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Westlund Research Team 2013 4 and a half billion years ago when gas and clouds collapsed into a dense mass.

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Presentation on theme: "Westlund Research Team 2013 4 and a half billion years ago when gas and clouds collapsed into a dense mass."— Presentation transcript:

1 Westlund Research Team 2013 4 and a half billion years ago when gas and clouds collapsed into a dense mass.

2 1. Venuses atmosphere is mostly carbon dioxide which is made up of a green house gas that traps the sun’s heat and raises it up to 900 degrees. The sun is in the center, its gravity binds the solar system together. Did BY : Braydon sun Sun is another word for star.

3 2 After Malani’s presentation on the seasons, I learned how the earth changes from season to season. The Earth revolves around the sun. The Earth rotates on its axis 365 times in one year. One year equals one orbit or revolution around the sun. The tilt of the earth’s rotational axis away or toward the sun throughout the year. The earth is spinning every 24 hours, which results in one rotation.

4 3 I learned about the food pyramid and how honey was mad and I leaned what kind of leaves where on a three and how plants grow I learned that there are over 37,5000 in the world

5 4 Gravity is a force that pulls people toward the center of the earth.

6 How was the Earth formed? What’s inside our Earth? Answers to questions like these and much more!

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