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CS573 Data Privacy and Security Anonymization methods Li Xiong.

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1 CS573 Data Privacy and Security Anonymization methods Li Xiong

2 Today Permutation based anonymization methods (cont.) Other privacy principles for microdata publishing Statistical databases

3 Anonymization methods Non-perturbative: don't distort the data – Generalization – Suppression Perturbative: distort the data – Microaggregation/clustering – Additive noise Anatomization and permutation – De-associate relationship between QID and sensitive attribute

4 Concept of the Anatomy Algorithm Release 2 tables, quasi-identifier table (QIT) and sensitive table (ST) Use the same QI groups (satisfy l-diversity), replace the sensitive attribute values with a Group-ID column Then produce a sensitive table with Disease statistics

5 Specifications of Anatomy cont. D EFINITION 3. (Anatomy) With a given l-diverse partition anatomy will create QIT and ST tables QIT will be constructed as the following: (A qi 1, A qi 2,..., A qi d, Group-ID) ST will be constructed as the following: (Group-ID, A s, Count)

6 Privacy properties T HEOREM 1. Given a pair of QIT and ST inference of the sensitive value of any individual is at mos 1/l

7 Comparison with generalization Compare with generalization on two assumptions: A1: the adversary has the QI-values of the target individual A2: the adversary also knows that the individual is definitely in the microdata If A1 and A2 are true, anatomy is as good as generalization 1/l holds true If A1 is true and A2 is false, generalization is stronger If A1 and A2 are false, generalization is still stronger

8 Preserving Data Correlation Examine the correlation between Age and Disease in T using probability density function pdf Example: t1

9 Preserving Data Correlation cont. To re-construct an approximate pdf of t 1 from the generalization table:

10 Preserving Data Correlation cont. To re-construct an approximate pdf of t 1 from the QIT and ST tables:

11 Preserving Data Correlation cont. To figure out a more rigorous comparison, calculate the “L 2 distance” with the following equation: The distance for anatomy is 0.5 while the distance for generalization is 22.5

12 Preserving Data Correlation cont. Idea: Measure the error for each tuple by using the following formula: Objective: for all tuples t in T and obtain a minimal re- construction error (RCE): Algorithm: Nearly-Optimal Anatomizing Algorithm

13 Experiments dataset CENSUS that contained the personal information of 500k American adults containing 9 discrete attributes Created two sets of microdata tables Set 1: 5 tables denoted as OCC-3,..., OCC-7 so that OCC-d (3 ≤ d ≤ 7) uses the first d as QI-attributes and Occupation as the sensitive attribute A s Set 2: 5 tables denoted as SAL-3,..., SAL-7 so that SAL-d (3 ≤ d ≤ 7) uses the first d as QI-attributes and Salary-class as the sensitive attribute A s g

14 Experiments cont.

15 Today Permutation based anonymization methods (cont.) Other privacy principles for microdata publishing Statistical databases Differential privacy

16 ZipcodeAgeDisease 476**2*Heart Disease 476**2*Heart Disease 476**2*Heart Disease 4790*≥40Flu 4790*≥40Heart Disease 4790*≥40Cancer 476**3*Heart Disease 476**3*Cancer 476**3*Cancer A 3-anonymous patient table Bob ZipcodeAge 4767827 Carl ZipcodeAge 4767336 Homogeneity attack Background knowledge attack Attacks on k-Anonymity k-Anonymity does not provide privacy if – Sensitive values in an equivalence class lack diversity – The attacker has background knowledge slide 16

17 Caucas787XXFlu Caucas787XXShingles Caucas787XXAcne Caucas787XXFlu Caucas787XXAcne Caucas787XXFlu Asian/AfrAm 78XXXFlu Asian/AfrAm 78XXXFlu Asian/AfrAm 78XXXAcne Asian/AfrAm 78XXXShingles Asian/AfrAm 78XXXAcne Asian/AfrAm 78XXXFlu Sensitive attributes must be “diverse” within each quasi-identifier equivalence class [Machanavajjhala et al. ICDE ‘06] l-Diversity slide 17

18 Distinct l-Diversity Each equivalence class has at least l well- represented sensitive values Doesn’t prevent probabilistic inference attacks slide 18 10 records 8 records have HIV 2 records have other values

19 Other Versions of l-Diversity Probabilistic l-diversity – The frequency of the most frequent value in an equivalence class is bounded by 1/l Entropy l-diversity – The entropy of the distribution of sensitive values in each equivalence class is at least log(l) Recursive (c,l)-diversity – r 1 <c(r l +r l+1 +…+r m ) where r i is the frequency of the i th most frequent value – Intuition: the most frequent value does not appear too frequently slide 19

20 …Cancer … … …Flu …Cancer … … … … … …Flu … Original dataset 99% have cancer Neither Necessary, Nor Sufficient

21 …Cancer … … …Flu …Cancer … … … … … …Flu … Original dataset Q1Flu Q1Flu Q1Cancer Q1Flu Q1Cancer Q1Cancer Q2Cancer Q2Cancer Q2Cancer Q2Cancer Q2Cancer Q2Cancer Anonymization A 99% have cancer 50% cancer  quasi-identifier group is “diverse” Neither Necessary, Nor Sufficient slide 21

22 …Cancer … … …Flu …Cancer … … … … … …Flu … Original dataset Q1Flu Q1Cancer Q1Cancer Q1Cancer Q1Cancer Q1Cancer Q2Cancer Q2Cancer Q2Cancer Q2Cancer Q2Flu Q2Flu Anonymization B Q1Flu Q1Flu Q1Cancer Q1Flu Q1Cancer Q1Cancer Q2Cancer Q2Cancer Q2Cancer Q2Cancer Q2Cancer Q2Cancer Anonymization A 99% have cancer 50% cancer  quasi-identifier group is “diverse” This leaks a ton of information 50% cancer  quasi-identifier group is “diverse” This leaks a ton of information 99% cancer  quasi-identifier group is not “diverse” Neither Necessary, Nor Sufficient slide 22

23 Limitations of l-Diversity Example: sensitive attribute is HIV+ (1%) or HIV- (99%) – Very different degrees of sensitivity! l-diversity is unnecessary – 2-diversity is unnecessary for an equivalence class that contains only HIV- records l-diversity is difficult to achieve – Suppose there are 10000 records in total – To have distinct 2-diversity, there can be at most 10000*1%=100 equivalence classes slide 23

24 Skewness Attack Example: sensitive attribute is HIV+ (1%) or HIV- (99%) Consider an equivalence class that contains an equal number of HIV+ and HIV- records – Diverse, but potentially violates privacy! l-diversity does not differentiate: – Equivalence class 1: 49 HIV+ and 1 HIV- – Equivalence class 2: 1 HIV+ and 49 HIV- slide 24 l-diversity does not consider overall distribution of sensitive values!

25 Bob ZipAge 4767827 ZipcodeAgeSalaryDisease 476**2*20KGastric Ulcer 476**2*30KGastritis 476**2*40KStomach Cancer 4790*≥4050KGastritis 4790*≥40100KFlu 4790*≥4070KBronchitis 476**3*60KBronchitis 476**3*80KPneumonia 476**3*90KStomach Cancer A 3-diverse patient table Conclusion 1.Bob’s salary is in [20k,40k], which is relatively low 2.Bob has some stomach-related disease l-diversity does not consider semantics of sensitive values! Similarity attack Sensitive Attribute Disclosure slide 25

26 t-Closeness: A New Privacy Measure Rationale External Knowledge Overall distribution Q of sensitive values Distribution P i of sensitive values in each equi-class BeliefKnowledge B0B0 B1B1 B2B2  Observations Q is public or can be derived Potential knowledge gain from Q and Pi about Specific individuals Principle The distance between Q and P i should be bounded by a threshold t.

27 Caucas787XXFlu Caucas787XXShingles Caucas787XXAcne Caucas787XXFlu Caucas787XXAcne Caucas787XXFlu Asian/AfrAm 78XXXFlu Asian/AfrAm 78XXXFlu Asian/AfrAm 78XXXAcne Asian/AfrAm 78XXXShingles Asian/AfrAm 78XXXAcne Asian/AfrAm 78XXXFlu [Li et al. ICDE ‘07] Distribution of sensitive attributes within each quasi-identifier group should be “close” to their distribution in the entire original database t-Closeness slide 27

28 Distance Measures P=(p 1,p 2,…,p m ), Q=(q 1,q 2,…,q m )  Trace-distance  KL-divergence  None of these measures reflect the semantic distance among values. Q: {3K,4K,5K,6K,7K,8K,9K,10K,11k} P 1 :{3K,4K,5k} P 2 :{5K,7K,10K} Intuitively, D[P 1,Q]>D[P 2,Q]

29 Earth Mover’s Distance If the distributions are interpreted as two different ways of piling up a certain amount of dirt over region D, EMD is the minimum cost of turning one pile into the other – the cost is amount of dirt moved * the distance by which it is moved – Assume two piles have the same amount of dirt Extensions for comparison of distributions with different total masses. – allow for a partial match, discard leftover "dirt“, without cost – allow for mass to be created or destroyed, but with a cost penalty

30 Earth Mover’s Distance Formulation – P=(p 1,p 2,…,p m ), Q=(q 1,q 2,…,q m ) – d ij : the ground distance between element i of P and element j of Q. – Find a flow F=[f ij ] where f ij is the flow of mass from element i of P to element j of Q that minimizes the overall work: subject to the constraints:

31 How to calculate EMD(Cont’d) EMD for categorical attributes – Hierarchical distance – Hierarchical distance is a metric

32 Earth Mover’s Distance Example – {3k,4k,5k} and {3k,4k,5k,6k,7k,8k,9k,10k,11k} – Move 1/9 probability for each of the following pairs 3k->6k,3k->7k cost: 1/9*(3+4)/8 4k->8k,4k->9k cost: 1/9*(4+5)/8 5k->10k,5k->11k cost: 1/9*(5+6)/8 – Total cost: 1/9*27/8=0.375 – With P2={6k,8k,11k}, we can get the total cost is 1/9 * 12/8 = 0.167 < 0.375. This make more sense than the other two distance calculation method.

33 Experiments Goal – To show l-diversity does not provide sufficient privacy protection (the similarity attack). – To show the efficiency and data quality of using t- closeness are comparable with other privacy measures. Setup – Adult dataset from UC Irvine ML repository – 30162 tuples, 9 attributes (2 sensitive attributes) – Algorithm: Incognito

34 Experiments Comparisons of privacy measurements – k-Anonymity – Entropy l-diversity – Recursive (c,l)-diversity – k-Anonymity with t-closeness

35 Experiments Efficiency – The efficiency of using t-closeness is comparable with other privacy measurements

36 Experiments Data utility – Discernibility metric; Minimum average group size – The data quality of using t-closeness is comparable with other privacy measurements

37 Caucas 787XX HIV+ Flu Asian/AfrAm 787XX HIV- Flu Asian/AfrAm 787XX HIV+ Shingles Caucas 787XX HIV- Acne Caucas 787XX HIV- Shingles Caucas 787XX HIV- Acne This is k-anonymous, l-diverse and t-close… …so secure, right? Anonymous, “t-Close” Dataset slide 37

38 Caucas 787XX HIV+ Flu Asian/AfrAm 787XX HIV- Flu Asian/AfrAm 787XX HIV+ Shingles Caucas 787XX HIV- Acne Caucas 787XX HIV- Shingles Caucas 787XX HIV- Acne Bob is Caucasian and I heard he was admitted to hospital with flu… slide 38 What Does Attacker Know?

39 Caucas 787XX HIV+ Flu Asian/AfrAm 787XX HIV- Flu Asian/AfrAm 787XX HIV+ Shingles Caucas 787XX HIV- Acne Caucas 787XX HIV- Shingles Caucas 787XX HIV- Acne Bob is Caucasian and I heard he was admitted to hospital … And I know three other Caucasions admitted to hospital with Acne or Shingles … slide 39 What Does Attacker Know?

40 k-Anonymity and Partition-based notions Syntactic – Focuses on data transformation, not on what can be learned from the anonymized dataset – “k-anonymous” dataset can leak sensitive information “Quasi-identifier” fallacy – Assumes a priori that attacker will not know certain information about his target slide 40

41 Today Permutation based anonymization methods (cont.) Other privacy principles for microdata publishing Statistical databases – Definitions and early methods – Output perturbation and differential privacy

42 Originated from the study on statistical database A statistical database is a database which provides statistics on subsets of records OLAP vs. OLTP Statistics may be performed to compute SUM, MEAN, MEDIAN, COUNT, MAX AND MIN of records Statistical Data Release

43 Types of Statistical Databases  Static – a static database is made once and never changes  Example: U.S. Census  Dynamic – changes continuously to reflect real-time data  Example: most online research databases

44 Types of Statistical Databases  Centralized – one database  Decentralized – multiple decentralized databases  General purpose – like census  Special purpose – like bank, hospital, academia, etc

45 Exact compromise – a user is able to determine the exact value of a sensitive attribute of an individual Partial compromise – a user is able to obtain an estimator for a sensitive attribute with a bounded variance Positive compromise – determine an attribute has a particular value Negative compromise – determine an attribute does not have a particular value Relative compromise – determine the ranking of some confidential values Data Compromise

46 Statistical Quality of Information Bias – difference between the unperturbed statistic and the expected value of its perturbed estimate Precision – variance of the estimators obtained by users Consistency – lack of contradictions and paradoxes – Contradictions: different responses to same query; average differs from sum/count – Paradox: negative count

47 Methods  Query restriction  Data perturbation/anonymization  Output perturbation

48 Data Perturbation

49 Output Perturbation Query Results

50 Statistical data release vs. data anonymization Data anonymization is one technique that can be used to build statistical database Other techniques such as query restriction and output purterbation can be used to build statistical database or release statistical data Different privacy principles can be used

51 Security Methods  Query restriction (early methods)  Query size control  Query set overlap control  Query auditing  Data perturbation/anonymization  Output perturbation

52 Query Set Size Control  A query-set size control limit the number of records that must be in the result set  Allows the query results to be displayed only if the size of the query set |C| satisfies the condition K <= |C| <= L – K where L is the size of the database and K is a parameter that satisfies 0 <= K <= L/2

53 Query Set Size Control

54 Tracker Q1: Count ( Sex = Female ) = A Q2: Count ( Sex = Female OR (Age = 42 & Sex = Male & Employer = ABC) ) = B What if B = A+1?

55 Tracker Q1: Count ( Sex = Female ) = A Q2: Count ( Sex = Female OR (Age = 42 & Sex = Male & Employer = ABC) ) = B If B = A+1 Q3: Count ( Sex = Female OR (Age = 42 & Sex = Male & Employer = ABC) & Diagnosis = Schizophrenia) Positively or negatively compromised!

56 Query set size control With query set size control the database can be easily compromised within a frame of 4-5 queries For query set control, if the threshold value k is large, then it will restrict too many queries And still does not guarantee protection from compromise

57 Basic idea: successive queries must be checked against the number of common records. If the number of common records in any query exceeds a given threshold, the requested statistic is not released. A query q(C) is only allowed if: |q (C ) ^ q (D) | ≤ r, r > 0 Where r is set by the administrator Query Set Overlap Control

58 Query-set-overlap control Ineffective for cooperation of several users Statistics for a set and its subset cannot be released – limiting usefulness Need to keep user profile High processing overhead – every new query compared with all previous ones No formal privacy guarantee

59 Auditing Keeping up-to-date logs of all queries made by each user and check for possible compromise when a new query is issued Excessive computation and storage requirements “Efficient” methods for special types of queries

60 Audit Expert (Chin 1982) Query auditing method for SUM queries A SUM query can be considered as a linear equation where is whether record i belongs to the query set, xi is the sensitive value, and q is the query result A set of SUM queries can be thought of as a system of linear equations Maintains the binary matrix representing linearly independent queries and update it when a new query is issued A row with all 0s except for ith column indicates disclosure

61 Audit Expert Only stores linearly independent queries Not all queries are linearly independent Q1: Sum(Sex=M) Q2: Sum(Sex=M AND Age>20) Q3: Sum(Sex=M AND Age<=20)

62 Audit Expert O(L 2 ) time complexity Further work reduced to O(L) time and space when number of queries < L Only for SUM queries No restrictions on query set size Maximizing non-confidential information is NP-complete

63 Auditing – recent developments Online auditing – “Detect and deny” queries that violate privacy requirement – Denial themselves may implicitly disclose sensitive information Offline auditing – Check if a privacy requirement has been violated after the queries have been executed – Not to prevent

64 Security Methods  Query restriction  Data perturbation/anonymization  Output perturbation and differential privacy – Sampling – Output perturbation

65 Sources  Partial slides:  Adam, Nabil R. ; Wortmann, John C.; Security-Control Methods for Statistical Databases: A Comparative Study; ACM Computing Surveys, Vol. 21, No. 4, December 1989  Fung et al. Privacy Preserving Data Publishing: A Survey of Recent Development, ACM Computing Surveys, in press, 2009

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