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Astronomy 1020-H Stellar Astronomy Spring_2015 Day-21.

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Presentation on theme: "Astronomy 1020-H Stellar Astronomy Spring_2015 Day-21."— Presentation transcript:

1 Astronomy 1020-H Stellar Astronomy Spring_2015 Day-21

2 Blizzard of 2015 – Part - 4


4 Course Announcements Exam-2: Fri. 3/20 Chapters 5 & 6  I will collect the L-T books at this time. Drop “Proper Motion of a Star” lab Smartworks Chapters 6: Due Mon. 3/23 Apr. 2 – Last day to drop a class. Midterm grades are delayed until Thursday  Based on Exam-1 and labs TONIGHT: Dark Sky Observing Session: 8:30pm at the Observatory. Map is on

5  Resolution = smallest details that can be separated.  The longer the focal length, the better the separation of two objects or features.  Diffraction, or blurring of an image, sets the best possible resolution.  The diffraction limit depends on the ratio of wavelength-to-telescope aperture.

6  The ultimate resolution of a telescope is set by the diffraction limit.  The angle subtended by the smallest resolution, θ, is determined by the ratio of the wavelength of light being studied to the aperture diameter.  1 arcsecond = 1/3,600 of a degree.  Human eye: MATH TOOLS 6.2

7 Concept Quiz—Bigger Telescopes Why do astronomers want to build bigger telescopes? eliminate the effects of astronomical seeing search for life on Mars observe fainter or more distant objects

8  Earth’s atmosphere degrades images.  Astronomical seeing = limit on resolution due to the atmosphere.  Space-based telescopes do not have this problem.

9  Adaptive optics can help correct for this atmospheric distortion.  Earth-based image quality can compete with the Hubble Space Telescope in the visible.

10  The eye is a refracting telescope.  It collects light and focuses an image.  The faintest we can see is limited by: Integration time: the time over which the eye can add up photons. Quantum efficiency: the likelihood that a photon falling on the retina will produce a response.


12  Photography opened the door to modern astronomy.  Captured images on photographic plates.  Increased integration time comes with longer exposures.  Expensive, slow, and messy.


14  Electronic detectors record photons on pixels.  Photons create a signal in the array.  CCDs = charge-coupled devices (such as digital cameras).

15  The electronically recorded images can greatly exceed photographs in quality.  CCD = astronomer’s detector of choice.

16  Spectrographs disperse the incoming light into its component wavelengths.  Lets astronomers study the spectrum of an object’s light.

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