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Large-Scale Case-Based Reasoning: Opportunity and Questions David Leake School of Informatics and Computing Indiana University.

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Presentation on theme: "Large-Scale Case-Based Reasoning: Opportunity and Questions David Leake School of Informatics and Computing Indiana University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Large-Scale Case-Based Reasoning: Opportunity and Questions David Leake School of Informatics and Computing Indiana University

2 Overview Intro to case-based reasoning Appeal of CBR for large scale data Some challenges Questions for the audience

3 What is CBR? Reasoning by remembering (and analogizing and adapting…) Common in human planning, programming, problem-solving, diagnosis, decision-making

4 The CBR Cycle From Leake, Maguitman, and Reichherzer, 2005

5 Motivations for Using CBR (Kolodner 1993; Aamodt & Plaza 1994; Leake, 1996) Easing knowledge acquisition, especially when cases are already available Reasoning when causal connections are complex or poorly understood Speedup from reuse Explainability

6 CBR as AI Technology Classic applications include force deployment planning, diagnosis, design support, help desks,… IU eScience example: The Phale system (Leake & Kendall-Morwick, 2008, 2009) supports workflow construction with case-based reuse of lessons from provenance traces collected by the Karma provenance collection tool (; project directed by Beth Plale).

7 Large-Scale Challenge for Phala Phala’s case retrieval depends on fast structure mapping Structure mapping toolkit has been developed and publicly released (Structure Access Interface, Kendall-Morwick & Leake, 2011) Fast structure mapping remains a key issue, especially for process-oriented case-based reasoning Taking a step back, how does CBR fit domains with large collections of data?

8 The Core of CBR: Reasoning Directly from the Data (First approximation) Cases are specific episodes Lazy learning: Learning is storage Don’t extract rules: Reason from similar cases Don’t generalize cases Each problem-solving episode adds a case

9 Large-Scale CBR Most CBR systems are comparatively small scale Questions for today: – What are the large-scale applications which might most benefit from CBR? – What would issues would need to be addressed to apply it?

10 Reasoning Directly from the Data ( Second Approximation, fleshing out core issues) Cases are specific episodes (not necessarily pre- delineated; could be very large) Lazy learning: Learning is storage (+ indexing) Don’t extract rules: Reason from similar cases (how to find them? How to extract indices/similarity criteria? How to integrate reasoning?) Don’t generalize cases (adaptation) Each problem-solving episode adds a case (scale issues, maintenance, and case base sharing may be needed)

11 Scale-Up as Opportunity: Example of Potential for Big Data to Ease Case Adaptation (Jalali & Leake, 2013) Problem: How to gather/generate the knowledge to adapt prior cases to new needs For numerical prediction, adaptations can be generated by comparing case differences

12 Case Difference Heuristic [ Hanney & Keane, 1997 ] A knowledge-light method for adaptation acquisition Adaptations are generated by pairwise case comparison Extending Case Adaptation with Automatically-Generated Ensembles of Adaptation Rules Vahid Jalali and David Leake

13 Approaches to Instance-Based Adaptation Generation and Application Generation: Selecting cases from which generate adaptations Application: Selecting source cases to adapt Extending Case Adaptation with Automatically-Generated Ensembles of Adaptation Rules Vahid Jalali and David Leake

14 Questions to Discuss For what large-scale tasks CBR could provide an edge? What are opportunities for facilitating computations underlying large-scale CBR?

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