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Power, control and identity. Ethical issues in researching North-South study visits AAG conference April 14 th – 19 th 2010 Washington DC Fran Martin,

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Presentation on theme: "Power, control and identity. Ethical issues in researching North-South study visits AAG conference April 14 th – 19 th 2010 Washington DC Fran Martin,"— Presentation transcript:


2 Power, control and identity. Ethical issues in researching North-South study visits AAG conference April 14 th – 19 th 2010 Washington DC Fran Martin, University of Exeter, UK.

3 Some definitions North – South Global Educational Partnerships Study visits, study visit courses 3Dr Fran Martin, University of Exeter

4 The World is like a table. Twenty percent live on the table and eighty percent survive underneath it. Our work cannot be to move a few from under the table onto the table, or vice versa. Our task is to move the table, to change its position if necessary, and all to sit together around the table. Jean-Bertrand Aristide, Haiti, cited by Hopkin (2002). 4Dr Fran Martin, University of Exeter

5 Political Social Educational Schools MDGs Economy Liberal Fixing through aid Global citizens Ethic of care Curriculum (Geography, citizenship) School Partnerships Dr Fran Martin, University of Exeter5

6 Essentialism Common Humanity Hybridity? Of whom, by whom, for what purpose? Single story? Responsibility for; paternalistic ethic of care Mutuality, reciprocity? History Knowledge Indigenous knowledges? PowerEquality Identity Represen -tation Dr Fran Martin, University of Exeter6

7 The Project Global Partnerships as sites for mutual learning: teachers professional development through study visits. Strategic: Two global partnerships, UK - Gambia & UK - India Pedagogic: Two study visit courses, teachers and educators 7Dr Fran Martin, University of Exeter

8 Theoretical perspectives Ontology Postcolonial theory (Said, 1985; Bhabha, 1994; Spivak, 1988) Epistemology Intercultural experiences (Fiedler, 2007); Third space (Bhabha, 1994) Methodology / pedagogy Participatory, ethnographic Pedagogy of dissensus (de Souza, 2008) 8Dr Fran Martin, University of Exeter

9 Research design Challenges for research: How do I establish an ethical relation to the other and avoid keeping Western academy and the Western academic at the centre (Andreotti, 2007)? Western knowledge systems, indigenous knowledge systems: Learning to unlearn (Andreotti & de Souza, 2008) Recognition of dynamic nature of places, societies, cultures and the relationships between them (avoiding frozen narratives) 9Dr Fran Martin, University of Exeter

10 UK Tide~ Development Education Centre Gambia National Environment Agency UK Canterbury Christ Church University India Goodwill Childrens Homes Mutual, intercultural learning UK PI and RF Gambian Researcher Indian Researcher 10Dr Fran Martin, University of Exeter

11 Negotiating Access Asking difficult questions without compromising relationships built up with participants Risks of being up-front about own worldview Risks of raising profile of project through the press 11Dr Fran Martin, University of Exeter

12 12

13 Researcher bias My own history with the organisations taking part Motes in my own eye? Intercultural or intracultural issues? Contradictions in my own practice 13Dr Fran Martin, University of Exeter

14 Concluding comments Postcolonial spaces for learning? All to sit together around the table … Or remove the table, sit on the floor …. 14Dr Fran Martin, University of Exeter

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