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“Green IT” and the University of Leeds Colin Coghill, Formerly ISS Director, University of Leeds 07711-803387 (Lead for the.

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Presentation on theme: "“Green IT” and the University of Leeds Colin Coghill, Formerly ISS Director, University of Leeds 07711-803387 (Lead for the."— Presentation transcript:

1 “Green IT” and the University of Leeds Colin Coghill, Formerly ISS Director, University of Leeds 07711-803387 (Lead for the University now Dr. Philip Hobley, Head of IT,

2 IT is not green… 35% 65% Fossil Fuel Electricity Generated Heat Exhausted 2.5 % 95% % Data Centre Transmission Losses Transformer Losses Data Centre 40% 25%35% Data Centre Equipment Cooling Losses Power Infrastructure IT Equipment 65% 20% 15% Servers Network Equipment Storage Equipment Servers 30% 45%25% CPU Power Supply Other Components CPU 20% 80% CPU Utilisation Idle Time Power CPU Load Power 0.5% of Fossil Fuel Energy 100% of Fossil Fuel Energy BCS Data Centre Specialist Group

3 The University of Leeds  World-class, multi-discipline, research- intensive university  £500m pa turnover  32,000 students  8,000 staff  Countless regional, national and international collaborators and information users

4 IT at the University  £35m pa on IT – 7% of turnover  12,000+ university computer clients  500+ servers  10,000? student personal computers on campus and in residences  High Performance Computers (HPC)  Two enterprise data centres (third being developed), seven medium data centres, numerous informal servers  IT and air conditioning two greatest energy growth areas at the University

5 Sustainable development at Leeds  Cost reduction, legislation, institutional desire and individual goodwill  University strategic objective Deputy Vice-Chancellor led Sustainable Development Manager  Six strands: Estates Finance & Procurement Academic & Educational Alignment Citizens IT (“SusIT”)

6 IT sustainability areas  Purchase/disposal carbon impact Materials, production, packaging, transport, disposal  Recurrent carbon impact Energy consumption and usage efficiency  Capital cost Purchasing and tender requirements  Recurrent operating costs Licences, maintenance, support, etc.

7 Reducing the carbon footprint of IT and using IT to reduce our carbon footprint  Leadership and education  Stop it getting worse: Procurement policy  Manage what we currently have: Measurement The largest energy consumers: data centres The largest number of energy consumers: clients (12,000+) and printers (30m pages pa)  Make it better in future Data centre design and IT architecture Server-based computing Remote and mobile working

8 First successes  IT procurement policy changed Institutional PC procurement Whole life-costing of new HPC  Blank (with passwords) screen savers  Automated power down of monitors and clients 4,300 PC trial: 0.7GWh and £73k pa saved  Server virtualisation  Printers and print management Students first: pull, multi-functional devices, £90k pa expected savings

9 Thank You Colin Coghill 07711-803387 (Lead for the University now Dr. Philip Hobley, Head of IT,

10 The size of the issue  2% of global C0 2 emissions down to IT – equivalent to the airline industry (Gartner)  IT predicted to triple its emissions between 2002 and 2020 (The Climate Group)  An enterprise class data centre uses more power in one year than the city of Leicester (Broad Group Research)  Energy costs predicted to rise from typically less than 10% of the IT budget to more than 50% in the next few years (Gartner)  Two-thirds of office energy consumption is down to IT (The Carbon Trust)

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