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Published byFlora Carr Modified over 9 years ago
Modern Hebrew for Beginners Copyright ©2007-09 Uri Yosef for All rights reserved. Module 15/Page 1 Practical Hebrew Phrases & Expressions (Continued) This is the next in a sequence of modules that introduce common Hebrew phrases and expressions that are used in several different situations one would encounter while in Israel. Most of these phrases & expressions have been taken from an existing publication [1], then suitably adapted and modified for the purpose of this Modern Hebrew for Beginners class. This module deals with hotel accommodations by introducing practical basic phrases and expressions for the following: Reservations (in advance and at the hotel) Reception Requirements (amenities, personal needs, complaints) Checking out [1] The source of these phrases is the Berlitz Hebrew Phrase Book & Dictionary, © 2003 Berlitz Publishing/Apa Publications GMBH & Co., Verlag KG, Singapore Branch, Singapore. Written permission to use this material and to modify it as needed was requested & received from Berlitz.
Modern Hebrew for Beginners Copyright ©2007-09 Uri Yosef for All rights reserved. Module 15/Page 2 At a hotel – 1 – בְּמָלוֹן Reservations in advance - הַזְמָנוֹת מֵרֹאשׁ אַנְגְּלִיתתַּעְתִּיקעִבְרִית Could you recommend a hotel in Eilat? tuCHAL/tuchLI l e hamLITS AL maLON b e eiLAT? תּוּכַל (תּוּכְלִי) לְהַמְלִיץ עַל מָלוֹן בְּאֵילַת? Is it/that near the center of the city? ZEH qaROV l e merKAZ ha’IR? זֶה קָרוֹב לְמֶרְכַּז הָעִיר? Could you reserve for me/us a room there, please? tuCHAL/tuchLI l e hazMIN LI/LAnu HEder SHAM, b e vaqaSHAH? תּוּכַל (תּוּכְלִי) לְהַזְמִין לִי\לָנוּ חֶדֶר שָׁם, בְּבַקָּשָׁה? How does one get there? EICH magi’IM l e SHAM? אֵי ךְ מַגִּיעִים לְשָׁם? How much is it for a night? KAmah ZEH l e LA’y’lah? כַּמָּה זֶה לְלַיְלָה? Do you have a cheaper room?YESH laCHEM HEder yoTER ZOL? יֵשׁ לָכֶם חֶדֶר יוֹתֵר זוֹל? אַנְגְּלִית״מָקוֹר״תַּעְתִּיקעִבְרִית invitation, reservation (sing./pl.) (לְהַזְמִין) hazmaNAH/hazmaNOT הַזְמָנָה\הַזְמָנוֹת hotel/hotels (לָלוּן) maLON/m e loNOT מָלוֹן\מְלוֹנוֹת (בַּיִת) (מָלוֹן) BEIT-maLON/ baTEI-maLON בֵּית-מָלוֹן\בָּתֵּי-מָלוֹן in advance (מִן) (רֹאשׁ) meiROSH מֵרֹאשׁ Some relevant terminology
Modern Hebrew for Beginners Copyright ©2007-09 Uri Yosef for All rights reserved. Module 15/Page 3 אַנְגְּלִיתתַּעְתִּיקעִבְרִית Do you have a room?YESH laCHEM HEder? יֵשׁ לָכֶם חֶדֶר? I am sorry. We are full. aNI mitstaER (mitstaEret). aNAHnu m e lei’IM. אֲנִי מִצְטַעֵר (מִצְטַעֶרֶת). אֲנַחְנוּ מְלֵאִים. Is there another (lit. a different) hotel in the vicinity? YESH maLON aHER ba’sviVAH? יֵשׁ מָלוֹן אַחֵר בַּסְּבִיבָה? I would like (lit. I was wanting) a room for one person. haYIti roTSEH (roTSAH) HEder l e yaHID. הָיִיתִי רוֹצֶה (רוֹצָה) חֶדֶר לְיָחִיד. I would like a room for a couple. haYIti roTSEH (roTSAH) HEder l e ZUG. הָיִיתִי רוֹצֶה (רוֹצָה) חֶדֶר לְזוּג. Is it possible to see the room, please? efSHAR lir’OT ET ha’HEder, b e vaqaSHAH? ּאֶפְשָׁר לִרְאוֹת אֶת הַחֶדֶר, בְּבַקָּשָׁה? I would like a room with separate beds. haYIti roTSEH (roTSAH) HEder IM miTOT nifraDOT. ּהָיִיתִי רוֹצֶה (רוֹצָה) חֶדֶר עִם מִטּוֹת נִפְרָדוֹת. I would like a room with a double-bed. haYIti roTSEH (roTSAH) HEder IM miTAH k’fuLAH/zuGIT. ּהָיִיתִי רוֹצֶה (רוֹצָה) חֶדֶר עִם מִטָּה כְּפוּלָה\זוּגִית. I would like a room with a shower and a bathtub. haYIti roTSEH (roTSAH) HEder IM miqLAhat v e amBATyah. ּהָיִיתִי רוֹצֶה (רוֹצָה) חֶדֶר עִם מִקְלַחַת וְאַמְבַּטְיָה. At a hotel – 2 – בְּמָלוֹן At the hotel - בַּ מָּלון
Modern Hebrew for Beginners Copyright ©2007-09 Uri Yosef for All rights reserved. Module 15/Page 4 Vocabulary: Verbs – פְּעָלִים VerbTense זְמַןבִּנְיָן שֹׁרֶ שׁ פֹּעַל I wasPast עָבָרפָּעַל (קַל)היההָיִיתִי to recommendInfinitive מָקוֹרהִפְעִילמלץלְהַמְלִיץ (we, you, they) arrivePresent הֹוֶההִפְעִילנגעמַגִּיעִים (we, you, they) are fullPresent הֹוֶהפָּעַל (קַל)מלאמְלֵאִים (I am, you are, he is) sorry Present הֹוֶההִתְפַּעֵלצער מִצְטַעֵר (I am, you are, she is) sorry מִצְטַעֶרֶת At a hotel – 3 – בְּמָלוֹן
Modern Hebrew for Beginners Copyright ©2007-09 Uri Yosef for All rights reserved. Module 15/Page 5 Vocabulary: Other words - מִלִּים אֲחֵרוֹת Note: The following words, which appear in the examples, are shown without definite article and attached prepositions. Most previously defined words are generally not included. אַנְגְּלִית״מָקוֹר״תַּעְתִּיקעִבְרִיתאַנְגְּלִית״מָקוֹר״תַּעְתִּיקעִבְרִית a bed --- miTAH מִטָּה a bathtub --- amBATya אַמְבַּטְיָה beds --- miTOT מִטּוֹת a couple, a pair (לְזַוֵּג) ZUG זוּג a shower-bath --- miqLAhat מִקְלַחַ ת dual, in pairs זוּגִי zuGIT זוּגִית separate, different (plural) נִפְרָד nifraDOT נִפְרָדוֹת cheap, inexpensive (לָזוּל) ZOL זוֹל vicinity, neighborhood, surroundings (לָסוֹב) sviVAH סְבִיבָה a room --- HEder חֶדֶר a city, a town --- IRIR עִיר single, sole, an only one, individual (לִיחֹד) yaHID יָחִיד double כָּפוּל k’fuLAH כְּפוּלָה At a hotel – 4 – בְּמָלוֹן
Modern Hebrew for Beginners Copyright ©2007-09 Uri Yosef for All rights reserved. Module 15/Page 6 At a hotel – 5 – בְּמָלוֹן Reception - קַבָּלָה אַנְגְּלִיתתַּעְתִּיקעִבְרִית I have a reservation. My name is ______.YESH LI hazmaNAH. SHMI ______. יֵשׁ לִי הַזְמָנָה. שְׁמִי _____. I reserved a room for two nights.hizMANti HEder li’SHNEI leiLOT. הִזְמַנְתִּי חֶדֶר לִשְׁנֵי לֵילוֹת. I confirmed my reservation through (lit. in) the (electronic) mail. iSHARti ET hazmanaTI ba’DO’ar (ha’electROni) אִשַּׁרְתִּי אֶת הַזְמָנָתִי בַּדּוֹאַר (הָאֶלֶקְטְרוֹנִי). We reserved a room for a couple and a room for a single. hizMAnu HEder l e ZUG v e HEder l e yaHID. הִזְמַנּוּ חֶדֶר לְזוּג וְחֶדֶר לְיָחִיד. Could we have/get adjoining rooms? nuCHAL l e qaBEL hadaRIM tsmuDIM. נוּכַל לְקַבֵּל חֲדָרִים צְמוּדִים? Could you put a cot (lit. a bed that folds) in the room. tuchLU laSIM miTAH mitqaPElet ba’HEder? תּוּכְלוּ לָשִׂים מִטָּה מִתְקַפֶּלֶת בַּחֶדֶר? Could you put a crib in the room?tuchLU laSIM ariSAH ba’HEder? תּוּכְלוּ לָשִׂים עֲרִיסָה בַּחֶדֶר? Is there a refrigerator in the room?YESH m e qaRER ba’HEder? יֵשׁ מְקָרֵר בַּחֶדֶר? אַנְגְּלִית״מָקוֹר״תַּעְתִּיק עִבְרִי ת reception (at a hotel, etc.; also a receipt, receiving, acceptance) (לְקַבֵּל) qabaLAH קַבָּלָה More relevant terminology
Modern Hebrew for Beginners Copyright ©2007-09 Uri Yosef for All rights reserved. Module 15/Page 7 Vocabulary: Verbs – פְּעָלִים VerbTense זְמַןבִּנְיָן שֹׁרֶ שׁ פֹּעַל I confirmed, I verifiedPast עָבָרפִּעֵלאשׁראִשַּׁרְתִּי I reserved (I invited) Past עָבָרהִפְעִילזמן הִזְמַנְתִּ י we reserved, (we invited) הִזְמַנּוּ to receive, to getInfinitive מָקוֹרפִּעֵלקבללְקַבֵּל to put, to placeInfinitive מָקוֹר פָּעַל (קַל) שׂיםלָשִׂים we shall be able Future עָתִיד פָּעַל (קַל) יכל נוּכַל you (plural) will be able תּוּכְלוּ At a hotel – 6 – בְּמָלוֹן
Modern Hebrew for Beginners Copyright ©2007-09 Uri Yosef for All rights reserved. Module 15/Page 8 At a hotel – 7 – בְּמָלוֹן Vocabulary: Other words - מִלִּים אֲחֵרוֹת Note: The following words, which appear in the examples, are shown without definite article and attached prepositions. Most previously defined words are generally not included. אַנְגְּלִית״מָקוֹר״תַּעְתִּיקעִבְרִית electronic (foreign) eleqtROni אֶלֶקְטְרוֹנִי my reservation הַזְמָנָה hazmanaTI הַזְמָנָתִי rooms חֶדֶר hadaRIM חֲדָרִים nights לַיְלָה leiLOT לֵילוֹת a refrigerator (לְקָרֵר) m e qaRER מְקָרֵר folding (adjective) (לְהִתְקַפֵּל ) mitqaPElet מִתְקַפֶּלֶת a crib, a cradle עֶרֶשׂ ariSAH עֲרִיסָה adjoining (plural) צָמוּד tsmuDIM צְמוּדִים my name שֵׁם SHMI שְׁמִי
Modern Hebrew for Beginners Copyright ©2007-09 Uri Yosef for All rights reserved. Module 15/Page 9 At a hotel – 8 – בְּמָלוֹן A conversation at the reception counter - שִׂיחָה אֵצֶל דּ וּכַן הַקַּבָּלָה אַנְגְּלִיתתַּעְתִּיקעִבְרִית Hello. I have a reservation. My name is John (Jill) Newton. shaLOM. YESH LI hazmaNAH. SHMI JON (JIL) nYUton. שָׁלוֹם. יֵשׁ לִי הַזְמָנָה. שְׁמִי ג׳וֹן (גִ׳יל) נְיוּטוֹן. Hello, Mr. (Miss) Newton. shaLOM u’vraCHAH MAR (g e VEret) nYUton. שָׁלוֹם וּבְרָכָה, מַר (גְּבֶרֶת) נְיוּטוֹן. I reserved a room for three nights. hizMANti HEder li’shloSHAH leiLOT. הִזְמַנְתִּי חֶדֶר לִשְׁלוֹשָׁה לֵילוֹת. Alright. Please fill out this registration form. b e SEder. b e vaqaSHAH maLE (mal’ I ) TOfes harshaMAH ZEH. בְּסֵדֶר. בְּבַקָּשָׁה מַלֵּא (מַלְּאִי) טֹפֶס הַרְשָׁמָה זֶה. How much is it for a night?kaMAH ZEH l e LA’y’lah? כַּמָּה זֶה לְלַיְלָה? Five hundred Sheqels, including breakfast. May I see the passport and a credit card, please? haMESH meiOT SHEqel (shqaLIM), koLEL aruHAT BOqer. efSHAR lir’OT ET ha’darKON v e charTIS ashRAI, b e vaqaSHAH? חֲמֵשׁ מֵאוֹת שֶׁקֶל (שְׁקָלִים), כּוֹלֵל אֲרוּחַת בֹּקֶר. אֶפְשָׁר לִרְאוֹת אֶת הַדַּרְכּוֹן וְכַרְטִיס אַשְׁרַאי, בְּבַקָּשָׁה? Here is the passport and the card. Where is the parking (lot)? hiNEI ha’darKON v e ha’karTIS. eiFOH ha’hanaYAH? הִנֵּה הַדַּרְכּוֹן וְהַכַּרְטִיס. אֵיפֹה הַחֲנָיָה? There is a parking lot behind the building, and the parking is free for the guests. What is the (license number) of your car? YESH henYON me’ahoREI ha’binYAN, v e ha’hanaYAH hiNAM la’orHIM. MAH misPAR ha’m e choNIT shelCHA (sheLACH)? יֵשׁ חֶנְיוֹן מֵאֲחוֹרֵי הַבִּנְיָן, וְהַחֲנָיָה חִנָּם לָאוֹרְחִים. מַה מִּסְפַּר הַמְּכוֹנִית שֶׁלְּ ךָ (שֶׁלָּ ךְ )?
Modern Hebrew for Beginners Copyright ©2007-09 Uri Yosef for All rights reserved. Module 15/Page 10 Vocabulary: Verbs – פְּעָלִים VerbTense זְמַןבִּנְיָן שֹׁרֶ שׁ פֹּעַל (I, you) include, (he/it) includesPresent הֹוֶה פָּעַל (קַל) כללכּוֹלֵל Fill (out)! Imperative צִוּוּיפִּעֵלמלא מַלֵּא Fill (out)! מַלְּאִי At a hotel – 9 – בְּמָלוֹן
Modern Hebrew for Beginners Copyright ©2007-09 Uri Yosef for All rights reserved. Module 15/Page 11 At a hotel – 10 – בְּמָלוֹן Vocabulary: Other words - מִלִּים אֲחֵרוֹת אַנְגְּלִית״מָקוֹר״תַּעְתִּיקעִבְרִיתאַנְגְּלִית״מָקוֹר״תַּעְתִּיקעִבְרִית a parking (facility) (לַחֲנוֹת ) hanaYAH חֲנָיָה guests אוֹרֵחַ orHIM אוֹרְחִים a parking lot, a parking garage henYON חֶנְיוֹן breakfast (אֲרוּחָה) (בֹּקֶר) aruHAT BOqer אֲרוּחַת בֹּקֶר free, gratis --- hiNAM חִנָּם a building, a structure (לִבְנוֹת) binYAN בִּנְיָן a form, a template --- TOfes טֹפֶס Madam, Miss, Mrs. גֶּבֶר g e VEret גְּבֶרֶת behind (מִן) (אָחוֹר) me’ahoREI מֵאֲחוֹרֵי a counter, a pulpit --- duCHAN דּוּכַן a car מְכוֹנָה m e choNIT מְכוֹנִית a passport דֶּרֶךְ darKON דַּרְכּוֹן Mr., mister --- MAR מַר registration, enrollment (לְהֵרָשֵׁם ) harshaMAH הַרְשָׁמָ ה a conversation, a chat (לָשִׂיחַ) siHAH שִׂיחָה Note: The following words, which appear in the examples, are shown without definite article and attached prepositions. Most previously defined words are generally not included.
Modern Hebrew for Beginners Copyright ©2007-09 Uri Yosef for All rights reserved. Module 15/Page 12 At a hotel – 11 – בְּמָלוֹן Problems and complaints - בְּעָיוֹת וּתְלוּנוֹת אַנְגְּלִיתתַּעְתִּיקעִבְרִית The air-conditioning (air- conditioner) isn’t working. miZUG-ha’aVIR (ha’mazGAN) LO po’EL. מִזּוּג הָאֲוִיר (הַמַּזְגָּן) לֹא פּוֹעֵל. The heating (heater) isn’t working ha’hiMUM (ha’m e haMEM) LO po’EL. הַחִמּוּם (הַמְּחַמֵם) לֹא פּוֹעֵל. There is no hot water. / There is no toilet paper. EIN MAyim haMIM. / EIN n e YAR-shiMUSH. אֵין מַיִם חַמִּים. \ אֵין נְיַר שִׁמּוּשׁ. The sink is clogged. / The toilet is clogged. ha’kiYOR saTUM. / BEIT-ha’shiMUsH saTUM. הַכִּיּוֹר סָתוּם. \ בֵּית הַשִּׁמּוּשׁ סָתוּם. My/Our room wasn’t put in order. (lit. [They] did not put in order my/our room.) LO sidRU ET ha’HEder sheLI/sheLAnu. לֹא סִדְרוּ אֶת הַחֶדֶר שֶׁלִּי\שֶׁלָּנוּ. Could you have this matter taken care of, please? tuCHAL (tuchLI) lid’OG she’y e tapLU ba’ZEH, b e vaqaSHAH? תּוּכַל (תּוּכְלִי) לִדְאֹג שֶׁיְּטַפְּלוּ בָּזֶה, בְּבַקָּשָה? I want to speak to the manager. aNI roTSEH (roTSAH) l e daBER IM ha’m e naHEL (ha’m e naHElet). אֲנִי רוֹצֶה (רוֹצָה) לְדַבֵּר עִם הַמְּנַהֵל (הַמְּנַהֶלֶת). אַנְגְּלִית״מָקוֹר״תַּעְתִּיקעִבְרִית a problem/problems --- b e aYAH/b e aYOT בְּעָיָה\בְּעָיוֹת a complaint/complaints (לְהִתְלוֹנֵן ) tluNAH/tluNOT תְּלוּנָה\תְּלוּנוֹת Some relevant terminology
Modern Hebrew for Beginners Copyright ©2007-09 Uri Yosef for All rights reserved. Module 15/Page 13 At a hotel – 12 – בְּמָלוֹן Various requests - דְּרִישׁוֹת שׁוֹנוֹת אַנְגְּלִיתתַּעְתִּיקעִבְרִית Where is the dining room? Where is the (swimming) pool? eiFOH hadar ha’Ochel? eiFOH ha’breiCHAH? אֵיפֹה חֲדַר הָאֹכֶל? אֵיפֹה הַבְּרֵכָה? Where are the restrooms? Where is the elevator? eiFOH ha’sheiruTIM? eiFOH ha’ma’aLIT? אֵיפֹה הַשֵּׁרוּתִים? אֵיפֹה הַמַּעֲלִית? Where can one (lit. is it possible to) find a maid (valet)? eiFOH efSHAR limTSO hadraNIT (hadRAN)? אֵיפֹה אֶפְשָׁר לִמְצֹא חַדְרָנִית (חַדְרָן)? Is it possible to get another bath towel? efSHAR l e qaBEL OD maGEvet rahTSAH? אֶפְשָׁר לְקַבֵּל עוֹד מַגֶּבֶת רַחְצָה? Is it possible to leave this in the safe? efSHAR l e hash’IR ET ZEH ba’kaSEfet? אֶפְשָׁר לְהַשְׁאִיר אֶת זֶה בַּכַּסֶּפֶת? Could you wake me at six-thirty in the morning, please? tuchLU l e ha’IR oTI b e sha’AH SHESH va’HEtsi ba’BOqer, b e vaqaSHAH? תּוּכְלוּ לְהָעִיר אוֹתִי בְּשָׁעָה שֵׁשׁ וָחֵצִי בַּבֹּקֶר, בְּבַקָּשָׁה? Please do not disturb!NA LO l e hafRI’a! נָא לֹא לְהַפְרִיעַ! אַנְגְּלִית״מָקוֹר״תַּעְתִּיקעִבְרִית a request/requests, a demand/demands (לִדְרֹשׁ) driSHAH/driSHOT דְּרִישָׁה\דְּרִישׁוֹת different (sing.)/various (pl.) שׁוֹנֶה shoNAH/shoNOT שׁוֹנָה\שׁוֹנוֹת Some relevant terminology
Modern Hebrew for Beginners Copyright ©2007-09 Uri Yosef for All rights reserved. Module 15/Page 14 Vocabulary: Verbs – פְּעָלִים VerbTense זְמַןבִּנְיָן שֹׁרֶ שׁ פֹּעַל they will tend to/take care of Future עָתִידפִּעֵלטפליְטַפְּלוּ to care, to worry, to be concerned Infinitive מָקוֹר פָּעַל (קַל) דאגלִדְאֹג to wake (someone) Infinitive מָקוֹרהִפְעִילעורלְהָעִיר to disturb, to interrupt Infinitive מָקוֹרהִפְעִילפרעלְהַפְרִיעַ to leave (something) Infinitive מָקוֹרהִפְעִילשׁאר לְהַשְׁאִי ר to find Infinitive מָקוֹר פָּעַל (קַל) מצאלִמְצֹא they put in order/arranged Past עָבָרפִּעֵלסדרסִדְרוּ (I, you) work, (he/it) works Present הֹוֶה פָּעַל (קַל) פעלפּוֹעֵל At a hotel – 13 – בְּמָלוֹן
Modern Hebrew for Beginners Copyright ©2007-09 Uri Yosef for All rights reserved. Module 15/Page 15 At a hotel – 14 – בְּמָלוֹן Vocabulary: Other words - מִלִּים אֲחֵרוֹת אַנְגְּלִית״מָקוֹר״תַּעְתִּיקעִבְרִיתאַנְגְּלִית״מָקוֹר״תַּעְתִּיקעִבְרִית heating (noun) (לְחַמֵּם ) hiMUM חִמּוּם (in/with) this matter/thing (בָּ-) (זֶה) ba’ZEH בָּזֶה a heaterm e haMEM מְחַמֵם a toilet (בַּית) (שִׁמּוּשׁ) BEIT shiMUSH בֵּית שִׁמּוּשׁ hot (pl. adjective) (לָחֹם) haMIM חַמִּים a pool --- breiCHAH בְּרֵכָה a bath towel (מַגֶּבֶת) (רַחְצָה) maGEvet rahTSAH מַגֶּבֶת רַחְצָה a dining room (חֶדֶר) (אֹכֶל) haDAR Ochel חֲדַר אֹכֶל an air-conditioner (לִמְזֹג) mazGAN מַזְגָּן a (chamber) valet חֶדֶר hadRAN חַדְרָן air-conditioning (noun) (לִמְזֹג) (אֲוִיר) miZUG aVIR מִזּוּג אֲוִיר a (chamber) maidhadraNIT חַדְרָנִית Please …! Let’s …! --- NA נָא a sink, a basin --- kiYOR כִּיּוֹר toilet paper (נְיָר) (שִׁמּוּשׁ) n e YAR shiMUSH נְיַר שִׁמּוּשׁ a safe, a vault כֶּסֶף kaSEfet כַּסֶּפֶת clogged, stopped up (לִסְתֹּ ם) saTUM סָתוּם an elevator (לַעֲלוֹת ) ma’aLIT מַעֲלִית Note: The following words, which appear in the examples, are shown without definite article and attached prepositions. Most previously defined words are generally not included.
Modern Hebrew for Beginners Copyright ©2007-09 Uri Yosef for All rights reserved. Module 15/Page 16 At a hotel – 15 – בְּמָלוֹן Checking out - יְצִיאָה אַנְגְּלִיתתַּעְתִּיקעִבְרִית By what time is it necessary to check out? AD eiZO sha’AH tsaRICH laTSET? עַד אֵיזוֹ שָׁעָה צָרִי ךְ לָצֵאת? Is it possible to leave the luggage here till four in the afternoon? efSHAR l e hash’IR ET ha’mizvaDOT KAN AD arBA aHAR ha’tsohoRAyim? אֶפְשָׁר לְהַשְׁאִיר אֶת הַמִּזְוָדוֹת כָּאן עַד אַרְבַּע אַחַר הַצָּהֳרַיִם? I/We am/are leaving now. aNI/aNAHnu oZEV/ozVIM (oZEvet/ozVOT) achSHAV. אֲנִי\אֲנַחְנוּ עוֹזֵב\עוֹזְבִים (עוֹזֶבֶת\עוֹזְבוֹת) עַכְשָׁיו. Is it possible to get the bill, please? efSHAR l e qaBEL et ha’heshBON, b e vaqaSHAH? אֶפְשָׁר לְקַבֵּל אֶת הַחֶשְׁבּוֹן, בְּבַקָּשָׁה? I think that there is an error in the bill. I didn’t make (lit. have) phone calls. aNI hoSHEV (hoSHEvet) sheYESH ta’UT ba’heshBON. LO haYU LI siHOT TElefon. אֲנִי חוֹשֵׁב (חוֹשֶׁבֶת) שֶׁיֵּשׁ טָעוּת בַּחֶשְׁבּוֹן. לֹא הָיוּ לִי שִׂיחוֹת טֶלֶפוֹן. Could you give me a receipt, please? tuCHAL (tuchLI) laTET LI qabaLAH, b e vaqaSHAH? תּוּכַל (תּוּכְלִי) לָתֵת לִי קַבָּלָה, בְּבַקָּשָׁה? Could you summon for me a taxi, please? tuCHAL (tuchLI) l e hazMIN LI moNIT, b e vaqaSHAH? תּוּכַל (תּוּכְלִי) לְהַזְמִין לִי מוֹנִית, בְּבַקָּשָׁה? It was very pleasant to stay here. haYAH na’IM m e ’OD lih i YOT POH. הָיָה נָעִים מְאֹד לִהְיוֹת פֹּה. אַנְגְּלִית״מָקוֹר״תַּעְתִּיקעִבְרִית (the act of) checking out, exiting [also, an exit] (לָצֵאת) y e tsi’AH יְצִיאָה Some relevant terminology
Modern Hebrew for Beginners Copyright ©2007-09 Uri Yosef for All rights reserved. Module 15/Page 17 Vocabulary: Verbs – פְּעָלִים VerbTense זְמַןבִּנְיָן שֹׁרֶ שׁ פֹּעַל (he/it) was Past עָבָר פָּעַל (קַל) היה הָיָה (they) were הָיוּ to be Infinitive מָקוֹרלִהְיוֹת (I, you) think, (he/it) thinks Present הֹוֶה פָּעַל (קַל) חשׁב חוֹשֵׁב (I, you) think, (she/it) thinks חוֹשֶׁבֶת to give Infinitive מָקוֹר פָּעַל (קַל) נתןלָתֵת (I am, you are, he/it is) leaving Present הֹוֶה פָּעַל (קַל) עזב עוֹזֵב (we, you, they) are leaving עוֹזְבִים (I am, you are, she/it is) leaving עוֹזֶבֶת (we, you, they) are leaving עוֹזְבוֹת At a hotel – 16 – בְּמָלוֹן
Modern Hebrew for Beginners Copyright ©2007-09 Uri Yosef for All rights reserved. Module 15/Page 18 At a hotel – 17 – בְּמָלוֹן Vocabulary: Other words - מִלִּים אֲחֵרוֹת אַנְגְּלִית״מָקוֹר״תַּעְתִּיקעִבְרִית Which …? What …? אֵיזֶה eiZO (EIzo) אֵיזוֹ a telephone --- TElefon טֶלֶפוֹן an error, a mistake (לִטְעוֹת) ta’UT טָעוּת suitcases, luggage מִזְוָדָה mizvaDOT מִזְוָדוֹת Note: The following words, which appear in the examples, are shown without definite article and attached prepositions. Most previously defined words are generally not included.
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