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1 1431227-3 File Organization and Processing Week 13 Divide and Conquer.

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1 1 1431227-3 File Organization and Processing Week 13 Divide and Conquer

2 2 A Technique for designing algorithm that decompose instance into smaller subinstances of the same problem –Solving the sub-instances independently –Combining the sub-solutions to obtain the solution of the original instance

3 3 Divide and Conquer Basic Steps: –Divide: the problem into a number of subproblems that are themselves smaller instances of the same type of problem. –Conquer: Recursively solving these subproblems. If the subproblems are small enough, solve them straightforward. –Combine: the solutions to the subproblems into the solution of original problem.

4 4 Most common usage Break up problem of size n into two equal parts of size n/2. Solve two parts recursively Combine two solutions into overall solution in linear time.

5 5 Sort Obviously application –Sort a list of names. – Organize an MP3 library. – Display Google PageRank results. – List RSS news items in reverse chronological order. Problems become easy once items are in sorted order –Find the median. –Find the closest pair. –Binary search in a database. –Identify statistical outliers. –Find duplicates in a mailing list.

6 6 Applications Non-obvious applications –Data compression. –Computer graphics. –Computational biology. –Supply chain management. –Book recommendations on Amazon. –Load balancing on a parallel computer. –....

7 7 Merge-Sort Review Merge-sort on an input sequence S with n elements consists of three steps: –Divide: partition S into two sequences S 1 and S 2 of about n  2 elements each –Recur: recursively sort S 1 and S 2 –Conquer: merge S 1 and S 2 into a unique sorted sequence Algorithm mergeSort(S, C) Input sequence S with n elements, comparator C Output sequence S sorted according to C if S.size() > 1 (S 1, S 2 )  partition(S, n/2) mergeSort(S 1, C) mergeSort(S 2, C) S  merge(S 1, S 2 )

8 8 Merge Sort John von Neumann 1945. MERGE-SORT A[1.. n] 1.If n = 1, done. 2.Recursively sort A[ 1..  n/2  ] and A[  n/2  +1.. n ]. 3.“Merge” the 2 sorted lists. Key subroutine: “Merge” Divide Conquer Combine

9 9 Merging two sorted arrays 842842 963963

10 10 Merging two sorted arrays 842842 963963 2

11 11 Merging two sorted arrays 842842 963963 2 8484 963963

12 12 3 Merging two sorted arrays 842842 963963 2 8484 963963

13 13 3 Merging two sorted arrays 842842 963963 2 8484 963963 8484 9696

14 14 4 3 Merging two sorted arrays 842842 963963 2 8484 963963 8484 9696

15 15 4 3 Merging two sorted arrays 842842 963963 2 8484 963963 8484 9696 89696

16 16 4 3 Merging two sorted arrays 842842 963963 2 8484 963963 8484 9696 89696 6

17 17 43 Merging two sorted arrays 842842 963963 2 8484 963963 8484 9696 89696 6 89

18 18 43 Merging two sorted arrays 842842 963963 2 8484 963963 8484 9696 89696 6 89 8

19 19 43 Merging two sorted arrays 842842 963963 2 8484 963963 8484 9696 89696 6 89 89 Time =  (n) to merge a total of n elements (linear time).

20 20 Analyzing merge sort M ERGE -S ORT A[1.. n] 1.If n = 1, done. 2.Recursively sort A[ 1..  n/2  ] and A[  n/2  +1.. n ]. 3.“Merge” the 2 sorted lists T(n)  (1) 2T(n/2)  (n)

21 21 Recurrence Equation Analysis The conquer step of merge-sort consists of merging two sorted sequences, each with n  2 elements and implemented by means of a doubly linked list, takes at most bn steps, for some constant b. Likewise, the basis case ( n < 2) will take at b most steps. Therefore, if we let T(n) denote the running time of merge-sort: We can therefore analyze the running time of merge-sort by finding a closed form solution to the above equation. –That is, a solution that has T(n) only on the left-hand side.

22 22 Iterative Substitution In the iterative substitution, or “plug-and-chug,” technique, we iteratively apply the recurrence equation to itself and see if we can find a pattern: Note that base, T(n)=b, case occurs when 2 i =n. That is, i = log n. So, Thus, T(n) is O(n log n).

23 23 The Recursion Tree Draw the recursion tree for the recurrence relation and look for a pattern: depthT’ssize 01n 12 n2n2 i2i2i n2in2i ……… time bn … Total time = bn + bn log n (last level plus all previous levels)

24 24 Recursion tree Solve T(n) = 2T(n/2) + cn, where c > 0 is constant.

25 25 Recursion tree Solve T(n) = 2T(n/2) + cn, where c > 0 is constant. T(n)T(n)

26 26 Recursion tree Solve T(n) = 2T(n/2) + cn, where c > 0 is constant. T(n/2) cn

27 27 Recursion tree Solve T(n) = 2T(n/2) + cn, where c > 0 is constant. cn T(n/4) cn/2

28 28 Recursion tree Solve T(n) = 2T(n/2) + cn, where c > 0 is constant. cn cn/4 cn/2  (1) …

29 29 Recursion tree Solve T(n) = 2T(n/2) + cn, where c > 0 is constant. cn cn/4 cn/2  (1) … h = lg n

30 30 Recursion tree Solve T(n) = 2T(n/2) + cn, where c > 0 is constant. cn cn/4 cn/2  (1) … h = lg n cn

31 31 Recursion tree Solve T(n) = 2T(n/2) + cn, where c > 0 is constant. cn cn/4 cn/2  (1) … h = lg n cn

32 32 Recursion tree Solve T(n) = 2T(n/2) + cn, where c > 0 is constant. cn cn/4 cn/2  (1) … h = lg n cn …

33 33 Recursion tree Solve T(n) = 2T(n/2) + cn, where c > 0 is constant. cn cn/4 cn/2  (1) … h = lg n cn #leaves = n (n)(n) …

34 34 Recursion tree Solve T(n) = 2T(n/2) + cn, where c > 0 is constant. cn cn/4 cn/2  (1) … h = lg n cn #leaves = n (n)(n) Total  (n lg n) …

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