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“The People Had A Mind To Work” Nehemiah 4:1-6,15 Philippians 2:13-16.

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Presentation on theme: "“The People Had A Mind To Work” Nehemiah 4:1-6,15 Philippians 2:13-16."— Presentation transcript:

1 “The People Had A Mind To Work” Nehemiah 4:1-6,15 Philippians 2:13-16

2 To accomplish God’s plan we must change our attitude about those who lead us. Our destiny is connected to those who lead us. God calls leaders who come with a vision, a plan and a program for our lives. They may come with equipment but God brings the workers. The Value of A Good Attitude

3 When God calls us out of the world he has a plan for our life. He therefore places us under a leader who has the equipment needed to fulfill God’s plan for our life. “For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek. For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith: as it is written, The just shall live by faith...” Rom 1:16-17. He brings us in, and causes us to fit in the body as it pleases him. Because of your gifting and my gifting, the body grows healthy. The Value of A Good Attitude

4 Nehemiah went up to Jerusalem with a vision, a plan and a program. Before he showed up, no work had been done because the people were living in disgrace. Their enemies were troubling on all sides. Nehemiah came with: A vision for the wall. A plan on how to put it back together. A program where all would be involved. The Value of A Good Attitude

5 Nehemiah’s vision was plain. The people embraced it and their attitude changed. Their depression was lifted; they lifted up their heads and they did not feel disgraced any more. They were so fired up until it only took them fifty-two days to complete the wall. When people take on the attitude to work together anything can be accomplished! The Value of A Good Attitude

6 A bad attitude causes for opposition and circumstances to hinder people from fulfilling what God has called them to do. When we work together we work smarter and not harder. We learn to put our resources together and the ability that God has given us. Prov. 11:14 says… “without wise leadership a nation falls; there is safety in having many advisers.” Prov. 15:22 says… “without counsel purposes are disappointed (dissolved, violated, frustrated).” The Value of A Good Attitude

7 However, in a multitude of counselors (consulting with one another), they are established. In a multitude of counsel there is help, deliverance, salvation, and victory. Resources are more than money. The Value of A Good Attitude

8 God placed in his house everything that is needed to make his plan work. There are natural gifted people. There are spiritual gifted people. They are both enhanced to fulfilled what ever is needed. There are doctors, nurses, writers, musicians, teachers, realtors, financial advisors, plumbers, electricians, lawyers and secretaries, just to name a few. The Value of A Good Attitude

9 We are all important and valuable people to the kingdom of God. The kingdom was designed for people to use their various skills, talents and abilities to work together. Nothing is impossible in the kingdom. The Value of A Good Attitude

10 Nehemiah’s vision to restore the wall was for the protection of his people. Nehemiah organized the people according to their profession so that the people would share like passions and ideals. For example, some families or groups worked on the gates while others worked on the wall (Neh. 3:1-32). The Value of A Good Attitude

11 The building that you are sitting in today is here because the people had a mind to work. They created an atmosphere of love, that you feel. They had one purpose in mind: to rebuild the lives of people and restore them back to wholeness. A part of God’s plan for us is to be an oasis for people to drink from and to be refreshed. The Value of A Good Attitude

12 Christ can be seen in you. The same mindset is to work together. Gen. 11:6… “the people were united, spoke the same language, whatever they set their mind to would be possible.” If they had one voice going in one direction with the same attitude they would be unstoppable. The Value of A Good Attitude

13 The day of Pentecost has come. God has again unified the church. By giving us a new tongue to speak directly to God  1cor. 14:2 By giving us a new language that builds faith.  Jude 20 This is also our new prayer language.  Jude 21 Under new authority. The tongue is powerful, sharper than any two edge sword. The Value of A Good Attitude

14 The church leader today should have the same three tools that Nehemiah had to finish God’s work: 1. A Vision 2. A Plan 3. A Program that restores people lives back to wholeness. His plan is a predetermined course of action. He has shown us a program to organize people into a structure to accomplish his objectives. The Value of A Good Attitude

15 Understanding all of these things will help us remove selfish ambitions and strife. In addition, it will help us create a new attitude about life. God will be working in us, giving us His desire and the power to please Him. Let us look within our hearts and determine what adjustments we need to make to have a positive attitude. The Value of A Good Attitude

16 “The People Had A Mind To Work” Nehemiah 4:1-6,15 Philippians 2:13-16

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