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How to get the most from your travel consultation Elizabeth Manai, RN & Lisa Keogh, RN.

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Presentation on theme: "How to get the most from your travel consultation Elizabeth Manai, RN & Lisa Keogh, RN."— Presentation transcript:

1 How to get the most from your travel consultation Elizabeth Manai, RN & Lisa Keogh, RN

2  1. To be more familiar with what occurs during a travel consultation.  2. To be better prepared for a travel consultation so that you get the most out of it.  3. To be familiar with some common problems encountered by overseas travelers and how to mitigate them.  4. To know that advice rendered and vaccines given during a travel consultation may help to minimize risk, but can never reduce risk to zero.

3  Itinerary  Season and length of travel  Mode of travel  Planned activities  Accomodations  Risk profile  Past immunizations

4 Not a physical…a consultation. o Vital signs Travel History Past and present medical, surgical, psych history Medications – all of them Allergies: meds, foods, substances Tobacco and alcohol use.

5 Safety Flight related issues Food and water safety Insect precautions A word about rabies…

6  When to seek medical care

7  Schedule a consult 1 month in advance ◦ Still worth it for last minute travel.  Come prepared  Tell all

8  The Responsible Traveler – guide created by the ISTM, 2003. *  Food and Water Precautions – created by the HP Center for International Health, 2009*  Safe Use of Insect Repellants* US Department of State - CDC - * Handouts provided

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