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Life-Span Human Development, Fifth Edition, Carol K. Sigelman and Elizabeth A. Rider Chapter 11 Chapter 11 Self and Personality.

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Presentation on theme: "Life-Span Human Development, Fifth Edition, Carol K. Sigelman and Elizabeth A. Rider Chapter 11 Chapter 11 Self and Personality."— Presentation transcript:

1 Life-Span Human Development, Fifth Edition, Carol K. Sigelman and Elizabeth A. Rider Chapter 11 Chapter 11 Self and Personality

2 Life-Span Human Development, Fifth Edition, Carol K. Sigelman and Elizabeth A. Rider Chapter 11 Personality An organized combination of attributes, motives, values, and behaviors –Unique to each individual –Traits consistent across situations and time Self-concept: perceptions Self esteem: evaluation Identity: overall sense of who you are

3 Life-Span Human Development, Fifth Edition, Carol K. Sigelman and Elizabeth A. Rider Chapter 11 Psychoanalytic Theory Sigmund Freud Three parts of the personality –Selfish Id; Rational Ego; Moralist Superego Stages of psychosexual development –Biological: ends at sexual maturity –Personality formed in first 5 years –Child anxieties become adult traits

4 Life-Span Human Development, Fifth Edition, Carol K. Sigelman and Elizabeth A. Rider Chapter 11 Psychoanalytic Erik Erikson –Emphasized Social influences Rational ego Life-span development –Crisis-oriented stages result from Maturational forces Social demands

5 Life-Span Human Development, Fifth Edition, Carol K. Sigelman and Elizabeth A. Rider Chapter 11

6 Life-Span Human Development, Fifth Edition, Carol K. Sigelman and Elizabeth A. Rider Chapter 11 Trait Theory Psychometric approach –Personality: a set of traits –Individual differences in each trait –Measurement approach –“Big Five” - Universal and stable –Evidence of genetic basis –Universal

7 Life-Span Human Development, Fifth Edition, Carol K. Sigelman and Elizabeth A. Rider Chapter 11

8 Life-Span Human Development, Fifth Edition, Carol K. Sigelman and Elizabeth A. Rider Chapter 11 Social Learning Theory Personality –A set of behavior tendencies –Shaped by interactions –Found in specific social situations No universal stages Not enduring traits People change as environment changes Situational influences important

9 Life-Span Human Development, Fifth Edition, Carol K. Sigelman and Elizabeth A. Rider Chapter 11 Infancy: The Emerging Self First 6 months: Discover physical self Joint attention – 9 months –Difference in perceptions can be shared Self-recognition – 18 months Categorical self (age, sex) - 18 – 24 months Based on cognitive development Requires social experience –The looking-glass self: a “reflection”

10 Life-Span Human Development, Fifth Edition, Carol K. Sigelman and Elizabeth A. Rider Chapter 11

11 Life-Span Human Development, Fifth Edition, Carol K. Sigelman and Elizabeth A. Rider Chapter 11 Temperament Seen in infancy Genetically based Tendencies to respond in predictable ways Building blocks of personality Goodness of fit (Thomas & Chess) –Parenting techniques –Learning to interpret cues –Sensitive responding

12 Life-Span Human Development, Fifth Edition, Carol K. Sigelman and Elizabeth A. Rider Chapter 11 The Child Childhood “Self” By age 2 –Use of “I” “me” “mine” –Use physical characteristics to describe By age 8 –Social identity –Personality trait terms used –Social comparison

13 Life-Span Human Development, Fifth Edition, Carol K. Sigelman and Elizabeth A. Rider Chapter 11 Self Esteem: Multidimentional By 3 rd grade (Harter) –Scholastic competence –Social acceptance –Behavioral conduct –Athletic competence –Physical appearance Accuracy improves with age

14 Life-Span Human Development, Fifth Edition, Carol K. Sigelman and Elizabeth A. Rider Chapter 11 Influences on Self-Esteem Competence Differences Social feedback – positive or negative Genetic Parents (cross-cultural) –Warm and democratic –Enforce clearly stated rules

15 Life-Span Human Development, Fifth Edition, Carol K. Sigelman and Elizabeth A. Rider Chapter 11 Early Temperament and Later Personality Some weak links found –Shy 3 yr-olds become cautious teens –Difficult 3 yr-olds remain difficult –Well-adjusted 3 yr-olds also Current research –Temperament and Big 5 related –May carry-over into adulthood

16 Life-Span Human Development, Fifth Edition, Carol K. Sigelman and Elizabeth A. Rider Chapter 11 Adolescent Integration Different selves in different situations Storm and Stress in about 20% Move to middle school –Often difficult –Especially for females Most readily regain high self-esteem

17 Life-Span Human Development, Fifth Edition, Carol K. Sigelman and Elizabeth A. Rider Chapter 11 A Sense of Identity Erikson: Identity vs. Role Confusion Adolescence –Identity Crisis –Moratorium Marcia’s Identity Statuses (next slide) –Diffusion –Foreclosure –Moratorium –Achieved

18 Life-Span Human Development, Fifth Edition, Carol K. Sigelman and Elizabeth A. Rider Chapter 11

19 Life-Span Human Development, Fifth Edition, Carol K. Sigelman and Elizabeth A. Rider Chapter 11 Influences on Identity Formation 1. Cognitive growth: formal operations 2. Relationships with parents –Rejection except for diffusion status –Identification w/parents first helps –Foreclosure: may not develop own ID –Achieved more likely if living independently –Moratorium -> Identity Achieved Affection and freedom at home

20 Life-Span Human Development, Fifth Edition, Carol K. Sigelman and Elizabeth A. Rider Chapter 11 Influences on Identity 2 3. Experiences outside the home –E.g., going to college 4. Broader cultural context –Modern Western society Forge own ID after exploration of many –Traditional societies Foreclosure may be more adaptive Vocational identity: Ginzberg

21 Life-Span Human Development, Fifth Edition, Carol K. Sigelman and Elizabeth A. Rider Chapter 11 Self-Concept and Aging Stable self-esteem generally good Ability to adjust ideal to real self Evaluate self with different standards Comparisons with age-mates Related to stable personality traits Collectivist vs Individualistic culture

22 Life-Span Human Development, Fifth Edition, Carol K. Sigelman and Elizabeth A. Rider Chapter 11 Changes in Personality Cross-sectional studies show changes Longitudinal/cross-cultural studies –Adulthood: achievement and confidence –Older adults Activity levels decline Introversion and introspection increase

23 Life-Span Human Development, Fifth Edition, Carol K. Sigelman and Elizabeth A. Rider Chapter 11 Costa & McRae: “The Big 5” Biologically based –Cross-age consistency Resistant to environmental changes –Historical context influential Universal maturational change –Achievement through middle adulthood –Less N, E, and O –More C and A

24 Life-Span Human Development, Fifth Edition, Carol K. Sigelman and Elizabeth A. Rider Chapter 11 Influences on Personality Change Effects of early experiences Stability of environment Gene-environment interaction Biological factors (disease) Social environment Poor person-environment fit

25 Life-Span Human Development, Fifth Edition, Carol K. Sigelman and Elizabeth A. Rider Chapter 11 Adulthood: Erikson and Research Men: Identity then Intimacy Women: Identity & Intimacy together Generativity supported Integrity supported –Life review Path to adulthood –EE: Eight stages of Development

26 Life-Span Human Development, Fifth Edition, Carol K. Sigelman and Elizabeth A. Rider Chapter 11

27 Life-Span Human Development, Fifth Edition, Carol K. Sigelman and Elizabeth A. Rider Chapter 11 Midlife Crisis Stereotype –Painful self-evaluation –Dramatic life changes –Desire to regain youth Erikson: Not really Levinson: questioning “Life Structure” Most evidence for trait stability – not change

28 Life-Span Human Development, Fifth Edition, Carol K. Sigelman and Elizabeth A. Rider Chapter 11 Vocational Development Young adults: career exploration 1982: average man held 7 jobs between ages 18 and 36 Women: fewer children = better career Career peaks in 40’s –Define self by their work –Person/environment fit important

29 Life-Span Human Development, Fifth Edition, Carol K. Sigelman and Elizabeth A. Rider Chapter 11 Older Workers and Retirement Older workers: competent and satisfied –Selective optimization and compensation Retirement phases –Preretirement: Planning –Honeymoon: Novelty of lifestyle w/o work –Disenchantment: Feel aimless, unhappy –Reorientation: Realistic, satisfying lifestyle Activity vs. Disengagement theories

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