Beneath the surface, each molecule is attracted in every direction by neighboring molecules, resulting in no tendency to be pulled in any specific direction. A molecule on the surface of a liquid, however, is pulled only by neighbors on each side and downward from below; there is no pull upward. The water surface sags like a piece of plastic wrap, which allows certain insects, such as water striders, to run across the surface of a pond.

17 Surface tension causes a thin film of water to be drawn up over the inner and outer surfaces of the tube. It causes this film to contract. The film on the outer surface contracts enough to make a rounded edge. The film on the inner surface contracts more and raises water with it until the adhesive force is balanced by the weight of the water lifted

18 Buoyancy The pressure at the bottom of a submerged object is greater than the pressure at the top. The result is a net force in the upward direction. What is this upward force called?

19 Atmosphere The thickness is determined by kinetic energy From sun) -tends to spread the molecules apart; tend to fly away: if disappeared- molecules moved too slowly our “atmosphere” would be a liquid or solid layer gravity, which tends to hold molecules near the Earth. shut off= dissipate and disappear. height of the atmosphere gets thinner and thins out to emptiness in interplanetary space. There is no outer edge 16-Oct-15 Physics 1 (Garcia) SJSU

20 16-Oct-15 Physics 1 (Garcia) SJSU Atmosphere Density of air in the atmosphere decreases with increasing altitude. Most of atmosphere in the first 10 km (about 6 miles) of altitude. We live at the bottom of an ocean of fluid— the fluid is air & “ocean” is the atmosphere.

21 16-Oct-15 Physics 1 (Garcia) SJSU Atmospheric Pressure Atmospheric column of air Base: 1 square meter Height: 10 kilometers (10,000 m) Volume: 10,000 cubic meters Mass: 10,000 kilograms Weight: 100,000 Newtons (= 22,000 lb = 11 tons) Pressure: 100,000 Pascals (= 15 lb per sq. inch)

22 16-Oct-15 Magdeburg Hemispheres Pair of hemispheres fit together with air-tight seal Most of the air is pumped out from the interior. Air pressure holds the two pieces tightly together. A A A A L A L - Atmospheric pressure - Low pressure

23 Barometer Any device that measures atmospheric pressure. A simple mercury barometer: The vertical height of the mercury column remains constant even when the tube is tilted, unless the top of the tube is less than 76 centimeters above the level in the dish—in which case the mercury completely fills the tube. Whatever the width of the tube, a 76- centimeter column of mercury weighs the same as the air that would fill a super-tall 30-kilometer tube of the same width. A water barometer would be —13.6 times as long, or 10.3 meters high— too tall to be practical. You may recognize this number as the density of mercury relative to that of water

24 Strictly speaking, these two do not suck the soda up the straws. They instead reduce pressure in the straws and allow the weight of the atmosphere to press the liquid up into the straws. Could they drink a soda this way on the Moon? 16-Oct-15

25 There is a 10.3-meter limit on the height that water can be lifted with vacuum pumps.  At sea level, however strong your lungs may be, or whatever device you use to make a vacuum in the straw, the water cannot be pushed up by the atmosphere higher than 10.3 m. “hard vacuum- orbiting in space- satellites can reach 10 −13 Pa. A vacuum pump simply provides a region of lower pressure into which fast-moving gas molecules randomly move.

26 Boyle’s Law A flat tire registers zero pressure on the gauge, but a pressure of about one atmosphere exists there. Gauges read “gauge” pressure— pressure greater than atmospheric pressure. Double volume & ½ pressure Dec speed of partaicles Dec. temp Decrease volume Density and pressure are increased P 1 V 1 = P 2 V 2 applies to ideal gases.

27 Boyle’s Law Boyle’s law applies to ideal gases. An ideal gas is one in which the disturbing effects of the forces between molecules and the finite size of the individual molecules can be neglected. Air and other gases under normal pressures approach ideal-gas conditions. the product of pressure and volume for a given mass of gas is a constant as long as the temperature doesn’t change pressure and volume are inversely proportional;

28 Archimedes’ principle holds for air just as it does for water: An object surrounded by air is buoyed up by a force equal to the weight of the air displaced. Unlike water, the atmosphere has no definable surface. There is no “top.” Furthermore, unlike water, the atmosphere becomes less dense with altitude If less dense at that altitude it will rise till the force inside balloon is equal to pressure outside.

29 Rising motion of balloons are caused by unbalanced forces. The air beneath exerts more force than the air above. When it reaches an altitude where the forces are equal, it stops rising.

30 16-Oct-15 Physics 1 (Garcia) SJSU Plasma An electrified gas containing ions and free electrons. Most of the matter in the universe is in the plasma phase.

31 How high will a balloon rise? At ground level the balloon is partially inflated, but at high altitues it is full when the surrounding pressure is less. (1) A balloon will rise only so long as it displaces a weight of air greater than its own weight. Air becomes less dense with altitude, so, when the weight of displaced air equals the total weight of the balloon, upward acceleration of the balloon ceases. (2) When the buoyant force on the balloon equals its weight, the balloon will cease to rise. (3) When the average density of the balloon (including its load) equals the density of the surrounding air, the balloon will cease rising

32 fluids in motion—fluid dynamics. Bernoulli’s principle When the speed of a fluid increases, internal pressure in the fluid decreases. As a consequence of continuous flow, the water will slow down in the wide parts and speed up in the narrow parts. 16-Oct-15 Physics 1 (Garcia) SJSU

33 Bernoulli’s principle

34 Air pressure above the roof is less than air pressure beneath the roof. Consider wind blowing across a peaked roof. The wind speeds up as it flows over the top, as the crowding of streamlines in Figure 14.20 indicates. Pressure along the streamlines is reduced where they are closer together. Unless the building is well vented, greater pressure inside and beneath the roof can push it off.. Even a small pressure difference over a large roof area can produce a large upward “lifting” force

35 Curving may be increased by threads or fuzz, which help to drag a thin layer of air with the ball and to produce further crowding of streamlines on one side. a) The streamlines are the same on either side of a nonspinning baseball. (b) A spinning ball produces a crowding of streamlines. The resulting “lift” (red arrow) causes the ball to curve, as shown by the blue arrow.

36 Air flowing over the top of the wing travels farther than the air on the bottom in the same amount of time.


38 Bernoulli’s principle plays an important role for animals living in underground burrows. Entrances to their burrows are usually mound shaped, producing variations in wind speed across different entrances. This provides necessary pressure differences of air to enable circulation in the burrow How does this relate to fireplaces? On a windy day, waves in a lake are higher than normal. Why?

39 Plasma An electrified gas containing ions and free electrons. Most of the matter in the universe is in the plasma phase. The Sun and other stars are largely plasma Also fluorescent & neon lights, plasma TV, auroras a plasma (different from a gas) readily conducts electric current, it absorbs certain kinds of radiation that pass unhindered through a gas, it can be shaped, molded, and moved by electric and magnetic fields.

40 Plasma Power MHD power, the magnetohydrodynamic interaction between a plasma and a magnetic field. Low-pollution MHD power is in operation at a few places in the world already. operate at high temperatures without moving partsmoving parts Fusion power may not only make electrical energy abundant, but it may also provide the energy and means to recycle and even synthesize elements In submarines, low speed MHD generators using liquid metals would be nearly silent, eliminating a source of tell- tale mechanism noise. In spacecraft and unattended locations, low-speed metallic MHD generators have been proposed as highly reliable generators, linked to solar, nuclear or isotopic heat sources.

41 Pascal’s Principle Explains hydraulic systems Pressure is exerted equally throughout a closed container Hydraulic systems multiply force(over a greater distance)

42 Bernoulli’s Principle Pressure exerted on a moving steam of fluid is less than the pressure of the surrounding fluid Explains Flight

43 Archimedes’ Principle (Sinks) Buoyant force on an object is equal to the weight of the fluid displaced If an object floats- the volume of displaced water = volume of the portion of the object that is submerged.

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