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THE ENLIGHTENMENT. 18 TH Century movement Europe Thinkers apply reason and scientific methods to all aspects of society.

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2 18 TH Century movement Europe Thinkers apply reason and scientific methods to all aspects of society

3 The Scientific Revolution

4 OLD SCHOOL –Geocentric Theory Earth was the center of the universe NEW SCHOOL –Heliocentric Theory Sun is the center of the universe

5 Nicholas Copernicus

6 Copernicus Polish astronomer Reasoned –Earth was round –Earth rotated on an axis –Earth revolved around the sun Feared persecution from the Church –Published after his death

7 Johannes Kepler

8 Kepler Proved Copernicus was right –Mathematics Planets move in elliptical orbit around sun

9 Galileo Galilei

10 Galileo Italian scientist Built own telescope Observations and laws of motion supported Copernicus

11 Galileo Frightened Church –Pope summoned Galileo to stand trial Under threat of torture – agreed Copernicus was wrong

12 Sir Francis Bacon

13 Bacon Scientific Method –Observe problem/question –Form a hypothesis –Test hypothesis –Analyze data –Draw conclusion

14 Rene Descartes

15 Descartes Developed analytical geometry Relied on math and logic Everything in doubt until proven –“I think therefore I am”

16 Sir Isaac Newton

17 Newton English scientist Theory of motion Law of universal gravitation

18 Spread of S.R. Scientific instruments –Zacharias Janssen – microscope –Evangelista Torricelli – barometer –Gabriel Fahrenheit - thermometer

19 Spread cont. Medicine / Human Body –Andreas Vesalius – dissection of human bodies –Edward Jenner – vaccinations Chemistry –Robert Boyle More than four elements in the world

20 Thomas Hobbes

21 Absolute monarchy was best Human beings are naturally: –Violent –Disorderly Without absolute monarch = chaos 1651 Leviathan –Form social contract Give up freedoms to be protected and live peacefully –No right to rebel

22 John Locke

23 Government based on social contract Human beings are naturally: –Reasonable –Moral All people have natural rights –Life –Liberty –Property

24 Locke cont. Government created to protect natural rights People had right to overthrow

25 The Philosophes Height of Enlightenment in France Met in Paris to discuss ideas Believed people could apply reason to all aspects of life

26 Philosophes cont. Five concepts of core beliefs: –Reason –Nature –Happiness –Progress –Liberty

27 Voltaire

28 French writer Fought for: –Tolerance –Reason –Freedom of religion –Freedom of speech Made many enemies Sent to jail & later exiled to England for two years

29 Montesquieu

30 French writer – political liberty Proposed separation of powers amongst branches of government –Keep individuals or groups from becoming too powerful

31 Rousseau

32 Passionate about individual freedoms Believed society corrupted people’s natural goodness Believed only good government was freely formed from the “will of the people”

33 Rousseau cont. Social contract –Free individuals to create society and government All people equal  titles of nobility abolished

34 Beccaria

35 Italian philosophe Laws existed to preserve social order Argued for rights of the accused Believed capital punishment should be abolished

36 Mary Wollstonecraft

37 Philosophes held traditional view toward women Mary argued that women need education Urged women to enter fields dominated by men –Medicine –Politics

38 Legacy Inspired French and American Revolutions Three long-term effects 1.Belief in progress 2.Rise of more secular outlook 3.Rise of individualism

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