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S TUDENT D EPARTURE AND S UCCESS IN H IGHER E DUCATION Student Financial Aid Research Network 28 th Annual Conference Philadelphia, PA June 2 - 4, 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "S TUDENT D EPARTURE AND S UCCESS IN H IGHER E DUCATION Student Financial Aid Research Network 28 th Annual Conference Philadelphia, PA June 2 - 4, 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 S TUDENT D EPARTURE AND S UCCESS IN H IGHER E DUCATION Student Financial Aid Research Network 28 th Annual Conference Philadelphia, PA June 2 - 4, 2011 Presented by: Dr. Watson Scott Swail

2 Study Purpose To look not only at the degree attainment rates, but when, during the six-year cycle, students leave postsecondary education.

3 This presentation All institutions Four-year public institutions Two-year public institutions Thoughts/perspectives Questions


5 Degree & Departure All Institutions SOURCE: BPS 04:09

6 Degree & Departure All Institutions SOURCE: BPS 04:09

7 Degree & Departure All Institutions SOURCE: BPS 04:09

8 Highest Degree Expectations All Institutions SOURCE: BPS 04:09

9 Number of Institutions Attended All Institutions SOURCE: BPS 04:09

10 Attendance Status All Institutions SOURCE: BPS 04:09

11 First year GPA All Institutions SOURCE: BPS 04:09

12 Age (at first enrollment) All Institutions SOURCE: BPS 04:09

13 Race/Ethnicity All Institutions SOURCE: BPS 04:09

14 Educational Legacy All Institutions SOURCE: BPS 04:09

15 Family Income (Dependent) All Institutions SOURCE: BPS 04:09

16 Risk Factors All Institutions SOURCE: BPS 04:09


18 Degree & Departure Four-year public SOURCE: BPS 04:09

19 Highest Degree Expectations Four-year public SOURCE: BPS 04:09

20 Highest Degree Expectations Four-year public SOURCE: BPS 04:09

21 Number of Institutions Attended Four-year public SOURCE: BPS 04:09

22 Attendance Status Four-year public SOURCE: BPS 04:09

23 First year GPA Four-year public SOURCE: BPS 04:09

24 Age (at first enrollment) Four-year public SOURCE: BPS 04:09

25 Race/Ethnicity Four-year public SOURCE: BPS 04:09 NOTE: Native Hawaiian and American Indian had low N.

26 Educational Legacy Four-year public SOURCE: BPS 04:09

27 Family Income (Dependent) Four-year public SOURCE: BPS 04:09

28 Risk Factors Four-year public SOURCE: BPS 04:09


30 Degree & Departure Two-year public SOURCE: BPS 04:09

31 Highest Degree Expectations Two-year public SOURCE: BPS 04:09

32 Highest Degree Expectations Two-year public SOURCE: BPS 04:09

33 Number of Institutions Attended Two-year public SOURCE: BPS 04:09

34 Attendance Status Two-year public SOURCE: BPS 04:09

35 First year GPA Two-year public SOURCE: BPS 04:09

36 Age (at first enrollment) Two-year public SOURCE: BPS 04:09

37 Race/Ethnicity Two-year public SOURCE: BPS 04:09 NOTE: Native Hawaiian had low N.

38 Educational Legacy Two-year public SOURCE: BPS 04:09

39 Family Income (Dependent) Two-year public SOURCE: BPS 04:09

40 Risk Factors Two-year public SOURCE: BPS 04:09



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