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Executive Departments Executive Agencies Cabinet Pres.

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2 Executive Departments Executive Agencies Cabinet Pres.

3 Executive Departments They are also called “Cabinet Departments” The Federal Government’s work is done by the Executive Departments 1 st 3 departments created by Congress 1789 1) Department of State 2) Department of Treasury 3) Department of Defense

4 Department Officers and Staff Each Department is headed by a Secretary -Exception is the Dept. of Justice, headed by the U.S. Attorney General Heads/officers are the links between presidential policy and their departments

5 Departments Similar setup as a school Principal = President Departments (S.S., English, Math, Science) = Departments Department Heads = Secretaries of the Departments

6 The Cabinet Members Informal advisors to the President They are appointed by the President (15 separate departments) *They are subject to confirmation by the Senate

7 Cabinet Members cont… Cabinet Members have two major roles: 1. Administrators of each department (as individuals) 2. Advisors to the President (as a group)

8 The Executive Departments StateTreasuryDefense InteriorAgricultureJustice CommerceLaborHealth EducationHousingTransporta tion EnergyVeteran’s Affairs Homeland Security

9 Dept. of State  Oldest Dept. in the Government (1789)  Headed by Secretary of State  Primary purpose is to conduct Foreign Policy

10 Dept. of State (Cont.)  Ambassadors – highest U.S. officials in foreign countries.  Embassy – official residence and offices of ambassadors  Passport – allow U.S. citizens to travel abroad  Visas – allow foreigners to come to the United States

11 Dept. of Treasury  2 nd oldest Dept. in the Government (1789)  Primary purpose is to conduct the government’s fiscal & monetary policy  Taxes, Printing Money, ETC...

12 Dept. of Defense  Formed in 1949 (combined the Dept. of Navy & Army)  Primary purpose is to direct and control the armed forces.  Joint Chiefs of Staff- highest ranking military officers of the army, navy and air force  advise the President

13 Dept. of Justice  1870 – Replaced the Dept. of the Attorney General  Headed by the Attorney General  Only Dept. not led by a Secretary  Primary purpose is to enforce all federal laws

14 Dept. of Agriculture  Established in 1889  Known primarily as the U.S.D.A.  Food Safety – nutrition labels  Drug Safety  Farm regulations

15 Dept. of Labor  Established in 1913  Protects the American Workers  Minimum Wage  Occupational Health & Safety Administration (O.S.H.A.)  Safety in workplace

16 Dept. of Homeland Security  Established in 2002 (Newest)  Started as a result of 9/11/01  Goal is to prevent terrorist attacks in the United States  Coast Guard, Secret Service, Customs, Nuclear/Chemical & Biological weapons agencies included also


18 Executive Departments Executive Agencies Cabinet Pres.

19 Independent Agencies More than 65 All created by congress for a specific job Help the President carry out the duties of his office. Different from departments because they perform specialized duties.

20 Independent Agencies N.A.S.A. (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) – runs the space program OPM (Office of Personnel Management) – tests people who want jobs in the federal government General Services Administration – buys supplies for the government

21 Regulatory Commissions An independent agency that has the power to make rules and bring violators to court Decisions often have the force of law. Independent so they have the freedom to do their jobs.

22 Regulatory Commissions FEC (Federal Election Commission) – enforces the Federal Campaign Act. Determines how federal campaigns are financed, election laws and other campaign issues.

23 Regulatory Commissions CPSC (Consumer Product Safety Commission) – sets and enforces safety standards for consumer products. NLRB (National Labor Relations Board) - enforces federal labor laws. Prevents and remedies unfair labor practices among businesses.

24 Regulatory Commissions SEC (Securities Exchange Commission) – enforces laws regulating the selling of stocks and bonds.


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