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Finance and reporting. The Budget The total budget is – Grant Nordforsk – Other – 15 wp búa til mynd.

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Presentation on theme: "Finance and reporting. The Budget The total budget is – Grant Nordforsk – Other – 15 wp búa til mynd."— Presentation transcript:

1 Finance and reporting

2 The Budget The total budget is – Grant Nordforsk – Other – 15 wp búa til mynd

3 Timesheet

4 How much money does my WP receive? Each WP has made a plan with a budget

5 Who is in my WP and how many man- months should each provide? This is also clear from the WP budget

6 How should I report the finances? Each Party keeps detailed financial accounts where all expenses are documented (keep receipts). By February 1 each WP leader is to provide the Project Coordinator with a detailed Progress report covering the period 1 Jan - 31 Dec including financial accounts and explanations of major deviations relating to the Project Plan and the Consortium Budget, and requests to transfer unused funds between years.

7 Timesheets Every team member must keep account of her/his work for NORDRESS – both work paid by NordForsk and „own contribution“ These reports are on specified sheets

8 Transfer of unused funds between fiscal years If a Party has spent less than expected in the calender year, it may apply in writing to the Project Manager for permission to transfer the unused funds to the next calendar year. Such applications should be sent to the Project Manager together with a detailed annual Project Accounts. The application will be approved by the NORDRESS Council. The Project Manager will then forward the application for transfer of unused funds to NordForsk on behalf of all Parties. If NordForsk does not respond to the said application by the end of May, approval shall be considered given. If NordForsk does NOT approve the unused funds must be transferred to NordForsk.

9 Exchange rates A NordForsk grant is stipulated and disbursed in NOK. NordForsk is NOT liable for any losses incurred in connection with fluctuation in currency exchange rates as a reslut of the grant being disbursed in NOK. However, the PM can require changes in the work program, should the funds no longer cover the budgeted costs.


11 Next steps The first grant will be disbursed as soon as both parties have signed the contract and NordForsk has received the CAs signed by all Parties. Partners must provide information for the transferring of the grant Institution, bank, IBAN and SWIFT

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