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5th Grade Curriculum Night Welcome and thank you for coming! Mrs. Bowman Ms. Bush Ms. Garrison Mrs. Guerriero Ms. VanSprange.

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Presentation on theme: "5th Grade Curriculum Night Welcome and thank you for coming! Mrs. Bowman Ms. Bush Ms. Garrison Mrs. Guerriero Ms. VanSprange."— Presentation transcript:

1 5th Grade Curriculum Night Welcome and thank you for coming! Mrs. Bowman Ms. Bush Ms. Garrison Mrs. Guerriero Ms. VanSprange

2 Schedule Important times to remember…  8:15 Late Bell Rings  10:45 Recess  12:30 First Lunch  2:10 ENCORE Classes  3:00 Dismissal


4 Beacon Badges  Each student has a badge at their desk.  Students must get a total of 30 initials before moving onto the next level.  Signatures are earned by being “ caught ” doing the right thing!  Any staff member can sign students’ badges.  Rewards are given when badges are filled.

5 PBIS Rewards  Bronze: clips with students’ names will appear outside each classroom on a PBIS banner and a tangible reward will be earned.  Silver: name moves up a level on banner and a reward of a special privilege is given.  Gold: name moves up on banner and is placed on hallway bulletin board. A special celebration is earned.

6 Communication  Students record their homework in their agenda each day. Please check agendas nightly and sign.  A blue communication folder will be sent home with your child weekly. It should be returned to school the following day.  Each teacher will update their website regularly.  We check email daily and will respond promptly.

7 Grading Scale A = 93-100 B = 85-92 C = 77-84 D = 70-76 F = 69 and below

8 Math  Whole Numbers & Order of Operations  Fractions: add, subtract, multiply and divide  Understanding Decimals  Geometry and Coordinate Planes  Measurement and Volume  There is a large emphasis on multi-step word problems that focus on real world scenarios.

9 Science  Students will be keeping a science notebook to help them study for quizzes, exams, and their science EOG.  Units include…  Ecosystems  Human Body and Genetics  Matter and Energy  Weather  Forces and Motion

10 Social Studies  Students will learn how our country has changed over time.  Students have the option of participating in the Great American Challenge. This challenge focuses on American symbols, songs, and geography.  If your student completes the Great American Challenge, he/she will receive an award at the end of the school year.

11 Reading  Students are currently being assessed for their reading level.  We will be following the Reader’s Workshop Model.  Units include…  Launching Reader’s Workshop/Character Study  Nonfiction Text Structure  Learning through Reading (Westward Expansion)  Historical Fiction and Related Informational Texts  Nonfiction Research Projects  Book Clubs  Author Studies

12 Writing  We will focus on organizing our writing into 5 paragraphs (introduction w/thesis statement, 3 supporting paragraphs, and a conclusion)  Students will be writing various genres...  Narrative Craft  Research Reports  Opinion and Informational (Research-based Argument Essays)  Literary and Comparative Essay  Essay to Narrative to Memoir  Authoring an Independent Writing Life

13 Wax Museum  Each child will participate in the 8 th Annual Boger Wax Museum.  Presentations are the final result of a research project.  Each teacher will select a theme.  Date to be announced (April). Parents are invited to share in the fun!

14 Questions and Comments Thank you for taking an active role in your child’s education!

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