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Forschungszentrum Telekommunikation Wien An initiative of the K plus Programme Multimodal applications for mobile devices in Java Michael Pucher (FTW Vienna)

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Presentation on theme: "Forschungszentrum Telekommunikation Wien An initiative of the K plus Programme Multimodal applications for mobile devices in Java Michael Pucher (FTW Vienna)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Forschungszentrum Telekommunikation Wien An initiative of the K plus Programme Multimodal applications for mobile devices in Java Michael Pucher (FTW Vienna) Georg Niklfeld (FTW Vienna), Robert Finan (Mobilkom Austria AG), Wolfgang Eckhart (Sonorys Vienna AG)

2 Contents  Multimodality -History and types of multimodality -The importance of multimodality for mobile devices -Applications  Architectures and Algorithms -Logical design of multimodal applications -Server and client side Speech processing -Java class architecture -Multimodal Integration algorithms in Java -Parsing and Integration -Servlet/Midlet architecture  VoiceXML

3 History and types of multimodality  Multimodality research since the 1980’s  Early versus late fusion  Types of multimodality -First order multimodality which allows sequential multimodal input -Second order modality allows uncoordinated, simultaneous multimodal input -Third order multimodality allows coordinated, simultaneous multimodal input

4 The importance of multimodality for mobile devices  Multimodal communication is perceived as natural  Disadvantages of unimodal interfaces for mobile devices -Small displays -No comfortable alphanumeric keyboards -Visual access to the display is not always possible  Disadvantages cannot be overcome by increasing processor and memory capabilities

5 Applications  List selection (e.g. Adresses)  Map Navigation (Location Based Serices - GPS)  Voice mail  Car environments  Advanced call managment  Specialized applications for mobile working environments

6 Logical design of multimodal applications

7 Visual Browser

8 Voice Browser

9 Final architecture

10 Server and client side speech processing  Server based ASR and TTS  Embedded ASR and TTS  Distributed Speech Recognition -ETSI standard -Feature extraction -Compression and error detection (4800bit/s)

11 Java class architecture

12 MMAction

13 MMReaction

14 MMRule

15 Multimodal integration algorithms in Java public MMReaction[] getReactions(String id) { Transaction trans = this.getTransaction(id); trans.removeOldObjects(); ListIterator actions = trans.getAllObjects(); while (actions.hasNext()) { MMAction mma = (MMAction); ListIterator rules = ruleList.listIterator(); while(rules.hasNext()) { ((MMRule); }............ ListIterator rulesI = ruleList.listIterator(); while(rulesI.hasNext()) { ((MMRule); } ListIterator rulesR= ruleList.listIterator(); while(rulesR.hasNext()) { MMReaction[] mmreac = ((MMRule); if (mmreac!=null) return mmreac; } return null; } Handling Parsing and Integration in MMIntegrator

16 public void addMMAction(MMAction mmo) { if (mmo instanceof PointClick && actArray[0]==null) { this.intActionSize = this.intActionSize +1; actArray[0] = (MMAction)mmo; } else if (mmo instanceof PointClick && actArray[1]==null) { this.intActionSize = this.intActionSize +1; actArray[1] = (MMAction)mmo; } else if (mmo instanceof RouteShow && actArray[2]==null) { this.intActionSize = this.intActionSize +1; actArray[2] = (MMAction)mmo; } public void integrateActions() { if (this.intActionSize==3) { ShowRoute show = (ShowRoute)this.reacArray[0]; show.pc0 = (PointClick)this.actArray[0]; show.pc1 = (PointClick)this.actArray[1]; SayRoute say = (SayRoute)this.reacArray[1]; say.pc0 = (PointClick)this.actArray[0]; say.pc1 = ((PointClick)this.actArray[1]; } Handling Parsing and Integration in Route (MMRule)

17 public MMReaction[] getReactions(String id) {... while (actions.hasNext()) { MMAction mma = (MMAction); ListIterator rules = partialRuleList.listIterator(); while(rules.hasNext()) { ((MMRule); }....... Optimizing Parsing and using probabilistic information 1.Adding a probability to each MMAction depending on empirical investigations. (usability studies) 2.Calculate the probability after the integration depending either on a specific rule for each MMRule or on a global rule, using the timestamp variable of MMObject. e.g. it is likely that the SpeechCommand occurs between the PointClick commands and not before it. public void integrateActions() {... ((ShowRoute)this.reacArray[0]).calcProb(); ((SayRoute)this.reacArray[1]).calcProb();... }

18 Servlet/Midlet architecture The act method is executed in the context of a Servlet public void act(Object obj) throws Exception { ((HttpServletResponse)obj).setContentType(res.getString( "contenttype")); PrintWriter out = ((HttpServletResponse)obj).getWriter(); out.println(res.getString("xmlversion")); out.println(res.getString("vxmlversion"));..... // Print VoiceXML page here..... } The act method is executed in the context of an Applet/Midlet The Applet/Midlet implements MapInterface. public void act(Object obj) throws Exception { ((MapInterface)obj).drawRoute(pc0.getPoint (),pc1.getPoint()); } Act method of SayRoute and ShowRoute

19 Servlet/Midlet architecture

20 VoiceXML  Dialogs Sie können eine Nachricht hinterlassen eine Notiz abhören oder auf den Kalender zugreifen <submit method="get" enctype="application/x-www-form- urlencoded" next=" at.ftw.voicexml.GetVoiceXMLPageServlet" namelist="pagename" />  Grammars [ ( (?eine ?neue nachricht) ?[hinterlassen aufnehmen aufzeichnen hinterlegen] ?bitte ) { return("storemessage.vxml") } ]

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