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O _______ = unequal distribution of charge o Each molecule has a __________ end and a __________ end. II. Water is Polar: Polar positive negative 1.

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Presentation on theme: "O _______ = unequal distribution of charge o Each molecule has a __________ end and a __________ end. II. Water is Polar: Polar positive negative 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 o _______ = unequal distribution of charge o Each molecule has a __________ end and a __________ end. II. Water is Polar: Polar positive negative 1

2 o Ex: Water (H2O) molecule  Oxygen is much stronger and therefore has a stronger ________________ than the hydrogen’s positive charge. II. Water is Polar: negative charge 2

3 o Because of water’s polarity, it can __________ many ionic compounds and other polar compounds such as ________. II. Water is Polar: dissolve sugars 3

4 o The water molecules also ________ to each other because of __________ (unequal distribution of charge) o The attraction of opposite charges forms a ______ bond called a _______________. o This keeps large molecules __________! o (Ex: proteins) II. Water is Polar: adhere polarity weak hydrogen bond together 4

5 1._________ = the attraction between like molecules _________________ results from the cohesive properties of water. The polarity of water causes the surface layer of water molecules to act like a stretched film over the surface of the water (______________) Ex. Water striders III. Uniqueness of Water – due to its polarity Cohesion Surface tension surface tension 5

6 2. Creeps up in thin tubes ________________ The polarity of water allows _______ to get water from the ________. Water creeps up tubes in plant roots and stems. III. Uniqueness of Water – due to its polarity (capillary action) plants ground 6

7 _________________________ Ice is _____ dense than water (ice floats) III. Uniqueness of Water – due to its polarity Expands when it freezes less 7

8 Water is Less Dense as a Solid Which is ice and which is water?Which is ice and which is water? 8

9 Water is Less Dense as a Solid WaterIce 9

10 Carbon Compounds 10

11 I. Role of Carbon in Organisms  ___________________ = compounds that contain carbon  Ex: carbohydrates, lipids, proteins  _____________________ = compounds that DO NOT contain carbon  Ex: vitamins, minerals, water Organic compounds Inorganic compounds 11

12 I. Role of Carbon in Organisms  Carbon forms ___ covalent bonds to become stable.  Can join with other carbons to form straight ________, branches or _______.  These structures may contain __________ carbon atoms.  This makes many ___________ possible 4 chains rings multiple compounds 12

13 I. Role of Carbon in Organisms  _________ = the simplest carbon compound (CH 4 )  _____________ = any molecule made ONLY of __________ and ________ atoms! Methane Hydrocarbon hydrogencarbon 13

14 II. The Digestive System  The digestive system breaks down organic compounds into their building blocks (__________).  Body cells take the monomers and put them together in the form the body can use monomers 14

15 II. The Digestive System  ________________ = extremely large compounds made of smaller compounds.  _________ = large molecule formed when many smaller molecules (monomers) bond together, usually in ______ chains.  Ex: carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, nucleic acids Macromolecules Polymer long 15

16 POLYMERS MONOMERS (building blocks) Carbohydrate_________________ Protein_____________ Lipid __________________ __________ Nucleic Acids_____________ Monosaccharides Amino Acids 3 fatty acids & 1 glycerol Nucleotides 16

17 What do athletes eat the day before a big game?  Carbohydrates:  Carb loading works because carbohydrates are used by the cells to STORE and RELEASE energy. 17

18 III. Carbohydrates  Compounds used for _________ and release of ________  Made of C, H, O atoms storage energy 18

19 3 types of carbohydrates: 1. ________________ = C 6 H 12 O 6 ________ sugar (6 carbons) Ex: _______, ________, _________  Only form our ______ can use for energy Monosaccharide Simple glucose fructose galactose body 19

20 3 types of carbohydrates: 2. ________________ = C 12 H 22 O 11 ________ sugar made of 2 simple sugars Ex: _________ (milk sugar), _________, _________ (table sugar) Disaccharide Double lactose sucrose maltose 20

21 3 types of carbohydrates: 3. ________________ = more than 2 _________________ Ex. ________ - plant’s energy storing molecule Polysaccharide monosaccharides Starch 21

22 3 types of carbohydrates:  __________ - Animal’s energy storing molecule  Energy storage in the form of _________  Found in the liver and skeletal muscle  When the body needs ________ between meals/physical activity, glycogen is broken down into glucose through ____________ Glycogen glucose energy hydrolysis 22

23 3 types of carbohydrates:  ________ - provides structure in plant cell walls (cannot be digested by human body) Cellulose 23

24 What happens to CARBOHYDRATES in the body?  Broken down by the digestive system into _________________ which are then absorbed into the body through the _____________, where the body cells take the monosaccharides and produce ________. monosaccharides bloodstream energy 24

25 Lipids & Proteins 25

26 I. Lipids  Commonly called _______ and _______  Contain ______ C-H bonds and ______ O atoms than _______________  Ex. C 57 H 110 O 6 Nonpolar; therefore repel _______ (__________) fatsoils more carbohydrates less water insoluble 26

27 27

28 I. Lipids  ____________________________:  1. ____________ energy storage (used when carbohydrates are _____ available)  2. __________  3. _________ body tissue (cushioning) Functions of lipids in your body Long term NOT Protect Insulation 28

29 Which has more energy - lipids or carbs?  One gram of _____ contains _______ as much ________ as one gram of _______________. Therefore, _____ are better _______ compounds! fat TWICE energy fats carbohydrates storage 29

30 Fats vs. Carbs & Energy Storage  1 gram of Carbs (glycogen) = about ___ Kcal of energy  A short term rapid energy source (sprint events)  1 gram of Fats = ______________ of energy  A long term energy source (endurance events – marathons) 4 about 9 Kcal 30

31 Types and Examples of Lipids:  1. _______ - steroids  2. ______ - bee, furniture, ear  3. __________ - in egg yolks  4. _____ - from animals  5. ____ - from plants Sterols Waxes Cholesterol Fats Oils 31

32 Structure of Lipids  Basic building blocks:  _______________ + ____________  _____________  Long ________________ with a __________ group at one end.  Glycerol and each fatty acid are joined to each other by 3 fatty acids 1 glycerol Fatty Acids carboxyl chains of carbon 32

33 Structure of Lipids  One fatty acid: 33

34 3 types of fats:  1. ________________ = fatty acid chains of carbon with only ________ bonds between the carbon atoms.  “__________” – cholesterol (heart disease)  _______ at room temperature  Ex: ________ Saturated fats single Bad Fats Solid butter 34

35 3 types of fats:  2. __________________ = fatty acid chains of carbon with ONE ________ bond between the carbon atoms  “___________”  ________ at room temperature  Ex: ___________ Unsaturated fats double Good Fats liquid olive oil 35

36 3 types of fats:  3. ______________________ = more than one double bond between the carbon atoms in the chain.  Ex: nuts, seeds, fish, leafy greens. Polyunsaturated fats 36

37 Structural formulas for saturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids: 37

38 What happens to LIPIDS in the body?  Broken down by the digestive system into ______________________ which are then absorbed into the body through the bloodstream, where the body cells take the fatty acids and glycerol and make needed lipids. fatty acids and glycerol 38

39 I. Lipids  _______________ = majority of fat in organism consist of this type of fat molecules  Derived from fats eaten in _______ or made in the body from other energy sources like carbohydrates. Triglycerides foods 39

40 I. Lipids  Calories ingested in a meal and not used immediately by tissues are converted to triglycerides and transported to fat cells to be stored.  Storage – 3 month supply of ________ vs. glycogen’s 24 hour supply. energy 40

41 I. Lipids  Hormones regulate the release of triglycerides from fat tissue so they meet the body’s needs for energy between meals. 41

42 Excess Triglycerides – Life Applications:  Cause plaque to build up __________________ = walls of the arteries get thick and hard; fat builds up inside the walls and slows blood flow  blood clots  heart attacks  strokes Arteriosclerosis 42

43 Excess Triglycerides – Life Applications:  ____________ high blood pressure Hypertension 43

44 II. Proteins  Large complex polymer composed of C, H, O, N and sometimes S  Monomers (basic building blocks): _____________  ___ different amino acids amino acids 20 44

45 II. Proteins  Essential Amino Acids:  ___ of the ___ amino acids are “essential” because they are required by the body but are _____ created by it.  As a result, it must be provided buy our ______. If one is missing then proper growth and repair cannot be ___________. 1020 NOT diet maintained 45

46 Functions of proteins in our body:  1. _______ contraction  2. Transport _______ in the bloodstream Muscle oxygen 46

47  4. Carry out __________ reactions Functions of proteins in our body:  3. Provide _________ (antibodies) immunity chemical 47

48 What happens to PROTEINS in the body?  Broken down by the digestive system into ___________ which are then absorbed into the body through the bloodstream, where the body cells take the amino acids and makes proteins for muscles. amino acids 48

49 Nucleic Acids 49

50 II. Nucleic Acids:  Complex polymer that stores information in cells in the form of a ______.  Monomers (basic building blocks): __________, which consist of C, H, O, N, P  These elements are arranged in 3 groups: _______________, ______________, and a _________________. code nucleotides nitrogen base simple sugar phosphate group 50

51 II. Nucleic Acids: 51

52 II. Nucleic Acids:  1. _____ (deoxyribonucleic acid) contains all the instructions for organisms development... AKA genetic information  2. _____ (ribonucleic acid) forms a copy of DNA and is used for _________ synthesis (production) DNA RNA protein 52

53 Energy of Reactions 53

54 o The key to a chemical reaction is ________! o Most compounds in living things ________ undergo chemical reactions without energy. IV. Energy of Reactions: energy cannot 54

55 o ________________ = the minimum amount of energy needed for reactants to form products in a chemical reaction. o Look at Graph A: the peak in the graph represents the amount of ________ that must be added to the system to make the reaction occur. IV. Energy of Reactions: Activation Energy energy Graph A 55

56 o All living things are chemical factories driven by _________________! o Enzymes (catalysts) need to be present in order to ________ the activation energy and allow the reaction to proceed quickly. IV. Energy of Reactions: chemical reactions reduce 56

57 o Look at Graph B: the enzyme ________ the activation energy and the product will be formed sooner! IV. Energy of Reactions: lowers Graph B 57

58 o __________ = a substance that lowers the activation energy needed to start a chemical reaction. o ________ = special proteins that are biological catalysts that speed up the rate of the chemical reaction. o Essential to life! o __________ to one reaction. IV. Energy of Reactions: Catalyst Enzyme Specific 58

59 o The reactants that bind to the enzyme are called ____________. o The specific location where a substrate binds on an enzyme is called the ____________. How do ENZYMES work? substrates active site 59

60 o The active site and substrate have _______________ shapes (lock-and-key). o Enzymes are ______ specific for the substrates that will change! How do ENZYMES work? complementary very 60

61 o When the enzyme-substrate complex forms, chemical bonds are ________ and new bonds ______ to produce the products. o Enzyme releases the _________ and the enzyme can be used again. How do ENZYMES work? broken form product 61

62 1.____ (how acidic or basic a substance is) 2._____________ Most enzymes in humans cells are most active at 98.6 o F pH & temperature will __________ (change the shape) of the enzyme so it will not be able to bond with the corresponding substrate! Factors that Affect Enzymes: pH Temperature denature 62

63 Examples of Enzymes Working: digestion replication break down 1.Helps with ___________ 2.DNA ___________ 3.Enzymes in the venom of a venomous snake ____________ the membranes of a person’s red blood cells. 63

64 Examples of Enzymes Working: 1.Hard green apples _______ because of the action of enzymes 2.Photosynthesis and cellular respiration provide ________ for the cell with the help of enzymes ripen energy 64

65 Enzymes The human body has over 1,000 types of enzymes. Each kind does one specific job. Without enzymes, a person could not breathe, see, move, or digest food. IN SIMPLE LANGUAGE, ENZYMES KEEP US ALIVE! They regulate the digestion of our food, the production of energy, the production of hormones and other important body secretions, and the destruction of foreign substances. 65

66 Examples of Enzymes In the Human Body: Amylases - Amylases break down starch chains into smaller sugar molecules. Your saliva contains amylase and so does your small intestine. Lactase – break simple sugars down into individual glucose molecules. (lactose intolerant people don’t have this enzyme) Lipases - Lipases break down fats. Cellulases - Cellulases break cellulose molecules (from plants) down into simpler sugars. Most animals don’t have these so we depend on bacteria in our gut (approximately 3 lbs) to help us do this. 66

67 Examples of Enzymes Other enzymes: Proteases and peptidases - Proteases and peptidases are often found in laundry detergents -- they help remove things like blood stains from cloth by breaking down the proteins. 67

68 Regulation of Enzyme Activity Temperature, pH, and regulatory molecules can affect the activity of enzymes. Enzymes produced by human cells work best at 98.6 o F with a pH around 7.2. Pepsin in the stomach works best under acidic conditions. Most are regulated by molecules that switch them “on” or “off” as needed. 68

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