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 In fall 2009, librarian Rebecca Weber received an ACITC grant to experiment with the implementation of a mobile reference service on campus.  Seven.

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2  In fall 2009, librarian Rebecca Weber received an ACITC grant to experiment with the implementation of a mobile reference service on campus.  Seven mobile reference sessions were held during the semester.  Using a Dell laptop purchased with grant funds, librarian Rebecca Weber went to several campus locations.  At these locations, Ms. Weber was set up to assist students with research questions or library-related issues.

3  Focus groups were held to determine times, locations, and interest in a mobile reference service.  A student assistant was hired to help support the instructional team, assist in promotion of the mobile reference service, and allow coverage of in-library reference service during the mobile library hours.  Photo : Jenny Mumfrey,Student Assistant

4  Twenty students were recruited for focus groups via announcements on FitForum.  There were five students per group.  Of the twenty students, fifteen were international students.  Sessions lasted about fifty minutes.  Students were given a $10 Barnes and Noble Gift Card as incentive for their participation.

5  Students were asked the following questions: ▪ Do you currently use the library reference services? (email, phone, chat, in person) ▪ How often do you use the library resources or services? Daily? Weekly? Monthly? Once or twice a semester? ▪ At what point in your research do you ask for help from a librarian or begin to use the library resources seriously?

6 ▪ What time of the day would you most likely use the mobile reference service? ▪ Where on campus would you most like to see the mobile reference service held? ▪ Would a service available in the SUB or other places on campus make you more likely to ask a librarian for help with your research?

7  Most students in the groups used the library as a place to study.  Some students indicated they did not know they could ask a librarian for assistance with research.  Graduate students were more likely to ask a librarian for research assistance.  Overall students indicated that late afternoon or early evening would be a good time to hold the service.

8  Students indicated they would use a mobile reference service if they needed it.  Groups suggested the SUB and the dorms most often as places to host the mobile reference service.  Photo : Ms. Weber and a focus group

9  Based on focus group findings and library hours, seven sessions were planned in the following locations: ▪ The Denius Student Center ▪ Olin Engineering ▪ The Crawford Building ▪ Harris Village ▪ The Applied Computing Center ▪ The Academic Support Center  Sessions were held either at 1-3 p.m. or 7-9 p.m.  For two of the sessions, librarians Ann Sepri and Nate Hosburgh accompanied librarian Rebecca Weber.  Photo: Ms. Weber assisting students

10  Announcements concerning locations and times of the Ask A Mobile Librarian service were distributed via FitForum.  Posters were created for display in the library and other campus locations.  Table tents were distributed to campus dining facilities.  Emails were sent to the class lists.  Times and locations were posted on the library blog.


12  Seven sessions were held as advertised.  Ms. Weber posted table-top signs to promote the service while on location.  Students occupying the area where the service was held were asked if they needed assistance with research.  Actual attendance of the sessions was low with two students asking for assistance and one student requesting assistance via email after having seen the Ask a Mobile Librarian poster on campus.

13  Although attendance of the sessions was low, some positive outcomes resulted from the service: ▪ Some students in the focus groups were better informed about library services after participating. ▪ A student contacted librarian Rebecca Weber and asked for assistance with her research after seeing the Ask a Librarian poster.

14 ▪ A professor arranged a library instruction session for her students after seeing the Ask a Mobile Librarian service. ▪ Other students may have used the library as a result of the posters or seeing a librarian on campus. Photo: students studying at Evans Library

15  After completing the fall 2009 sessions, the following conclusions were reached: ▪ The service should be held in one location, at a consistent time. ▪ Many students are unaware that librarians can offer one-on-one research consultations. ▪ Overall awareness of the library/library services is increased through advertising. ▪ Having a librarian hold office hours (once or twice a week) in conjunction with the Academic Support Center may be a good alternative as a continuation of this service.


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