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1.  If there is Offense, may Truth be the cause  Intellect and Reason are welcome  None of the following: Ad Hominem Attacks, Nefarious Ascribes or.

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Presentation on theme: "1.  If there is Offense, may Truth be the cause  Intellect and Reason are welcome  None of the following: Ad Hominem Attacks, Nefarious Ascribes or."— Presentation transcript:

1 1

2  If there is Offense, may Truth be the cause  Intellect and Reason are welcome  None of the following: Ad Hominem Attacks, Nefarious Ascribes or Dismissive Retorts  Avoid Foul Language & Profanities  Disagreement is fine, with Clarity even better  Strive to Stay on Topic 2

3 3

4 Islam divides the entire world into the Dar al-harb and the Dar al-Islam. Dar al-harb – the world of the sword, the infidel and perpetual war. Countries that are non-Muslim reside in the dar al-harb. Individuals from the dar al-harb are designated as harbi, “enemy person, person from the territory of war.” Dar al-Islam – the Land of Islam and peace. Peace on earth does not come until the entire world has been made of Dar al-Islam. Islam is under permanent jihad obligation to reduce the dar al-harb to non- existence. 4

5  Context  Definitions  Right Questions  Facts 5

6  Context ◦ Dar al-Islam vs Dar al-harb ◦ Religion vs Ideology ◦ Historical prospective ◦ Contribution to humanity ◦ Do the math ◦ Preponderance of Evidence 6

7  As understood in the West.  As understood in Islam. Peace Slander Bridge Innocent Terrorist Tolerance Truce Equality 7

8  Are we at war?  Can we be at war with terrorism?  Is the issue religion or ideology?  What is the threat? Where is it?  Comfort or Truth?  Political Correctness or Clarity?  What Can We DO? 8

9 Go to the Source 9

10 Islamic Trilogy. Koran - Sira – Hadith - 10

11 Bullet points Introduce MA Kahn ref his book. 11

12 Koran Allah’s written word. 14% of the total doctrine that is Islam. Sunna: aggregation of the Sira and the Hadith. The personal details of Mohammed’s life. 86% of the total doctrine that is Islam. Islam is 14% Allah and 86% Mohammed. ( Muhammad is the ideal human being) 12

13 Islamic Scholars Claim: Islamic law is perfect, universal and eternal. The laws of the United States are temporary, limited and will pass away. It is the duty of every Muslim to obey the laws of Allah, Sharia Is Islamic Law 13

14  No freedom of religion  No freedom of speech  No freedom of thought  No freedom of artistic expression  No freedom of the press  No freedom to pursue happiness 14

15  Dualism (NO Equal Protection): one set of laws for male Muslims, different laws for Muslim women and non-Muslims.  Condones: Slavery, Misogyny, Pedophilia.  Non-Muslims cannot bear arms.  No Democracy  No Golden Rule  Sharia is not interpretive 15

16  Zakat  Jihad  Abrogation  Taqqiya  Creeping Sharia 16

17 ZAKAT Charity for the purpose of building worldwide allegiance to Islam. Of the 8 categories of Zakat, 4 target the poor, 4 support the lesser JIHAD. 17

18 JIHAD 2% of all text speak to the higher Jihad, the internal struggle. 98% of all text speak to the lesser Jihad, violent Jihad. Islam is the answer, Jihad is the way 18

19 Abrogation If there is a conflict of text, the later text over rules the earlier text Abrogation supports the lesser Jihad 19

20 Taqiyya The right or obligation to lie, deceive and/or take advantage of Kafir, non-Muslims. The ends justifies the means 20

21 The Demands made on our Society a.k.a. Creeping Sharia Muslim Brotherhood Quote: “Civilization Jihad” 21

22  Study, Learn, be Prepared  Hold our elected officials accountable  Resist Sharia at every turn  Speak the Truth  Truth has more impact than Diplomacy or Political Correctness. 22

23 It is time for the TRUTH to be Boldly Told For their sake as well as ours 23

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