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High School Practical English I

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1 High School Practical English I
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2 My Trip to Jeju Island Lesson 6 My Trip to Jeju Island
High School English I Lesson 6 My Trip to Jeju Island My Trip to Jeju Island

3 Lesson 6 p. 136 My trip to Jeju Island last summer was a turning point in my short experience of living in Korea. Before the trip, I thought of Korea as a place with big, exciting cities and lots of cool pop music. Jeju Island changed all that. Now I am considering whether I should study to become a geologist! Jeju is a large volcanic island 60 km off the southern tip of the Korean Peninsula. 동격의 of 전환점 동명사 순서 Think of A as B 작가의 한국에 대한 생각 현재진행시제 부사적용법(목적) 지질 학자 제주도의 지정학적 설명

4 (6) It is famous for its ①natural beauty and ②warm climate.
Lesson 6 (6) It is famous for its ①natural beauty and ②warm climate. (7) For the diversity of its volcanic formations and geological resources, / Jeju Island was recognized as a UNESCO Geopark in 2010. (8) Seeing the island from the plane, I could see what that meant. (9) The entire island looked liked one huge volcano, with Mt. Halla’s slopes advancing from its peak down to the surrounding sea. ~으로 유명하다. 이유 : ~때문에 ~로서 동사의 형태 : 수동적 입장 분사구문 : When[As] I saw 의문사/ 관계대명사. 부대상황 : 묘사하듯이 표현할 때 사용

5 (11) Here are the highlights of my Jeju experience.
Lesson 6 (10) I spent three days on the island, and each day brought new and unforgettable wonders. (11) Here are the highlights of my Jeju experience. (12) On the day / I arrived, I made my way to the Manjang Caves. (시간을) 보내다 잊지 못할 제주 여행의 가장 흥미로운 부분 나아가다. 가다. 특정할 날 앞에 수식

6 Lesson 6 (13) These caves are actually a giant lava tube system, which offers a fascinating underground experience. (14) From my guide, I learned that a lava tube is a long cave that forms when molten lava flows underground. (15) This cave is actually 7,416 meters long, making it one of the longest in the world. 현재분사 관대 계속적용법 매력적인 가이드(人) = 주격관대 which 과거분사 : 녹여진 분사구문 세상에서 가장 긴 것 중 하나 (cave)

7 (14) Only 1 km of the cave is open to visitors, though.
Lesson 6 (14) Only 1 km of the cave is open to visitors, though. (15) Most impressive was the massive size of the tube. (16) At one point, / it grew above 30 meters high and 20 meters wide, making me feel / as if I were in a massive underground cathedral! a. 개방된 하지만 가장~ 한 thing 어마 무시하게 큰 분사구문 : as it makes me ~ 이상 ~처럼 사역동사 + 목적어 + 동사원형

8 (17) As I descended into the cave, the air became much cooler.
Lesson 7 (17) As I descended into the cave, the air became much cooler. (18) That, however, did not keep me from appreciating the lava formations of unique shapes covering the walls and ceilings along the walk. ~함에 따라 v. 하강하다 훨씬 비교급 A B A가 B 하는 것을 막다. 방해하다. Which were

9 p. 24 L.1~5 (19) The highlight of the tour was a giant lava tower close to the end: (20) Extending from the ceiling of the cave to the floor, it could easily be the world’s tallest. (21) My guide explained that it was formed when the lava flow tube broke and poured the molten rock onto a lower level. 백미(白眉) 거의 끝에 있던 A =As( Since/ Because) it extended) A에서 B 까지 B 종속접속사 수동태 용암류 동굴 깨지고 쏟아내다. 녹아버린

10 (22) On the second day, I went to Seongsan-ri on the eastern tip of the island.
(23) Seongsan-ri is a small coastal town famous for a 182 meter volcanic rock reaching out from the sea. (24) It is from an extinct volcano, Seongsan Ilchubong, which means “sunrise peak.” 특정한 날 앞에 ~에 위치한 (Which is) (Which is) 솟아 오른 사화산 계속적용법: and it

11 (25) At the peak / there is a huge crater, measuring 600 meters in diameter and 90 meters in height.
(26) The crater is surrounded by 99 sharp rocks, giving it the shape of a huge crown. (27) People say that [from this crown] one supposedly gets one of the best sunrise views in Korea. 분화구 분사구문 ~ 이 있다. -> and it measures 지름 수동태(~으로 둘러싸여 있다. ) 수여동사 분사구문:and it gives + 간.목 + 직.목 = It is said that 일반인 추측컨데 One of the 복수명사 : ~중의 하나

12 (30) Now I have a good reason to return to Jeju Island in winter.
(28) Unfortunately I couldn’t see anything because it was raining when I reached the peak. (29) The guide told me I should come back to celebrate the beginning of the new year, when the people of Jeju hold a festival called “Seongsan Sunrise Festival.” (30) Now I have a good reason to return to Jeju Island in winter. 불행하게도 과거 진행 (that) 부사적 용법(목적) 축제를 개최하다. (which is) 형용사적 용법

13 (31) My destination for my last day on Jeju Island was Mt. Halla.
(32) It was designated a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve in 2002 and has been carefully protected ever since. (33) Because its scenery changes each season, people are said to visit the island several times a year to see different “faces” of the mountain. 종착지, 목적지 수동태(지정되다) 생물권 보호구역 현재완료 수동태 + 단수명사 Scene의 복수명사(집합적) = it is said that people visit 몇 회(번) 부사적-목적 모습들(제주도의)

14 (34) My climb started early in the morning.
(35) For the first few kilometers, the trail went through grasslands and I saw a few large Asian oak trees. (36) As I climbed higher, the grasslands gave way to beautiful cedar forests. (36) The tail became harder after I had walked about 4 kilometers on the mountain. 등반/ 산행 ~ 동안 거치다. 지나다. 겪다. 초원 떡갈나무, 참나무 ~함에 따라 변화하다. 자리를 내어 주다. 삼나무, 향나무 숲 더 어려운

15 (37) I had to be careful where I stepped and sometimes had to even use my hands.
(38) After 5 hours of hard climbing, I finally stood at the crater’s edge. (39) From there / I was able to look into a beautiful blue lake called “Baengnokdam”,literally meaning “white deer lake.” ~해야 한다. 부사절 접속사: ~하는 곳에 동명사/ 등반 모서리 = could 들여다 보다. (which is) 문자 그대로

16 (42) It made my day / as the weather at the top was excellent.
(40) The name of the lake comes from an old story of the mountain gods who used to play there with white deer. (41) I didn’t see any mountain gods, but I did hear that more than a thousand deer live on the mountain. (42) It made my day / as the weather at the top was excellent. ~출신이다. 유래하다. 관계대명사(주격) 조동사:~하곤했다.(과거의 습관) 동사의 강조(정말로~했다.) 즐겁게 하다. 이유: ~때문에

17 (43) I could see far out into the East China Sea, as well as all of Jeju Island.
(44) Looking out from high on the mountain, I understood why UNESCO considered Jeju Island exceptional for its “outstanding beauty” and “significant value to geologists.” (45) Reaching the top of the mountain taught me that there is more to Korea than just pop bands. 저 멀리 동중국해 까지 = While I looked out : 분사구문 Consider+목적어+목적보어 특출한 (outstanding) 중요한 가치 동명사(주어) = Climbing 한국에 단순히 대중음악 밴드만이 아닌 더 많은 무언가가 있다는 것

18 (46) I learned that there is a lot of natural beauty here.
(47) I hope to learn even more about this fascinating country. = much 명사적 용법(목적어) 비교급강조 현재분사: 매력적인

19 (39)Honduras’s agricultural research foundation (FHIA) has had the most successful conventional banana breeding program to date. (40) One of the first new breeds to come out of the effort / was the “Goldfinger” banana. (41) It is appropriate for cooking and eating, and is now grown in Australia for mass consumption. 현재완료 전통적인, 종래의 ~ 로 부터 지금까지 One of the 복수명사 : ~ 중의 하나 형용사적 용법 동명사 대량의

20 (42) Unfortunately, its taste is inferior to that of the sweeter Cavendish, and it may never reach the same level of global popularity as the Cavendish. (43) FHIA is also currently testing a few other kinds of banana for world markets. Taste; 반복피하기 ~보다 열등한 추측 ~(범위, 정도에) 도달하다. 미치다.

21 (44) In any case, efforts are being made to ensure that bananas will be available for future generations to enjoy, without loss of flavor and health benefits. (45) It’s difficult to tell now which of the two preservation methods will be successful, but it is very important that at least one of them work. 보장하다. 반드시 ~ 하게 하다. 어떤 경우라도 현재진행수동태 부사적 용법(목적) They are making efforts (to) ensure~ ~하는 것은 어렵다. 이성적 판단을 나타내는 형용사가 있을 경우엔 (should) + 동사원형을 사용한다. 효과가 있다. 적어도 should

22 Thank you! High School Practical English I

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