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Presentation on theme: " Advancing access, quality, and cost-effectiveness in publicly financed health care F ACES OF M EDICAID C HARTBOOK Examining Children’s Behavioral."— Presentation transcript:

1 Advancing access, quality, and cost-effectiveness in publicly financed health care F ACES OF M EDICAID C HARTBOOK Examining Children’s Behavioral Health Service Utilization and Expenditures Made possible through support from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. Funder Disclaimer This document was developed in part under grant CFDA 93.767 from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. However, the contents do not necessarily represent the policy of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, and you should not assume endorsement by the Federal Government. © Center for Health Care Strategies 2014 Cite: S. Pires, K. Grimes, T. Gilmer, K. Allen, R. Mahadevan. Faces of Medicaid: Examining Children’s Behavioral Health Service Utilization and Expenditures.” Center for Health Care Strategies. December 2013. Access the full report:

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13 Visit to…  Download practical resources to improve access, quality, and cost-effectiveness in publicly-financed health care  Subscribe to CHCS e-mail updates to learn about new programs and resources  Learn about cutting-edge efforts to improve care for Medicaid’s highest-need, highest-cost beneficiaries 13

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