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Ms. Julie Taglauer Webpage:

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2 Ms. Julie Taglauer Webpage:

3 About your child’s teacher… I have been at WES since 2006. With St. Tammany since 1998. I have also taught in New Orleans. Started in 1988 27 years of teaching experience. B.A in English Education and M.Ed. in Early Childhood, Educational Leadership Endorsement. I have 2 daughters, 22 and 24. Both were former Pelicans! The youngest is a Halloween baby. The oldest was born on Valentine’s Day. I am structured and consistent. I establish routines and the children know my expectations.

4 How to Find Information 985.626.8842 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Parent Tab My Payments Plus There’s an app for that! St.Tammany Public Schools

5 School Hours First Bell rings at 8:15 School begins at 8:40 Tardy at 8:45 Breakfast stops at 8:40 School dismissal is 3:51 The last early checkout is 3:20

6 ELA Our curriculum comes from the Guaranteed Curriculum developed by the STPSB. Our series is McMillan – McGraw Hill. Readers are leveled. Accelerated Reader Program will begin mid October.

7 Sight Words also known as High Frequency Words (HFW) Sight words can comprise up to 75% of all reading at the kindergarten level. The less a child struggles to read a word, the higher the level of reading comprehension. They are expected to be spelled correctly. DO NOT GET BEHIND WITH SIGHT WORDS.

8 Math Our math program is from the Guaranteed Curriculum. We use a variety of methods to teach numbers, number concepts (more/less), and logical thinking. Our “Every Day Counts” calendar addresses many skills like place value, counting on, counting by 10’s, etc.

9 Differentiated Instruction Every child starts at a different level. Every child learns at a different pace. DI meets the child at his level and challenges his growth according to his development.

10 DIBELS Testing (Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills) 3 times per year Each section in a 1 minute timed test  Letter Naming Fluency  First Sound Fluency  Phoneme Segmentation Fluency  Nonsense Word Fluency Phonemic Awareness The ability to hear/discriminate/manipulate sounds

11 ELA and Math District Assessments Asessments are given at the beginning, middle, and end of the school year. ELA and Math beginning assessments are “Readiness” Assessments. ELA * Alphabet recognition * Name writing * Drawing a picture * Sounding out words Math* Rote counting * Comparing numbers * Adding on * Patterning

12 Snack time is about 10-15 minutes. No candy. Cupcakes for birthdays are served at snack time. (1:45/1:55) Try to choose a healthy snack fruit, veggies, yogurt, cheese crackers… Please pack a snack each day.

13 Transportation Any changes in transportation MUST BE IN WRITING. Write in agenda or sent a signed note. You will have to fax a letter to the office with a copy of your driver’s license if you don’t send a note. No changes will be made after 3pm.

14 Agendas Daily Folders Monday Newsletter Class Webpage ( Pelican Papers Email ( Conference Phone


16  Manners  Social skills  Language skills  Self-control  Listening skills  Ability to follow directions  Attention span developed  Level of independence

17 The purpose of discipline is to create a sense of self-control and discipline inside a person. It is a positive event rather than a negative one.  FISH Philosophy (Expectations)  Clip Chart  “Class Rules” Follow directions Feet, hands, and objects to yourself Soft inside voices/Work quietly Respect school property and property of others Work and play in a safe manner.

18  Speak positively about learning.  Make sure your child understands that school is a priority. Homework is necessary in order to finish the year strong.  Be a role model of learning by reading, writing, conversations with your child, exposure to libraries, museums, historical sites, nature walks, and other quality events.  Volunteer at WES for any of our areas of need. Library and art love having moms and/or dads to help weekly. Library will have an orientation before volunteers start.  A little help goes a long way in school.  READ, READ, READ!

19 If you promise not to believe everything that your child says happens at school, I promise not to believe everything your child says happens at home.

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