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The Puritan Movement Notes for 9/26/11. Puritan  started as a pejorative term  "Precisemen" and "Precisions”  a sect that wished to keep the Church.

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Presentation on theme: "The Puritan Movement Notes for 9/26/11. Puritan  started as a pejorative term  "Precisemen" and "Precisions”  a sect that wished to keep the Church."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Puritan Movement Notes for 9/26/11

2 Puritan  started as a pejorative term  "Precisemen" and "Precisions”  a sect that wished to keep the Church of England “pure” from the Catholic church  Escaped to America, and saw it as a fresh start or “Utopia”

3 Puritan movement called for:  a greater commitment to Christ  stricter personal codes of behavior  God’s supreme authority over ALL human affairs  Calvinism: Followers of John Calvin believed in Predestination over free will.  Therefore, you could not choose God – he chose you!

4 Men and Women in the Puritan church  Women were not permitted to speak in church after 1636 (although they were allowed to engage in religious discussions outside of it, in various women-only meetings).  Men & Women sat on opposite sides of the church  Women always wore head coverings in church  Women’s names were replaced with “Goody” + husband’s last name

5 Marriage  A sacred promise between a man and a woman for the purpose of: 1. Mutual help & comfort 2. Children “increase of mankind” 3. Prevent “fornication” or “adultery” (These two are courting according to Puritan moral code by conversing through long "speaking tubes" and almost certainly no touching or kissing before the ceremony!

6 Public Humiliation



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