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IPMA Eastern Region 2015 “Putting It All Together” - Highlights, Take Aways For: IPMA-HR Eastern Region 2015 Conference By: Mauricio Velásquez,

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Presentation on theme: "IPMA Eastern Region 2015 “Putting It All Together” - Highlights, Take Aways For: IPMA-HR Eastern Region 2015 Conference By: Mauricio Velásquez,"— Presentation transcript:

1 IPMA Eastern Region 2015 “Putting It All Together” - Highlights, Take Aways For: IPMA-HR Eastern Region 2015 Conference By: Mauricio Velásquez, MBA President, CEO The Diversity Training Group

2 IPMA Eastern Region 2015 Meet Mauricio Velásquez, MBA Mauricio Velásquez is the President and CEO of The Diversity Training Group (DTG) in Herndon, VA. Mauricio serves as a diversity strategy consultant, diversity and inclusion trainer, sexual harassment prevention trainer, executive coach, mentoring trainer, and expert witness. DTG’s clients include small and large organizations and public and private entities. SSA, OMB, NIST, NTIA, USCIS, HHS, and USPS are just some of our current federal clients. White House, DOI, USIA, USDA, DHS, US Navy, US Coast Guard are some of our past clients. Many local and state agencies as well. Mauricio has trained over a half million participants in every state but North Dakota and his work and life have taken him to more than seventy countries. Mauricio holds a BA from UVA and an MBA from GWU. Married to Kelly with 3 kids.

3 IPMA Eastern Region 2015 First, An Observation…  I want to applaud you – each and every one of you  Have you felt it, noticed it?  A camaraderie – a sense of community  Authentic, genuine people at this intimate conference…. Just friendly folk  Personally – “I come to learn”  I applaud you and I thank you for allowing me to be a part of this fabulous experience  IPMA – ER is a learning community

4 IPMA Eastern Region 2015 A Highly Interactive Session on Collective Wisdom Shared Wisdom What is Wisdom?

5 IPMA Eastern Region 2015 Wisdom  The quality of having experience, knowledge, and good judgment, the quality of being wise  The soundness of an action or decision with regard to the application of experience, knowledge, and good judgment  The body of knowledge and principles that develops within a specified society or period. “We are all in this together”

6 IPMA Eastern Region 2015 Mauricio’s Mission  Provoke Thought  Facilitate Discussion & Learning  Add Value  Provide Subject Matter Expertise  Have Fun  Influence what you will be talking about tomorrow (Recency Effect)  Tie it all together

7 IPMA Eastern Region 2015 You came here…. … to learn - personally (h – home) … to grow - professionally (o – office) … to take back “gems” or “best practices” … to compare where you are, where your organization is, in respect to other individuals and organizations present and where you want to go/be How did you gauge this? - Listening to questions your peers asked? (stories)

8 IPMA Eastern Region 2015 You went to sessions where… What You Don’t Know You Don’t Know (DKDK) What You Don’t Know (DK) What You Know (K)

9 IPMA Eastern Region 2015 We are going to be….. ….. thinking ….. talking ….. sharing … about what “spoke to each us – what will be applicable, practical” to you personally (h) or professionally (o).

10 IPMA Eastern Region 2015 I came here looking for …  New perspectives  Ideas  Alternatives  Options  Inspiration  Best Practices  What is Already Working  Solutions

11 IPMA Eastern Region 2015 1 Tip From My Work StepActionExample Identify and agree on the problem (consensus) Ask the right questions.  Ask for the facts  Verify the information  Decide what else you need to know  “Help me understand exactly”  “Let me make sure this is recorded correctly”  “I will be able to help you better if I know…” Conduct problem- cause analysis to identify a specific problem and its cause  Restate the problem in simple terms  Get agreement on the problem and its importance/impact  “So, the basic issue is…”  “It seems we agree it is important to fix this because…” Identify solutions/alternative s  Ask what can be done to solve the problem  Suggest other options for consideration  Tell them what you can do  “What ideas do you have on how this can be fixed?”  “In similar situations we have..”  “I really wish we could do exactly what you suggested. However, according to…, we must…” ?

12 IPMA Eastern Region 2015 Every Problem/Opportunity has a RC and Solutions StepActionExample Implement solutions/take action with the help of the customer  Ask for their cooperation  Tell them what you will do  Suggest how they can help, now and the next time  “I’ll need your help to…”  “Here is what I can do…”  “To get this resolved quickly, I’ll need you to…, and if this should happen again, please…” End with an agreement and a thank you. Monitor and follow up on the situation  Summarize what will be done, and by whom  Thank the customer for cooperation and help  Promise to follow up to ensure the solution really worked  “Can I assume that we agree on…?”  “Thank you for being so cooperative in helping us to solve this problem.”  “I will call you in a week to be sure the situation is resolved.”

13 IPMA Eastern Region 2015 Highlights – “Take Aways”  What spoke to you?  What came across as very applicable in your organization?  Did you have an “aha moment” where something “really made sense to you?”  Did you have a break through?  Reflect on the whole conference  Write down your top three “gems or nuggets”  Key concept, tool, possibly a quote  Share with your colleague(s) – between the two or three of you - pick your top two or three

14 IPMA Eastern Region 2015 Your Highlights YOUR TOP THREE  Session Name/Speaker:  Major Take Away:  Session Name/Speaker:  Major Take Away:  Session Name/Speaker:  Major Take Away:

15 IPMA Eastern Region 2015 If you can link learning points  Please make the connection for us  For example…..

16 IPMA Eastern Region 2015 There are synergies – synergistic insights Did you see or experience any? To Value Diversity, To be Inclusive To Respect, Value Others To Engage, Be World Class To Perform at Higher Level

17 IPMA Eastern Region 2015 Now what did we not talk about?  What did you expect to hear about, learn about – that we did not cover or present at this conference?  What would you like to see or experience at the next conference?  Topic Area?  Theme?  Emerging trend you are seeing?

18 IPMA Eastern Region 2015 For example…. “It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change.” Charles Darwin Change – Change Management maybe? We heard a lot about Employee Engagement….

19 IPMA Eastern Region 2015 Engagement – one way of looking at it With Organization (trust) With Manager (feel valued/ trust ) Strategic Alignment (clear goals, strategy Trust direction ?) Competency (you got what it takes – orgzn trust you?) High Performance

20 IPMA Eastern Region 2015 Trust is the “secret sauce”  Do you trust your management?  Do you trust your leadership?  Do you trust your boss?  Do you trust your peers?  Do your trust your subordinates?  Without trust – there is no way you or your organization can be World Class?

21 IPMA Eastern Region 2015 TRUST is the critical success ingredient often missing in organizations Stephen M. R. Covey – in his book: The Speed of Trust talks about Trust - Taxes and Dividends When there is high trust – there is an actual dividend for this trust – tasks, work, progress, cooperation, collaboration - success is easier When there is low or nonexistent trust – there is an actual tax – tasks, work, is harder, indifference, bogged down, sabotage I highly recommend you read this book for your community, for your kids, for your families and jobs, of course…

22 IPMA Eastern Region 2015 Trust Defined “Trust means confidence. The opposite of trust is suspicion. When you trust people, you have confidence in them – in their integrity, and in their abilities. When you distrust people, you are suspicious of them – of their integrity, their agenda, their capabilities or their track record.”S.M.R. Covey “It is behind, and at the root, at the center of all of my work. Harassment – bias, prejudice, favoritism, disrespect, poor treatment, discrimination, etc.”M.V.

23 IPMA Eastern Region 2015 Economics of Trust Quality of Task Cost of Task High Trust Organization Low Trust Organization

24 IPMA Eastern Region 2015 Engaging Your Employees – Building Trust 1)Find out what motivates your direct reports 2)Hire and keep people who are good at their work 3)Get people working on what’s important 4)Explain and train 5)Let people work 6)Be generous with praise and show it 7)Expect excellence 8)Care about people and show it 9)Treat employees with respect 10)Lead by example

25 IPMA Eastern Region 2015 Some Quotes to Inspire As We Leave! “Your living is determined not so much by what life brings to you as by the attitude you bring to life, not so much by what happens to you as by the way your mind looks at what happens.”- Kahlil Gibran “Be the change you wish to see in the world.” - Mahatma Gandhi “You must do the thing you think you cannot do.” - Eleanor Roosevelt

26 IPMA Eastern Region 2015 Leadership…... is the art of getting someone else to do something you want done because he wants to do it (Dwight Eisenhower) … Getting results in a way that inspires trust (SMR Covey)

27 IPMA Eastern Region 2015 “To Make It Stick”  Write down what you will do – what action item you will put in place (share copy with accountability partner) commitment(s)  Pick an accountability partner – preferably someone in this room (he/she will circle back – call, email – did you….?)  Write down what you are going to do differently  What “gem, nugget, take away” you going to implement or apply back at home (h) or work (w)

28 IPMA Eastern Region 2015 In Closing…. “In your every action – do you inspire trust, are you leading by example?”

29 IPMA Eastern Region 2015 For more information… CONTACT: The Diversity Training Group 692 Pine Street Herndon, VA 20170 Tel.703.478.9191 Fax 703.709.0591 Mauricio Velásquez, MBA - President

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