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Weather and Atmosphere

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1 Weather and Atmosphere
Chapter 26 Weather and Atmosphere

2 Topics for Today Meteorology Weather Atmosphere
Four Important Characteristics Temperature Composition Pressure Function

3 Meteorology Meteorology
A study of the entire atmosphere including its weather Meteorologist The “weatherman” daily weather data and short-term weather forecasting Doppler Radar to predict precipitation, wind direction or storm tracks. Interprets National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration data Publicizes National Weather Service alerts and warnings: storms, floods, fire threats Physical Meteorology: A study of the Physical and Chemical properties of the atmosphere Composition, pressure and movement Energy content, transfer and balance Factors affecting the formation of clouds, rain, and snow Dispersal of air pollutants over urban areas Phenomena such as the mechanics of thunderstorms and lightning Synoptic Meteorology: Weather Patterns study large-scale (regional to global scale) weather systems using computers and sophisticated models of atmospheric activity. Global Winds, Jet Stream Weather Patterns – El Nino Very Large Storm systems like Hurricanes and Super cells

4 Weather Weather Weather is a combination of…
Weather is the state of atmosphere at a given time and place Weather is a combination of… current temperature humidity precipitation cloudiness visibility wind pressure

5 Thickness of the Atmosphere
Scale: atm/RE = Sheets/Ream (70mi / 4000mi = “x” / 500)

6 Patterns in… Temperature (26.3 pg 481) Troposphere Stratosphere
Mesosphere Thermosphere


8 Patterns in… Composition Homogeneous Heterogeneous
Troposphere to Mesosphere Heterogeneous Upper Layers

9 Composition: Important Gases
Homogeneous Lower (mixed) Heterogeneous Upper (layers by density) Troposphere (diatomic gases) N2 78% O2 21% Ar Less Than 1% CO2 0.03% Water Vapor 0 to 2% Stratosphere N2 and O2 Ozone (O3) layer (created when O2 absorbs UV) Mesosphere Thermosphere (monatomic gases) O N He H Exosphere He layer H layer

10 Layers By Mass: Mixed: Nitrogen And Oxygen
O, N, He, H Mixed: Nitrogen And Oxygen Ozone: 2-8 parts per million Water Vapor, Argon and Carbon Dioxide

11 Patterns in… Density 50% within 3 miles 99.9% within 30 miles
Pressure is 2x less 99.9% within 30 miles Pressure is 1000x less

12 Pressure: Distribution of Mass

13 Pressure Ideas about the “edge of the atmosphere”
The Karman Line – air is too thin to support aeronautical flight. Air is so thin that aircraft have to fly so fast to obtain lift that they could leave orbit

14 Functions Warm the Earth Protect the Earth Ozone Layer Ionosphere

15 Function: Warms the Earth

16 Function: Ozone Layer

17 Function: Ionosphere

18 Function: Protects the Earth

19 The Atmosphere is a System with many Interacting Factors


21 Summary Weather Meteorology Four Ways to Describe the Atmosphere
Temperature Composition Pressure Function

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