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November 13, 2013.  Introduce grantees to the CJC team, regions and program  Overview the updated Grants Management Handbook  Overview our new Site.

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Presentation on theme: "November 13, 2013.  Introduce grantees to the CJC team, regions and program  Overview the updated Grants Management Handbook  Overview our new Site."— Presentation transcript:

1 November 13, 2013

2  Introduce grantees to the CJC team, regions and program  Overview the updated Grants Management Handbook  Overview our new Site Monitoring process and plan  Overview new Civil Rights obligations – applicable only to federally funded grantees  Present our Peer Review process and plan  Questions and Answer

3  Paul Egbert – Grants Program Manager & (Northeast region)  Lorin Dunlop – Grant Coordinator (Northwest / Metro region)  Greg Lay – Grant Coordinator (Southern region)  Tiffany Koss – Executive Support & Payment Specialist  Beverly Miller-Asbury – Reporting Specialist

4 Paul Egbert Greg Lay Lorin Dunlop

5  Organized into 4 major sections 1) Introduction 2) General Provisions 3) Program & Fiscal Monitoring 4) Federally Funded Grants

6  Three primary grant programs  Specialty Courts Program  State Funded – General Fund or Asset Forfeiture funds  Federally Funded - Byrne Justice Assistance Grants (JAG)  Oregon Justice Reinvestment Program  Residential Substance Abuse Treatment Grant  Other miscellaneous grant programs  Statewide Discretionary Drug Court Program  State Statistical Analysis Center (SAC)  Sex Offender Registration & Notification Act (SORNA)

7  Plan for the program during 2013-15 was to only use state funds and award for a 2 year period.  To get agreement on HB 3194, the Governor targeted $5 million JAG dollars to the Justice Reinvestment Account, increasing it to $15 million.  Since our drug court grantees were familiar with federal reporting and requirements, CJC sought a budget note giving us greater flexibility in using our funds. I targeted the federal funding to our specialty courts program.  CJC awarded all 34 applications received. Awarding was based on a two-tiered approach, 90% or 80% of the requested amount based on the scored application.  CJC divided the biennium into two grant periods.

8  Oregon Online Grant System (OOGS)  Web-based system  Incorporates applications, progress reporting and financial reporting (Requests for Reimbursements).   OOGS help desk for additional support (1-800-820-1890)

9  OOGS User Manual can answer most end user questions My Training Materials Link to Manual

10  New grant award agreement template  Grant amendments – requires prior approval of CJC and must be requested in writing.  CJC will handle requests on a case-by-case basis. Not every request requires an amended agreement.  Modifications must be made in OOGS following CJC approval.  Grant award agreements and applications outline the requirements grantees are subject to.  Federally funded grants have additional requirements explained in a later section.

11  Quarterly Progress & Financial Reporting  Desk monitoring  On site monitoring…piloting now  Peer Reviews…piloting now

12  Due on the 20 th of the month following the end of the quarter. The grant agreement has the timelines; Jan 20, April 20, July 20 & Oct 20.  Requests for reimbursements will not be approved until a progress report is submitted and approved.  Any extension requires approval in writing  Consequences:  Delays your payment  Could impact year two funding  Could impact 2015 application  Suspension / termination of your grant

13  Due dates are the 20 th of the month after the end of the quarter. Jan 20, April 20, July 20 and Oct 20.  Requests for Reimbursements are submitted in OOGS.  A detailed spreadsheet must be uploaded as supporting documentation.  Back up documentation, i.e. timesheets, invoices, travel charges, incentives, other receipts need to be kept in the local file and made available upon request.  Administrative costs may not exceed 10%


15  CJC believes incentives are a needed component of drug courts  DOJ is considering eliminating the use of federal funds for any incentives. CJC has adopted the current federal restrictions on entertainment and food/beverage costs.  Non entertainment items under $25 and accessible to all are allowed.  Food and beverage costs are restricted, including gift cards for restaurants, coffee shops, fast food, etc…  OJP advises allowable incentive must be low per participant. CJC recommends $5.00 - $10.00 increments. Amounts over $25.00 are not allowed.  Consider using matching or other support funds instead

16  Pages 12-23  Civil Rights Compliance  Performance Reporting  Fiscal Compliance

17  Civil Rights Law Compliance (new CJC policies & forms)  Employee Discrimination policy  Client Discrimination policy  Complaint Form  Training – to be completed by December 1

18  In addition to the CJC Progress Report in OOGS, federally funded grantees are required to complete Federal Performance Measurement questions quarterly.  Grantees will access the website directly to answer the questions. Grantees will no longer upload the questionnaire into OOGS. Federal site (PMT) is accessed at:  CJC Grant staff will provide grantees with a User ID and Password for initial sign in.  CJC will review reports for accuracy and completeness and then submit on behalf of the grantee.  Failure to report timely results in federal funds being frozen

19  Fiscal Requirements are substantial!  Tools to help with fiscal compliance:  OJP Financial Guide serves as the primary reference manual  Code of Federal Regulation (CFR’s)  Office of Management and Budget Circulars

20  Includes guidance for the following:  Procurement  Sub awarding  Program Income  Travel Reimbursements  Allowable and Unallowable cost categories  Supplanting  Matching Funds  Accounting and Auditing Requirements  Publicity and Publications

21  CJC’s monitoring approach is to build relationships, provide technical assistance and emphasize quality improvement.  Several factors will be considered when selecting a court for on-site monitoring including: source of funds, court size, multiple grants, past performance, peer review recipient, new program to CJC, etc…  At least two CJC staff will conduct the on-site visit.  Process includes answering a pre-site questionnaire, review of documentation, observation of staffing and court, interviews with key team members.  A monitoring report will follow the review and will include program strengths and weaknesses, recommendations and when applicable, corrective actions and timelines.

22  CJC has drafted a set of standards that are research-based and organized on the foundation of the 10 Key Components of Drug Courts.  CJC has developed a peer review process to assist in the alignment of Oregon specialty court programs with national best practices.  “Peers” will be trained in how to conduct the peer review and will assess another program and provide feedback about the program’s alignment with Oregon specialty court standards.  Programs will have the opportunity to learn about innovative and successful practices that have been implemented in other programs.  Only Adult Courts will be reviewed at this time.


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