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Policy 1040- Safe and Supportive Schools The Board of Education is committed to providing a safe, engaging, and supportive school climate: Behaviors that.

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Presentation on theme: "Policy 1040- Safe and Supportive Schools The Board of Education is committed to providing a safe, engaging, and supportive school climate: Behaviors that."— Presentation transcript:

1 Policy 1040- Safe and Supportive Schools The Board of Education is committed to providing a safe, engaging, and supportive school climate: Behaviors that compromise this commitment, interfere with school operations, or are otherwise contrary to the basic mission of public schools will not be tolerated. Any behaviors that interfere with or threaten the physical, emotional, mental, or academic well being of students or employees will be addressed through the application of the appropriate Board policy and the HCPSS Student Code of Conduct, even when they do not occur on school property or at a school related activity. Students, employees and third parties engaging in these behaviors are subject to disciplinary and/or legal action. Students who violate this policy may also be subject to appropriate educational interventions and/or counseling.

2 Policy 9200- Student Discipline When a student is involved in a situation which disrupts the learning environment of the school, the administration will take into consideration the following: Severity of the incident Previous violations If the offence posed a threat to others The logical relationship between the offense and the consequence Any specific consequences set by the Board of Education & their policies Alternative Education Programs Detention Restricted access Suspension In-School Suspension Short-Term Suspension Long Term Suspension In School Intervention Expulsion

3 Policy 9290- Gang/Gang Activity Gang Activity: a pattern of destructive or delinquent activity for the benefit of a group that shares a common identity. ALL Gang activity is prohibited. Violations of this policy will be put under investigation by the school administration. Law enforcement officials will also be contacted & students could be subject to criminal or other legal action. Policy 9260- Search & Seizure Authorized school officials have the right to search students, their possessions and automobiles during the school day and when school related activities are taking place. There must be a reasonable belief that the students possesses and impermissible item. Authorized school officials may search property assigned to a student for school use, such as lockers, desks, and electronic devices, at any time.

4 Policy 9270- Student Assault/Battery on Staff Any assault/battery on staff is strictly forbidden. Assault can be physical, oral or written. Battery is the unlawful touching of another person by the aggressor & involves disregard for safety of the victim. Consequences can range from Suspension (not more than 45 days) or Expulsion. Students who violate this policy are considered ineligible to participate in extracurricular activities.

5 Policy 3020- Trespassing or Willful Disturbance Trespassing– The entrance onto school property by an individual who is not identified as an authorized user of the property, and who has been given prior legal notice that entry onto or use of the property has been denied or who remains on the property once notified of the request to leave. Willful Disturbance conduct by an individual who: Willfully disturbs or otherwise willfully prevents the orderly conduct of activities, administration, or classes at a school. Molests or threatens with bodily harm any student, employee, or other individual lawfully on school property, on a school bus, or at a school sponsored event off school property. Threatens with bodily harm any employee at home by any means, including in person, by telephone, or by electronic means if the threat arises out of the scope of the employee’s employment. Criminal charges may be filed against a person for trespassing or willful disturbance.

6 Policy 9280- Students Charged with Community or Reportable Offenses Law enforcement agencies are required to report to the local school system when a student has been charged with a reportable offense. The information is then shared with the students Principal, who conducts an investigation. If deemed appropriate the student may be subject to in school discipline and/or assigned to alternative educational placement. Policy 9250- Weapons Presence of any weapons on campus is unlawful This includes any: rifle, gun, knife, or any deadly weapon of any kind. A student found in possession of a weapon on school property will be suspended and law enforcement will be notified. Possession of a gun, under any circumstance, will result in expulsion.

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