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In our last videoIn our last video  In video # 1 I introduced you to the idea of sexual triggers and also went over the 6 types of triggers and the mindset.

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Presentation on theme: "In our last videoIn our last video  In video # 1 I introduced you to the idea of sexual triggers and also went over the 6 types of triggers and the mindset."— Presentation transcript:


2 In our last videoIn our last video  In video # 1 I introduced you to the idea of sexual triggers and also went over the 6 types of triggers and the mindset you need in order to get the best possible results from this course.  In this video I’m going to be breaking down our first 2 sexual triggers: Rejection Triggers and Arousal Triggers.

3 Rejection TriggersRejection Triggers  Rejection Triggers are things that women recognize in men either through evolutionary signals (Acne, Overweight, Blood Types) or through learned social behavior (Being needy,desperate) that lead them to automatically reject you in the first few minutes of an interaction.  These are examples of what Nobel Prize Winning behavioral economist Daniel Kahneman calls “thinking fast.”

4 Why Women Reject YouWhy Women Reject You  Women reject men for a variety of reasons some due to personal taste but most owing to lightning quick asessments they make as you approach them and demonstrate interest by talking to them.  These lightning quick decisions are the rejection triggers.

5 The Rejection TriggersThe Rejection Triggers  There are 3 rejection triggers, they are:  1. The Nervous Trigger.  2. The Desperate Trigger  3. The “Loser” Trigger.

6 The Nervous TriggerThe Nervous Trigger  How Women Spot It: Ummms and Ahss, Pauses, Bad Eye Contact, Indecision, Uncomfortable Body Language.  Why It Triggers Rejection: Men who are nervous around women tend to be de-selected, and thus needy.  Fixes: Proper Body Language, slow deliberate movements, relaxation through breathing.

7 The Desperate TriggerThe Desperate Trigger  How Women Spot it: Coming on too strong, Not taking hints, being too pushy, Male Sexual Bias.  Why It Triggers Rejection: A man who is desperate is either A: A player or B: Unattractive to all other women.  Fixes: Playing Hard To Get, Qualification, Push-Pull, Releasing.

8 The “Loser” TriggerThe “Loser” Trigger  How Women Spot It: Boring conversation, lack of emotional stimulation, lack of status, self deprecating humor, supplication, ass-kissing.  Why It Triggers Rejection: Women are evolutionarily designed to seek men of higher status and means than themselves. See Sperm Wars.  Fixes: Story-Telling, Cold Reads, Teases, Hot/Cold, Status demonstrations, Social Proof.

9 Arousal TriggersArousal Triggers  Arousal Triggers are ways to get a woman turned on both physically and verbally.  Arousal is a physical sensation first for a woman. The same way that men get physically aroused so do women and physical compulsion overrides everything else.  Arousal triggers start this process.

10 Physical TriggersPhysical Triggers  Physical triggers are places and ways we can touch a woman that will turn her on even if she’s not thinking about you sexually in any way shape or form.  Physical Triggers range from the innocent to the dominant and send a strong message that not only do you know what she wants sexually but you know how to give it to her.

11 3 touch rule3 touch rule  An easy way top start to trigger physical arousal is simply by touching a woman at least 3 times in the first 5 minutes of your interaction with her.  These don’t need to be sleazy touches but they will convey your interest and begin the physical dialogue so you can escalate later.

12 Examples Of Physical Triggers  There are a million examples of physical arousal triggers but I will give you my 5 favorite.  1. Touching a woman’s inner writs  2. Controlling a woman’s waist  3. Softly Biting her neck while pulling her hair  4. Pinning her against something as you kiss her  5. Picking her up in the air

13 Verbal TriggersVerbal Triggers  Verbal Triggers are things we are going to say to the woman that will cause her to get aroused physically as well as create sexual images and symbols in her mind.  Verbal triggers are equally important as physical triggers for arousal.  When using verbal triggers try to avoid physical escalation as that can sometimes overdo it.

14 Examples of Verbal Arousal Triggers  There are a million kinds of verbal arousal triggers as well but my favorite ones are:  1. Sexual Teasing  2. Sexual Framing  3. Sexual Mind Reading  4. Sexual Push-Pull  5. Coquetting

15 Public Affection FramePublic Affection Frame  The Public Affection Frame is designed to create 2 types of people in the girls minds those that show affection and those that are attracted to each other.:  I can see you as being way too hesitant about things that you like to do and more aggressive over things like…wait you totally have to have all the lights off when you are with a guy. It is like the difference is a couple that has public displays of affection and a couple that will be normal in pubic but sneak off somewhere and have sex in a bathroom, you need that excitement. The people who want attention do PDA where as the people who are really into each other have already snuck off.  You don’t have fantasies about things like sex at work or in public, cause if you do I have to stop talking to you.  I might like you too much.

16 Passion FramePassion Frame  The Passion Frame is all about getting a girl to feel her passion.  I bet that you’re a really passionate person. Like I bet when you feel your feelings really intensely. When you’re into someone you’re into them and when you’re over them you’re over them. There’s no in between with you and I bet because of that passsion people either really get you or really hate you…

17 Review  In this video we went over the first two types of sexual triggers: The Rejection and Arousal Triggers.  We went over the 3 rejection triggers, how women spot them, why they reject you because of it and how to fix them.  We also went over the arousal triggers and I gave you tons of examples of physical and verbal triggers for arousal you can use.

18 Exercise:  This week I want you to approach at least 5 women to see if you’re triggering any of the rejection triggers right now.  If you are go back to the video and focus on cleaning up that area of your presentation.  If you don’t trigger any rejection triggers try to use an arousal trigger.

19 In Video 3In Video 3  In our next video I’m going to be breaking down the 9s and 10s triggers as well as the personality triggers.  Once you’ve gone through that video it will be like you’re reading the mind of every hot women you meet!  Check it out now!

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