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The Digestive System 3.5 & 3.6.

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Presentation on theme: "The Digestive System 3.5 & 3.6."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Digestive System 3.5 & 3.6

2 Image from: http://www. webmd

3 Stages of Food Processing
ingestion digestion absorption egestion

4 Ingestion teeth: physical breakdown of food
salivary glands: amylase in saliva breaks down starch (chemical digestion) tongue: forms bolus, pushes it back to pharynx esophagus: peristalsis moves bolus down

5 Digestion (Stomach) Image from:

6 Digestion (Stomach) gastric juices: hydrochloric acid + enzymes (e.g., pepsin) mucus: protects lining of stomach from damage chyme = partly digested food, water, and gastric juice that enters the small intestine

7 Digestion (Duodenum) Image from:

8 Image from: http://www. shadygroveadventisthospital

9 Digestion (Duodenum) bile (produced in liver, stored in gall bladder): emulsifies fat lipase, amylase, trypsin (produced in pancreas): digest fat, starch, protein maltase, peptidases (produced in duodenum): digest maltose, polypeptides

10 Absorption (Small Intestine)
Image from:

11 Small Intestine up to 7 metres in length (25 cm of which is duodenum), 2.5 cm wide villi & microvilli increase surface area for absorption Image from:

12 Large Intestine 1.5 metres long, 5 cm in diameter absorbs water
helpful bacteria produces vitamins K and B Image from:

13 Egestion Image from:

14 Animations Process of digestion:
Animation & Quiz:

15 Is it Art? Artist Wim Delvoye

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