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Start to Finish: From New Word Document to Proposal Template.

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Presentation on theme: "Start to Finish: From New Word Document to Proposal Template."— Presentation transcript:

1 Start to Finish: From New Word Document to Proposal Template

2 APMP BID & PROPOSAL CON 2015 | PAGE 2 Start to Finish: From New Word Document to Proposal Template DICK EASSOM, CF APMP FELLOW

3 APMP BID & PROPOSAL CON 2015 | PAGE 3 The dilemma 1. Don’t Panic!2. Now what? What Would Wordman Do?

4 APMP BID & PROPOSAL CON 2015 | PAGE 4 What makes a Word template? Page layout: size, margins and columns Header and footer design Styles Heading numbering Focus boxes and/or callouts Graphics

5 APMP BID & PROPOSAL CON 2015 | PAGE 5 Page size, margins & columns  Read your RFP for page size and margin requirements!  Page size:  Do foldouts count as 1 or 2 pages?  A4/US letter, portrait for body of proposal  A3/US tabloid, landscape for foldouts  Margins:  1” margins all-round, or  1” margins top/bottom, ¾” margins left/right

6 APMP BID & PROPOSAL CON 2015 | PAGE 6 Columns  One column is easier than two  Graphics and captions can be inserted inline with text  No need to balance columns at the end of a section  Use borderless tables for multi-column bullet lists  However, two-column will save more space for text  Must use multicolumn with landscape formats

7 APMP BID & PROPOSAL CON 2015 | PAGE 7 Headers & footers  Header/footer distance Header and footer do not generally count as text Default distance is 0.4” from top/bottom of page RFP margins are generally “minimum” requirements  Two basic formats: The “table” format and the “tab” format

8 APMP BID & PROPOSAL CON 2015 | PAGE 8 Header contents Your logo (not your customer’s logo!) Project name Optional: project logo

9 APMP BID & PROPOSAL CON 2015 | PAGE 9 Header using the “table” format Cell aligned center right, right cell margin 0” Bottom border 2.25pt colored line Paragraph below table font height set to 6pt Header style Cell aligned left, left cell margin 0” Logo at 150ppi, PNG format

10 APMP BID & PROPOSAL CON 2015 | PAGE 10 Footer contents Solicitation number Restrictions: “Competition Sensitive” or “Proprietary” as a minimum; never “© Copyright…” Page number (a Word field) Volume number and/or name (if required) Optional: total number of pages (a Word field)

11 APMP BID & PROPOSAL CON 2015 | PAGE 11 Footer using the “tab” format 1st paragraph: 2.25pt colored top border, 3pt from text 6pt spacing before Footer style(s) Center tab at 3.25” Right tab at 6.5”

12 APMP BID & PROPOSAL CON 2015 | PAGE 12 Styles  Read your RFP to establish minimum font sizes and font face  If not stated, use 12 point Times New Roman for Body Text, Arial for Headings  Establish a minimum set of styles and a style hierarchy (parent/child)

13 APMP BID & PROPOSAL CON 2015 | PAGE 13 Your style set  Establish a minimum set of styles and a style hierarchy (parent/child)  Body Text, Theme, Bullet 1, Bullet 2, Numbered list  Headings 1 to 5  Table Body, Table Bullet, Table Header, Table Subheader  Caption, Artwork, Callout Box  Header and Footer(s)  TOC 1 to 4, TOF, TOC/TOF Header

14 APMP BID & PROPOSAL CON 2015 | PAGE 14 Parent & child styles  Parent styles are always based on “(no style)”  Prevents style corruption  Child styles are based on parent style  Changing parameter in parent automatically changes parameter in child

15 APMP BID & PROPOSAL CON 2015 | PAGE 15 Manage which styles are displayed Click Manage Styles at bottom of Styles pane Sort alphabetically to easily find styles you want to use Click Show (or Hide for styles you don’t want to use) Set priority value to list styles in order

16 APMP BID & PROPOSAL CON 2015 | PAGE 16 Add styles to Style Gallery To add styles to the Style Gallery, either: 1.Check Add to the Styles gallery on the Format Style dialog, or 2.Click Add to Style Gallery on Styles dropdown Styles are displayed in priority order, lowest first

17 APMP BID & PROPOSAL CON 2015 | PAGE 17 Limiting formatting 1.Go to Review > Protect > Protect Document (2007) or Restrict Editing (2010/2013) and check Limit formatting to a selection of styles 2.Click Settings to select styles 3.Click Yes, Start Enforcing Protection and add a password 4.Relax…

18 APMP BID & PROPOSAL CON 2015 | PAGE 18 Heading styles  Set a contrasting style to Body Text  e.g. Arial 12pt Bold, in a contrasting color to black  Manually numbered or automatic?  How any levels?

19 APMP BID & PROPOSAL CON 2015 | PAGE 19 Heading numbering ManualAutomatic  Easy to use  Easy to manage unusual numbering sequences  Heading numbers automatic  Can cross-refer to headings  Can use chapter numbers in figure captions, page numbers  Cross-references to headings must be inserted (and updated) manually  Number sequence must be inserted and checked manually  Need to manually set sequence starting number if not “1”  Need to use hidden text to manage unusual numbering sequences

20 APMP BID & PROPOSAL CON 2015 | PAGE 20 More on heading styles To set up automatic heading numbering, read Wordman 30: “Once More, By The Numbers” To create run-on headings using the Style Separator, read Wordman 14: “A Matter of Style”

21 APMP BID & PROPOSAL CON 2015 | PAGE 21 Use a floating tableUse a text box Focus boxes & callouts  Limited formatting available  Must be repositioned & resized manually if accidentally moved  No visible anchor  Full range of border, shading & effects formatting available  Easy to reposition using Text Box Tools  Visible anchor

22 APMP BID & PROPOSAL CON 2015 | PAGE 22 Text Box Tools

23 APMP BID & PROPOSAL CON 2015 | PAGE 23 Focus boxes & callouts (cont.)  Horizontal position:  Tables overlap right margin if set to align right relative the margin (not in Word 2013)  Vertical position:  Allow for header depth, otherwise aligning top relative to margin will overlap header

24 APMP BID & PROPOSAL CON 2015 | PAGE 24 Focus boxes/callouts as Quick Parts  A focus box or callout can be saved as a Quick Part using either of the methods described  Also a good technique for foldouts, section dividers, etc.  To learn how to use Quick Parts, read Wordman 35: “Time for a Quickie” 

25 APMP BID & PROPOSAL CON 2015 | PAGE 25 Methods for embedding graphics InlineFloatingFrame Floating table Text box Can contain more than one element, i.e. picture and caption text? Can height, width and location be preset? Can automatically adjust to height of graphic, with fixed width? Can contain fields, such as automatic caption numbering? Can be used on page with multicolumn text?

26 APMP BID & PROPOSAL CON 2015 | PAGE 26 Use a floating tableUse a text box Floating tables or text boxes?  No visible anchor  Must be repositioned & resized manually if accidentally moved  Visible anchor  Easy to reposition using Text Box Tools  Automatically generated caption numbers must be updated manually (select and press F9)

27 APMP BID & PROPOSAL CON 2015 | PAGE 27 And finally  Go to File > Info  Enter Title (of proposal), Company  Text restricting the use of the document can be added to the Comments  Add a password if you’re going to restrict formatting  And save as a Word Template (*.dotx)

28 APMP BID & PROPOSAL CON 2015 | PAGE 28 Questions

29 APMP BID & PROPOSAL CON 2015 | PAGE 29 For more information  Wordman archives on the APMP website:  Wordman’s Forum on LinkedIn:  Wordman on Facebook:  Wordman on Twitter: @IAmWordman  Wordman’s website:  Wordman’s email:

30 APMP BID & PROPOSAL CON 2015 | PAGE 30 Dick Eassom, CF APMP Fellow Vice President, Corporate Support SM&A Office +1.949.975.1550 Contact Us APMP PO Box 77272 Washington, DC 20013-7272 Phone: +1.202.450.2549

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