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5th Grade Game Plan 2010-20111 Welcome to 5 th Grade! We are glad you are here! Ms. Jennifer Bouska – 5A Mrs. Jennifer Reed – 5B Mrs. Kathy Stamets –

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Presentation on theme: "5th Grade Game Plan 2010-20111 Welcome to 5 th Grade! We are glad you are here! Ms. Jennifer Bouska – 5A Mrs. Jennifer Reed – 5B Mrs. Kathy Stamets –"— Presentation transcript:


2 5th Grade Game Plan 2010-20111 Welcome to 5 th Grade! We are glad you are here! Ms. Jennifer Bouska – 5A Mrs. Jennifer Reed – 5B Mrs. Kathy Stamets – 5C Carrie Martin Elementary School

3 5th Grade Game Plan 2010-20112 Welcome to 5 th Grade! We are glad you’re here!

4 5th Grade Game Plan 2010-20113 You can experience SUCCESS in 5th Grade by:  Having a Positive Attitude  Participating in Discussions and Activities  Being Responsible  Doing Your Best

5 5th Grade Game Plan 2010-20114 The goal of 5 th grade is to get you ready for 6 th grade! Everything we do will help prepare you for middle school. We’ll accomplish our goal We’ll accomplish our goal one step at a time. one step at a time.

6 5th Grade Game Plan 2010-20115 Are You Ready for Middle School?  Do you have a consistent 1 hour homework time four days a week?  Do you engage in 30 minutes of free reading everyday?  Do you use an assignment notebook to keep track of homework and tests?  Do you proofread and check for mistakes before turning work in?  Do you complete and turn in homework on time?  Are you able to read and take notes from textbooks and reference materials?  Have you mastered your math facts? (50 facts in 2.5 minutes/100 facts in 5 minutes)  Do you check with all of your teachers for make-up work when you’ve been absent?  Do you have effective study techniques and good test-taking skills?

7 5th Grade Game Plan 2010-20116 If not, that’s what 5 th grade is all about!

8 5th Grade Game Plan 2010-20117 5th Grade Subjects and Teachers  ReadingHomeroom Teachers  Language (Writing)Ms. Bouska – 5A  SpellingMrs. Stamets – 5C  Math Mrs. Reed – 5B  Science  Social Studies

9 5th Grade Game Plan 2010-20118  ArtMrs. Hunt & Mrs. Boyts  MusicMs. Smeltzer  P.E.Mrs. Nypaver  LibraryMrs. Rusho  ComputerMs. Lindsey  Classroom Guidance LessonsMrs. Schmitt 5th Grade Subjects and Teachers

10 5th Grade Game Plan 2010-20119 The Intermediate Report Card Let’s begin by learning about the report card that you’ll receive at the end of each of the 4 quarters. You will earn letter grades in each of the following subjects: ReadingWriting/LanguageSpellingMath Social Studies Science You will also receive an effort grade for each subject, as well as a mark for Outstanding, Expected, or Needs Improvement for Handwriting, Art, Music, and P.E.

11 5th Grade Game Plan 2010-201110 Social and Work Habits Section of the Report Card  Accepts responsibility for personal actions  Is courteous and respectful  Shows self-discipline  Participates/Contributes in class  Works well with others  Listens to and follows directions  Completes work  Uses time wisely  Displays independence in work habits  Has material available and ready You’ll also earn marks for Outstanding, Expected, or Needs Improvement in these social and work habit areas:

12 5th Grade Game Plan 2010-201111 In 5 th grade, we have just a few important rules to help us focus on learning:  Respect For myself For myself For others For others For belongings For belongings For differences For differences For opinions For opinions 5 TH Grade Rules!  Responsibility For my actions For my actions For my words For my words For my mistakes For my mistakes For my successes For my successes

13 5th Grade Game Plan 2010-201112 Positive Behavior Makes a Difference  “Cash for Class” – for shopping!  Caught ROARing  Recognition by Mrs. Weitzel at the end of the quarter  Expected or Outstanding mark on the report card

14 5th Grade Game Plan 2010-201113 Consequences to Avoid  Redirects (warnings)  Refocuses Students may complete a Refocus Sheet that will be sent home. Students may complete a Refocus Sheet that will be sent home.  Loss of recess  In-school suspension  Suspension  Fines (loss of “Cash for Class” dollars)  Loss of privileges for participation in fun activities  Needs improvement mark on the report card

15 5th Grade Game Plan 2010-201114Homework  Homework is intended to reinforce skills we’ve learned in class.  There will be days that homework can be started during class. On these occasions, be sure to use your time wisely and ask your teachers questions.  If you don’t have time to do a good job on the assignment, please take it home!  Use the Five Steps to Homework Success!

16 5th Grade Game Plan 2010-201115 Five Steps to Homework Success 1. Write the assignment down in your planner. 2. Take home all of the materials you’ll need to complete the homework. 3. Complete the homework carefully, proofreading and checking for quality work. 4. Put your homework in a safe place in your backpack or binder. 5. Bring the assignment back to school and turn it in at the assigned time with your name on it.

17 Weekly Homework  Math: Investigations page almost every evening Mon. – Thurs. & study for math facts  Reading: 150 minutes on log due every Thurs.  Spelling: Monday – Sort Monday – Sort Tuesday – Sentences Page (last page of spelling packet) Tuesday – Sentences Page (last page of spelling packet) Wednesday – Pretest at home with parent/adult signature Wednesday – Pretest at home with parent/adult signature (You can do a pretest on if you are able to print your results.) (You can do a pretest on if you are able to print your results.) Thursday – In class test Thursday – In class test  Science & Social Studies: assignments based on unit of study 5th Grade Game Plan 2010-201116

18 5th Grade Game Plan 2010-201117 Planner Example (similar to student planner) SUBJECTASSIGNMENT DATE DUE Reading Read “Fox Song;” answer questions 1-10 Wednesday, Sept. 7 at 8:45 a.m. Language Complete p. 10 on types of sentences Thursday, Sept. 8 at 11:55 a.m. Spelling Finish Lesson 3 Tuesday, Sept. 6 at 9:20 a.m. Math Practice math facts Quiz on Fri., Sept. 9 Social Studies Read and take notes over Chapter 2 Notes due on Mon., Sept. 12 Science Study for quiz on process skills Quiz on Tues., Sept. 13 Date: ________________ ***Planners must be signed by parents/guardians every night.***

19 5th Grade Game Plan 2010-201118 Late Work Policy If your homework is not turned in on time, use a homework coupon (2 coupons per quarter) or you will earn a 0% for incomplete work if you are out of coupons. Additionally, you will receive a refocus for not being prepared for class. Even if you use a coupon or earn a 0% for incomplete work, you should complete the missed work to keep up with your class.

20 5th Grade Game Plan 2010-201119 1 Hour of Consistent Homework Time  We expect you to develop good study habits. This is essential for next year!  During the 1-hour homework time, you should: 1) Finish assignments that are due the next day 2) Work on long-term assignments/projects 3) Study for routine tests: spelling and math facts 4) Review for major tests 5) Read, Read, Read!

21 5th Grade Game Plan 2010-201120 Create Positive Study Habits  Choose a quiet study place.  Read and follow all directions.  Do your work neatly and carefully.  Ask for help if you need it, but do the work yourself.  Listen carefully to what your teacher tells you to read or study. Pay attention to what the teacher emphasizes or stresses.  Know what kind of a test you’re going to have.  Review and recite the facts you’ve learned.

22 5th Grade Game Plan 2010-201121 Assessments  Weekly assignments and/or tests in spelling, reading, writing, math facts, math, science, and social studies.  District tests in reading, language, and math in September and January  State tests in reading, writing, math, and science in March/April.

23 5th Grade Game Plan 2010-201122 Grading  Our grading scale is as follows: 90% - 100%A 80% - 89%B 70% - 79%C 60% - 69%D 59% and lowerF Zeros can really hurt your grade. For example, if you had these 5 math grades: 100, 90, 80, 70, 80, your average would be an 84% for a “B”. Replace one of the 80% grades with a zero, and your average would be a 68% for a “D”. Make a decision right from the start not to let a zero lower your grade! Make a decision right from the start not to let a zero lower your grade!

24 5th Grade Game Plan 2010-201123 Classroom Wikispaces  We have classroom Wikispaces for Teachers! 5A – 5A – 5B – 5B – 5C – 5C –  What kind I find on the Wikispaces? newsletters, math pages, spelling pages, spelling lists, reading logs, and more newsletters, math pages, spelling pages, spelling lists, reading logs, and more  If students have parent permission slips signed, they will be able to post projects and writings that they are proud of on the Wiki.  We will not be putting our last names on the Wikis.

25 5th Grade Game Plan 2010-201124 Important Information   Students will receive a newsletter on Fridays. The newsletter is the best way of keeping track of assignments, tests, and special announcements.   Progress reports will be sent home a few Fridays during each quarter to keep parents updated. The progress report is to be signed and returned by the following Tuesday.   All of our newsletters will be posted on the Wiki.   Use morning break (snack), lunch recess, and afternoon recess for restroom breaks. Snacks must be healthy snacks (no candy).   You are welcome to bring treats for your birthday.

26 5th Grade Game Plan 2010-201125 Thank you for your time! Any questions?

27 5th Grade Game Plan 2010-201126 We are looking forward to a great year!

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