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Gender in Clinical Research: A Review of Prins et al Susan Phillips Gender Basic, Jan. 2007.

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Presentation on theme: "Gender in Clinical Research: A Review of Prins et al Susan Phillips Gender Basic, Jan. 2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 Gender in Clinical Research: A Review of Prins et al Susan Phillips Gender Basic, Jan. 2007

2 Sex Differences genetic similarity phenotypic difference

3 Sex differences in Research Failure to include women or to disaggregate data: –Valid? –Biased?

4 Question #1 When do ‘ between ’ group differences (with the groups being men and women) matter enough to validate using scarce resources to identify them?

5 What is clinical research? Research conducted with human subjects... for which an investigator (or colleague) directly interacts with human subjects.

6 What about gender? Prins et al: –useful concept for interpreting findings but not part of research design

7 Epidemiology - cautions Subdividing Tx & control groups by sex –Sex as a confounder rather than a variable in the pathway from input to outcome

8 A solution...comment #1 Sex stratification of study population (?)

9 Comment #2 Assumption of homogeneity within group The risk: missing an effect modifier that changes the measured outcome –An example

10 Randomization- strengths & shortcomings: comment #3 Equalizes unmeasured factors across groups Makes the contribution of unmeasured factors invisible What about gender?

11 Background data: comment #4 Age, co-morbidities, smoking, drug use, etc What about sexual abuse,control at home or in workplace What about a gender index?

12 Gender bias in variables: comment #5 Does gender create bias in variables representing social determinants? Examples: -Gini coefficient -household income measure -self reported health

13 Measuring gender’s effect: comment #6 Only an interpretive lens? An independent variable? What about a gender index?

14 Measuring gender’s effect: comment #7 A contextual level effect A cross level effect What about a gender index?

15 Gender and individual level analyses: comment #8 Some examples: -inventory re acceptance of sex roles -Acceptance of gender stereotypes

16 The bottom line Sex - individual level variable Gender - ecological variable Sex disaggregated data - good design Gender - describes the social climate Can we create a gender index to import group level info into individual or multi level analyses?

17 Thank you...

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