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Unit 7: Industrial Revolution (1700-1900) Case Study: Manchester, England.

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1 Unit 7: Industrial Revolution (1700-1900) Case Study: Manchester, England

2 Industrialization The process of developing machines to produce goods. New technology impacted lives greatly, and it would never be the same.

3 Small Group Activity – Inventions Timeline 1.Examine the Inventions Timeline and create a Top 5 List & tell why it made your Top 5 2.Complete the Chart below: TransportationTextile Production CommunicationPersonal Convenience 1. 2.

4 Industrialization Changed Life In Britain New Job opportunities Unhealthy working conditions Air and Water Pollution Ills of Child Labor Rising class tensions


6 Factory Work 14 hour days, 6 days a week Same work every day More risk of injury Unsafe environment (i.e. breathing in coal dust; city living) Shorter lifespan Farming Sun up-sundown Different jobs daily Healthier environment-outdoors Work at your own pace Less risk of injury

7 Urbanization – What do you see here?

8 City growth and the movement of people to cities. More and more factories (they often developed in clusters) –They needed a source of energy (water and/ or coal) –Cities w/ more than 100 K went from 22 to 47! Biggest center of urbanization was London. (population of 1 million by 1800 - twice as big as Paris, France. #1 Destination for job-seekers! Urbanization?

9 Water and Air Pollution

10 Effects of Industry on Lifestyle No sanitary codes No building codes No adequate housing Poorly educated No safety nets (i.e. Welfare System) Not enough police/ fire protection No drains in streets No garbage collection Whole families living in one bedroom 17 years in a city compared to 38 in rural areas!

11 Primary Source A (pg. 290) You went down one step even from the foul area into the cellar in which a family of human beings lived. It was very dark inside. The window-panes many of them were broke and stuffed with rags….the smell was so fetid (foul) as almost to knock the two men down….they began to penetrate the thick darkness of the place, and to see three or four little children rolling on the damp, nay wet brick floor, through which the stagnant, filthy moisture of the street oozed up. »Elizabeth Gaskell, Mary Barton (1848)

12 Horrors of Child Labor “Factory labour is a species of work, in some respects singularly unfitted for children. Cooped up in a heated atmosphere, debarred the necessary exercise, remaining in one position for a series of hours, one set or system of muscles alone called into activity, it cannot be wondered at--that its effects are injurious to the physical growth of a child. Where the bony system is still imperfect, the vertical position it is compelled to retain, influences its direction; the spinal column bends beneath the weight of the head, bulges out laterally, or is dragged forward by the weight of the parts composing the chest, the pelvis yields beneath the opposing pressure downwards, and the resistance given by the thigh-bones; its capacity is lessened, sometimes more and sometimes less; the legs curve, and the whole body loses height, in consequence of this general yielding and bending of its parts.” –John Fielden a Lancashire factory owner

13 Often children as young as 6! They were cheaper 6 AM – 7 or 8 PM! Maybe ½ HR for Lunch & 1 HR for Supper! 6 Days a Week! Supervisors sometimes beat them when they became slow & tired! Machinery injured many! Cotton “fluff” damaged tiny lungs! Bodies worn out by early 20’s!



16 Factory Act of 1819 Passed in 1819, the government in Britain decided to take control. The act restricted the working age and hours. Not really enforced for years in cities like Manchester, England.

17 Class Rivalries Develop Middle Class- a social class made up of skilled workers, professionals, business people, and wealthy farmers. –Upper middle class -doctors lawyers, and managers of factories, mines, and shops. –Lower middle class- included factory overseers and skilled workers. –By 1850’s land owners began to accept wealthy entrepreneurs as equals Poor Working Class - all laborers who were working to barely survive. –Dealt with horrible working conditions –People scared of being replaced by machines! –Rarely saw any improvement in their lives!

18 The Luddites A group of workers who were outraged that they had been replaced by machines. Named after Ned Ludd, who is thought to be a mythical British laborer who destroyed the weaving machines around 1779. In 1811 they attacked whole factories and destroyed machines in northern England.

19 Something Positive For Industrialization? Contributed to the wealth of the nation Fostered technology and invention Increased production of goods Raised standard of living Provided hope for improvement of people’s lives –Eventually won higher wages, shorter hours, and better working conditions

20 Long-Term Effects Affordable consumer goods –Considered luxuries 50-60 years before this Profits from industrialization produced tax revenues. Taxes reinvested to provide social improvements (i.e. public education, welfare benefits, internal improvements)

21 Exit Slip – Effects of Industrialization Primary Source Analysis Task: Write a diary entry based on the primary source you read about the effects of industrialization on child laborers. Write from a child’s viewpoint and describe your work life and experiences. Be creative and write a minimum of two paragraphs!

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