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Decision Making in Robots and Autonomous Agents Decision Making in Robots and Autonomous Agents The Markov Decision Process (MDP) model Subramanian Ramamoorthy.

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Presentation on theme: "Decision Making in Robots and Autonomous Agents Decision Making in Robots and Autonomous Agents The Markov Decision Process (MDP) model Subramanian Ramamoorthy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Decision Making in Robots and Autonomous Agents Decision Making in Robots and Autonomous Agents The Markov Decision Process (MDP) model Subramanian Ramamoorthy School of Informatics 25 January, 2013

2 In the MAB Model… We were in a single casino and the only decision is to pull from a set of n arms – except perhaps in the very last slides, exactly one state! We asked the following, What if there is more than one state? So, in this state space, what is the effect of the distribution of payout changing based on how you pull arms? What happens if you only obtain a net reward corresponding to a long sequence of arm pulls (at the end)? 25/01/20132

3 Decision Making Agent-Environment Interface t... s t a r t +1 s a r t +2 s a r t +3 s... t +3 a 25/01/20133

4 Markov Decision Processes A model of the agent-environment system Markov property = history doesn’t matter, only current state If state and action sets are finite, it is a finite MDP. To define a finite MDP, you need to give: – state and action sets – one-step “dynamics” defined by transition probabilities: – reward probabilities: 25/01/20134

5 Recycling Robot An Example Finite MDP At each step, robot has to decide whether it should (1) actively search for a can, (2) wait for someone to bring it a can, or (3) go to home base and recharge. Searching is better but runs down the battery; if runs out of power while searching, has to be rescued (which is bad). Decisions made on basis of current energy level: high, low. Reward = number of cans collected 25/01/20135

6 Recycling Robot MDP 25/01/20136

7 Enumerated In Tabular Form 25/01/20137 If you were given this much, what can you say about the behaviour (over time) of the system?

8 A Very Brief Primer on Markov Chains and Decisions A model, as originally developed in Operations Research/Stochastic Control theory 25/01/20138

9 Stochastic Processes A stochastic process is an indexed collection of random variables. – e.g., collection of weekly demands for a product One type: At a particular time t, labelled by integers, system is found in exactly one of a finite number of mutually exclusive and exhaustive categories or states, labelled by integers too Process could be imbedded in that time points correspond to occurrence of specific events (or time may be equi-spaced) Random variables may depend on others, e.g., 25/01/20139

10 Markov Chains The stochastic process is said to have a Markovian property if Markovian probability means that the conditional probability of a future event given any past events and current state, is independent of past states and depends only on present The conditional probabilities are transition probabilities, These are stationary if time invariant, called p ij, 25/01/201310

11 Markov Chains Looking forward in time, n-step transition probabilities, p ij (n) One can write a transition matrix, A stochastic process is a finite-state Markov chain if it has, – Finite number of states – Markovian property – Stationary transition probabilities – A set of initial probabilities P{X 0 = i} for all i 25/01/201311

12 Markov Chains n -step transition probabilities can be obtained from 1 -step transition probabilities recursively (Chapman-Kolmogorov) We can get this via the matrix too First Passage Time: number of transitions to go from i to j for the first time – If i = j, this is the recurrence time – In general, this itself is a random variable 25/01/201312

13 Markov Chains n -step recursive relationship for first passage time For fixed i and j, these f ij (n) are nonnegative numbers so that If,, that state is a recurrent state, absorbing if n=1 25/01/201313

14 Markov Chains: Long-Run Properties Consider the 8-step transition matrix of the inventory example: Interesting property: probability of being in state j after 8 weeks appears independent of initial level of inventory. For an irreducible ergodic Markov chain, one has limiting probability Reciprocal gives you recurrence time  jj 25/01/201314

15 Markov Decision Model Consider the following application: machine maintenance A factory has a machine that deteriorates rapidly in quality and output and is inspected periodically, e.g., daily Inspection declares the machine to be in four possible states: – 0: Good as new – 1: Operable, minor deterioration – 2: Operable, major deterioration – 3: Inoperable Let X t denote this observed state – evolves according to some “law of motion”, so it is a stochastic process – Furthermore, assume it is a finite state Markov chain 25/01/201315

16 Markov Decision Model Transition matrix is based on the following: Once the machine goes inoperable, it stays there until repairs – If no repairs, eventually, it reaches this state which is absorbing! Repair is an action – a very simple maintenance policy. – e.g., machine from from state 3 to state 0 25/01/201316

17 Markov Decision Model There are costs as system evolves: – State 0: cost 0 – State 1: cost 1000 – State 2: cost 3000 Replacement cost, taking state 3 to 0, is 4000 (and lost production of 2000), so cost = 6000 The modified transition probabilities are: 25/01/201317

18 Markov Decision Model Simple question: What is the average cost of this maintenance policy? Compute the steady state probabilities: (Long run) expected average cost per day, 25/01/201318 How?

19 Markov Decision Model Consider a slightly more elaborate policy: – Repair when inoperable or needing major repairs, replace Transition matrix now changes a little bit Permit one more thing: overhaul – Go back to minor repairs state (1) for the next time step – Not possible if truly inoperable, but can go from major to minor Key point about the system behaviour. It evolves according to – “Laws of motion” – Sequence of decisions made (actions from {1: none,2:overhaul,3: replace}) Stochastic process is now defined in terms of {X t } and {  t } – Policy, R, is a rule for making decisions Could use all history, although popular choice is (current) state-based 25/01/201319

20 Markov Decision Model There is a space of potential policies, e.g., Each policy defines a transition matrix, e.g., for R b Which policy is best? Need costs…. 25/01/201320 00

21 Markov Decision Model C ik = expected cost incurred during next transition if system is in state i and decision k is made The long run average expected cost for each policy may be computed using StateDec.123 0046 1146 2346 3∞∞6 R b is best 25/01/201321

22 Markov Decision Processes Solution using Dynamic Programming (*some notation changes upcoming) 25/01/201322

23 The RL Problem Main Elements: States, s Actions, a State transition dynamics - often, stochastic & unknown Reward (r) process - possibly stochastic Objective: Policy  t (s,a) – probability distribution over actions given current state Assumption: Environment defines a finite-state MDP 25/01/201323

24 Back to Our Recycling Robot MDP 25/01/201324

25 Given an enumeration of transitions and corresponding costs/rewards, what is the best sequence of actions? We want to maximize the criterion: So, what must one do? 25/01/201325

26 The Shortest Path Problem 25/01/201326

27 Finite-State Systems and Shortest Paths – state space s k is a finite set for each k – a k can get you from s k to f k (s k, a k ) at a cost g k (x k, u k ) 25/01/201327 Length ≈ Cost ≈ Sum of length of arcs Solve this first V k (i) = min j [ a k ij + V k+1 (j)]

28 Value Functions The value of a state is the expected return starting from that state; depends on the agent’s policy: The value of taking an action in a state under policy  is the expected return starting from that state, taking that action, and thereafter following  : 25/01/201328

29 Recursive Equation for Value The basic idea: So: 25/01/201329

30 Optimality in MDPs – Bellman Equation 25/01/201330

31 Policy Evaluation How to compute V(s) for an arbitrary policy  ? (Prediction problem) For a given MDP, this yields a system of simultaneous equations S – as many unknowns as states (BIG, |S| linear system!) Solve iteratively, with a sequence of value functions, 3/02/201231

32 Policy Improvement Does it make sense to deviate from  ( s ) at any state (following the policy everywhere else)? Let us for now assume deterministic  ( s ) - Policy Improvement Theorem [Howard/Blackwell] 3/02/201232

33 Computing Better Policies Starting with an arbitrary policy, we’d like to approach truly optimal policies. So, we compute new policies using the following, Are we restricted to deterministic policies? No. With stochastic policies, 3/02/201233

34 Grid-World Example 25/01/201334

35 Iterative Policy Evaluation in Grid World Note: The value function can be searched greedily to find long-term optimal actions 25/01/201335

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